Cheat guide. Unlocking all perks without playing through the campaigns.
Guide to Unlocking All Perks
What to Do
- Open file:
- C:\Users\${USER}\AppData\Roaming\Kalypso Media\Dungeons 4\config-profile.cfg
- where ${USER} is your Windows account.
- C:\Users\${USER}\AppData\Roaming\Kalypso Media\Dungeons 4\config-profile.cfg
- At the end of the file you will see entries that start with campaign.
- Modify (or add if it doesn’t exist):
campaign.unlockedevilperks=evilperk_skill_tentacle evilperk_skill_callback evilperk_skill_storm evilperk_thalya_xp evilperk_demons_research evilperk_horde_research evilperk_undead_minions evilperk_general_traps_and_doors evilperk_horde_xp evilperk_undead_research evilperk_demons_damage_evilness evilperk_general_research evilperk_general_snots evilperk_general_payday_guru evilperk_thalya_health evilperk_thalya_damage evilperk_undead_turned_hero evilperk_general_evil_traps evilperk_general_damage
It should be all on a single line.

Save the file and enter the game.

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