Note this just some things i found out through trial and error.
Tips and Tricks
- This is just how to make a large amount of money once you get money gears early game.
- The best way to speed up money production before Momma gears and BFGs is to place the switch gear the a basic gear.
- Then hit Tab to place a money gear the hit tad again to place a basic gear gear on the edge of the money gear.
- The repeat until you hit the spped limit of the gears (basically spins to fast that it is registered as no longer spinning).
- This can also be done with any gear and is fairly quick.
The next best way after gearing up is down gearing (which is putting a big gear then putting a little gear on top of that basically the reverse of the previous instructions) to the money machines the more you have activated the more money they make (maybe i have not fully tested it).
I hope you found this helpful!
From what I can tell you gain maximum money from money machines by spinning them as fast as possible.
Also it seems that speed is decreased by total load past 1.
It also seems that using a larger gear to connect to a machine spins that machine faster without adding additional load.
so to get maximum money from the machines you should try to spin them as close to 1 total load as possible and using the largest gear possible connected directly to them