Interior Worlds – Achievements Guide

Categorised list of achievements with tips and useful information.

Normal Progression

Down The Rabbit Hole
Complete the prologue.

Lost Your Keys
Complete the Parking Garage.

Midnight Train
Complete the Metro.

Flight Delayed
Complete the Airport.

Checking Out
Complete the Hotel.

Wrong Neighborhood
Complete the Suburb.

Late Night Showing
Complete the Theater.

Class Graduation
Complete the School.

Dead Consumerism
Complete the Mall.

Finish the journey.

Taking Photographs

From start to finish, obtaining every achievement could take an hour or so. By playing the game normally and taking other photographs here and there, you may already be half-way. Track your progress in the pause menu.

Take 50 photographs.

Take 100 photographs.

Take 500 photographs.

Take 1000 photographs.

Level Secrets

Look Both Ways (Hidden)
Wandered into traffic.

Prologue. Get ran over by a car.

Let There Be Light (Hidden)
Obtain the optional flashlight.

Garage. In the back of your car, there is a flashlight that can be picked up. Take it.

Film Collector (Hidden)
Start each theater projector.

Theater. Start every projector which can be switched on by pressing 4 buttons.

Yellow Wallpaper (Hidden)
Escape the complex.

School. In the room which unlocks with the red key, containing the blue key, on the back of it, there is a wall with blood stain on it. It is a hole in the world, enter it.

After falling out of the world, you will appear in a maze. This is a partial layout, in case you get lost:

The achievement unlocks once you fall out of the maze.

Locked Doors

There are locked doors in some of the maps. Unlock codes are written on newspapers hidden on other maps along with text that hints on which map they are to be used.

Lemonal Space (Hidden)
Find the hidden party room.

Code hidden in Hotel: 738025. Unlocked in Garage.

Spraytagged (Hidden)
Find the hidden graffiti room.

Code hidden in School: 040723. Unlocked in Metro.

Prest-O Change-O (Hidden)
Find a curious room.

Code hidden in Mall: 011323. Unlocked in Hotel.

Vine Arcade (Hidden)
Find the hidden Vinesauce arcade room.

Code hidden in Garage: 051285. Unlocked in Mall.

Hidden Anomalies

Conspiracy Report (Hidden)
Find all hidden anomalies.

Take photographs of each hidden anomaly. Track your progress in the pause menu and the gallery.

Conspiracy Report unlocks Museum, where all other related achievements are obtained.

Museum Gallery (Hidden)
Complete the Museum.

Club Liminal (Hidden)
Obtain the game’s secret ending.

Cryptid Hunter (Hidden)
Complete the secret dream sequence.

After the credits, press the cryptid hunter. button in the lower right corner. If you miss it, it is possible to (please confirm) play Cryptid Hunter from the map selection. The achievement is unlocked if you win the minigame.

Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 3755 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.


  1. I was in a call when I discovered the complex lmao. It went vaguely like

    “Oh no- I’m in the backrooms now”

    “Nice, sounds fun”

    “No I fell through the wall I’m literally in the backrooms”

    “O h, you’re ACTUALLY in the backrooms”

  2. Can confirm that the Cryptid Hunder minigame can be played after the credits by selecting Explore from the title screen, then picking Minigame in the top-right.

  3. hello, I was wondering if you could put the locked doors locations in the guide. Ihave found garage and metro, but i can’t find the other two doors

    • We haven’t found the one for Prest-O but the other one you’re missing is in the mall behind a curtain on the arcade, you have to enter on the right stack of arcades, by moving a trash can

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