Guide to Alfred Quests
By Skye
Important note: you need to complete all of Sifdent’s quests.
Bitey Bag
Find Alfred west of the dye workshop.

Find and snap shot a bitey bag in the rain!

Use “Run, Pear-Pal” function to find rainy weather!
Hard Sack
Find Alfred on the dye workshop stonetree.

Find a hard sack and have it face towards the camera!

You don’t have to aggro it for it to face you!
Radical Octopack
Find Alfred south of the golden fields.

Find a radical octopack shooting dark essence!

Remember to take the photo at dusk!
Caged Greed
Find Alfred at the stone crown peak.

Challenge caged greed here and catch it spinning!

On it’s last health bar, it will begin to spin at you!
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