How 2 Escape – Bunk Walkthrough Guide (Third Room)

Welcome to the bunk!

Complete Bunk Walkthrough

There are 3 riddles in this room, each one uses different skills and understanding to complete the room in time! You can take each of the puzzles in no particular order but you’ll need to resolve them all to escape!

The first puzzle is focused on the passengers’ tickets but also on their description and their rooms. For this one, logic is the key!

For the second puzzle, it’s important not to get surprised by Austrian monuments’ names. Read carefully each story to succeed.

The last one is an identikit photo riddle. Description and communication is the most important to solve this riddle.

  • Solution: Wagon Plan
  • Solution: City Plan
  • Solution: Identikit Photo

Solution: Wagon Plan

In the first part of the room you’ll find a book on a table. This book can only be opened if you enter a 2 word code. These words are two of the passenger’s names you can find on tickets.

To find them, use the codex code 1612 that’s available on the wagon plan board in the second part of the room.

The companion app player has to place each passenger in its room by using the informations available in the passengers’ book situated under the wagon plan board. Both players have to cross their informations to solve the riddle and place each passengers in their correct rooms.

Here’s the solution:

When you solve the riddle and validate it, two rooms get highlighted, room 2 and 3. When you have these names, find the tickets from room 2 and 3 to get their names! Their names are COLE and BEIL. To complete the puzzle, put these names in the book to get one of the three tickets to complete the room!

Here is to find where the tickets are:

Once that’s done, pick up the key.

Solution: City Plan

Under the plan, there is a letter with the name of a monument written on it. The companion App player have to find the widget related to the puzzle and find the page which title is this exact monument name. Each page tells a story that takes place in the city of Vienna, each story will go through various parts of the city including 8 monuments. The player on the Companion App have to tell the player in the room each of these monument by describing the drawing related to it so they can press the corresponding button in order to recreate the path of the story.

If the path is correct, a hidden drawer will open giving the player in the room another ticket to escape!

Here are the solutions:

  • Wiener Staatsoper / Parlamentsgebäude / Albertina / Hofburg / Maria Theresien Platz / Kunsthistorisches Museum / Naturhistorisches Museum Wien / Domkirche St. Stephan.
  • Katholische Kirche St. Peter / Volksgarten / Parlamentsgebäude / Naturhistorisches Museum Wien / Maria Theresien Platz / Kunsthistorisches Museum / Albertina / Wiener Staatsoper.
  • Volksgarten / Parlamentsgebäude / Hofburg / Kaisergruft / Albertina / Wiener Staatsoper / Katholische Kirche St. Peter / Domkirche St. Stephan.
  • Kunsthistorisches Museum / Katholische Kirche St. Peter / Domkirche St. Stephan / Albertina / Maria Theresien Platz / Naturhistorisches Museum Wien / Wiener Staatsoper / Hofburg.
  • Domkirche St. Stephan / Katholische Kirche St. Peter / Hofburg / Volksgarten / Wiener Staatsoper / Albertina / Maria Theresien Platz / Kunsthistorisches Museum.
  • Kaisergruft / Volksgarten / Parlamentsgebäude / Maria Theresien Platz / Hofburg / Naturhistorisches Museum Wien / Albertina / Kunsthistorisches Museum.

Once that’s done, pick up the key.

Solution: Identikit Photo

Near the bathroom there are lockers, one on which there’s a padlock, meanwhile on another there’s a photo and a note with a codex code on it. Each codex code refers to an identikit photo. The player in the room has to describe it to the companion player once they enter the codex with the correct code so they can reproduce the photo and get their surname.

Here are the solutions:

Now that the first part of this riddle is solved, tell the surname to the player in the room, they have an open book which names, surnames and dates corresponding.

Find the correct name between the 4 using the same surnames by checking your calendar and find a date that has 3 symbols on it.

The last step is to put these symbols on the padlock that’s on the locker and that’s it! Congrats! You can take the ticket and get out of this room!

Here are the solutions:

Once that’s done, pick up the key.

Congratulations, you clear the 3rd room!

Egor Opleuha
About Egor Opleuha 2153 Articles
Egor Opleuha, also known as Juzzzie, is the Editor-in-Chief of Gameplay Tips. He is a writer with more than 12 years of experience in writing and editing online content. His favorite game was and still is the third part of the legendary Heroes of Might and Magic saga. He prefers to spend all his free time playing retro games and new indie games.

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