OverMortal – Sect Explanatory Guide

Sect Explained

By EternalWolf

Sect Contribution/Citrine

    Sect Contribution

    Not very useful in MW. Used to obtain gear blue prints, alchemy formulas, hex manuals, and ploughwood seeds. Obtained from construct, demonbend abyss, sect task, sect clash, and sect duel.  See Sect Library to see what you should buy.


    Used to lvl abilities, weekly event mats, advanced knowledge and ability guides. Obtained from Obtained from mining, construct, demonbend abyss, sect task, sect clash, and sect duel. See Sect Library to see what you should buy. You should always be mining citrine. See sect barrier on how to mine citrine. You can also spend 50 fateum on sect construction to get more citrine, but this is optional. 

    Sect Hall

    You can see an overview of the sect here. There is no known max level for a sect. The max amount of sect members increases as sect level increases. Sect construction(bottom left) is used to level up a sect. 

      Note: Try to join the top sect of your server. It’ll help with getting better rewards from some sect events/activities. 

      Sect Library


      Buy the forging blue prints and alchemy formulas that you need for your realm. Always make sure you have enough to buy the blueprints and formulas for the next realm. You can buy ploughwood seeds or hex manuals if you have spare contribution. Save 13k-14k contribution for SW. You will have more things to buy in SW. 


      Buy needed ability books to upgrade abilities. Always buy advancement knowledge. You probably don’t need ability guides, but they are there if you do need them. The weekly event mats are optional to buy. You can ignore them and invest more into your abilities. However, I do recommend buying the weekly event mats since you’ll have more than enough citrine to max out your abilities by the time you hit pf. Do not buy task tokens. 

      Sect Task

      Once you start a task it completes after some time. You can level up your sect task to increase the amount of contribution you get. Don’t focus on leveling up sect task. Once you reach incarnation, you can stack up to 25 tasks. Similar to bounty you get 5 new task daily.

      Complete all purple+ quests. Since it refreshes your stacked quests each day, you should try to stack 25 task while completing all purple+ quest. Once you have 25 tasks stacked do 5 task each day(since you get 5 new tasks daily) or all purple+ quest if there are more than 5 of them. Manual refresh cost fateum, but has a higher chance of getting better tasks. 

      Sect Clash

      You fight with other sects in your sect realm. You are ranked by points obtained. Gain points by killing mobs, killing elite mobs, damaging boss, and killing members of enemy sects. There is an ally system where you can’t kill members of ally sects. You get rewards for reaching point milestones. You are also rewarded based on your individual points ranking.

      Mobs and elite mobs drop citrine when killed. Boss is the best way to gain points. Winner of sect clash becomes the realm ruler. Winner sect gets a buff to intermediate vein refreshes and celestial spring effect. Winner also gets to participate in apex. 

      Sect Beast

      Level up sect beast using beast food(obtained from demonbend abyss). Gains a minor stat bonus for leveling up. Beast blessing is useless unless the player who gains blessing is very behind. Sect beast is not very important. 

      Sect Duel

      Cross server activity between ALL sects regardless of cluster. You are matched with a sect that has similar strength as yours. Each member has 3 attempts to duel players of the enemy sect. Each win is 3 ponts, while a loss is 1 point. Defeating vanguards gets you 9 points.

      Once a player is defeated 3 times, they can no longer be attacked. Winning sect gets 2x rewards than losing sect. Rewards are contribution, citrine, and fateum. If points are tied, sect with higher BR wins. 

      Sect Barrier

      You can place your sect in a sect realm. A barrier appears and expands. There are special locations in a sect realm. If your sect’s barrier covers these locations, your sect will gain a buff. The higher the sect realm, the greater the abode bonus you get from sect realm. You can mine citrine in sect realm. Higher sect realms have better citrine veins.

      Citrine nodes are those big blue crystals. Click on them and mine. You can mine for 2 hours daily and 7 hours total in a week. Always mine for 7 hours a week. Destroying the barrier of another sect kicks them out of the sect realm. Barriers have multiple layers. It is almost impossible to destroy more than 2 layers per day. You must wait till the next day to continue. You can enter your sect realm by clicking “Go to Barrier” to mine citrine regardless of whether you meet the cultivation required to enter that realm. 


      You can place 5 people in an array. Arrays act as a single entity in sect clash. All members of an array contribute a certain percentage of their stats to the array. Array core contributes 100% of their stats and it decreases based on member position.

      Arrays do either p atk or m atk, so make sure you’re placing the right members into the correct array. Members in array gain a percentage of citrine earned from killing mobs in sect clash. Arrays must have 5 members to activate. Array core controls the array. If array core is offline, another array member controls it. 

      Demonbend Abyss

      Sect boss fight that happens every Mon, Wednes, and Fri. There are individual and sect-wide rewards. The more damage your sect does, the better rewards you get. Sect-wide rewards can be claimed from the vault tab. The more damage you do to boss, the better individual rewards you get up to a certain point. Claim individual rewards from challenge tab. 

      Sect Meditation/Sect Treasure Hunt


        Available up in MW. Go into a special realm to gain bonus passive exp for about 10 minutes. 

        Treasure Hunt

        Unlocks during first week of VB. Replaces sect meditation. A new map appears every Tues and Thurs. Every 2 hours, you gain clues of where the treasure is. You can manually find the treasure based on clues or let it automatically complete once you get all clues. Finding treasures gives you a reward. There is a chance of finding an ancient ruin which gives a bonus reward. 

        Egor Opleuha
        About Egor Opleuha 2273 Articles
        Egor Opleuha, also known as Juzzzie, is the Editor-in-Chief of Gameplay Tips. He is a writer with more than 12 years of experience in writing and editing online content. His favorite game was and still is the third part of the legendary Heroes of Might and Magic saga. He prefers to spend all his free time playing retro games and new indie games.

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