Kill It With Fire 2 – The 4 Potion Recipes Guide

Brewing potions is an exact science.

Guide to Potion Recipes

The basics of potions and the 4 recipes.

Potion 101

  • Brewing potions is an exact science.
  • If your potion explodes, you did something wrong.
  • Use two fires for a simmer, three for a boil. (You have to use all 4 fires for a rolling boil).
  • Use the ladle to stir.
  • Never leave the ladle in the cauldron.
  • Not all ingredients are in the room. (You have to find the other recopies to know what other stuff you need).
  • Keep an eye out for more recipes.

How to Reset Your Cauldren

  1. Leave the room.
  2. Close the door behind you.
  3. Spin three time in a circle counter clockwise.
  4. Re-open the door.
  5. You’re ready to try again.

The 4 Potion recipes

Spider Potion (Makes you a spider)

It can be found in the brewing room in the Artois Manor. Also most of the ingredients you need is here as well.

  1. Bring the cauldron to a simmer.
  2. Add an eye of newt, a butterfly wing, and a beetle.
  3. Heat at a boil until potion turns brown.
  4. Add one small mushroom.
  5. Bring to a roling boil until potion turns blue.
  6. Stir vigorously until potion turns orange.

Solution 1N-V15 (Gives you Invisibility)

On board of the HSF Vindicator. Can be seen when looking out the window in the Captains Quarters. It is written on a floating whiteboard. Use the snipers scope to read the text.

  1. Bring the cauldron to a rolling boil.
  2. Add one black cat.
  3. Reduce heat, then add another black cat.
  4. Wait until the potion turns pink, then reduce heat.
  5. Add a third cat.
  6. Reduce heat to low.
  7. Stir until potion thickens and turns blue.

Energy Drink (Makes you go fast)

Can be found in the HEM Foods and Furniture level. Its written on a whiteboard in the hallway between Home goods and the Warehouse. See location in picture below.

You have to find energy drinks to unlock the steps of the resipe.

Note: One that’s hard to find is in top of the lamps.

  1. Bring cauldron to a simmer.
  2. Add chilies until potion turns red.
  3. Increase heat to boil.
  4. Add feathers until potion turns blue.
  5. Increase heat, then add one pineapple.
  6. Turn off heat and cool until potion turns red.
  7. Return to a rolling boil and stir vigorously.

Downtown Arachnitopia

Hidden inside a building in the third island. You can se the statue and the place you start the level in the background. Most people don’t know bones so I have added them onto the pic.

Rad Cola

  1. Bring cauldron to a simmer.
  2. Add one femur.
  3. Stiruntil potion takes on a rosy hue.
  4. Add one tibia.
  5. Stir until potion darkens.
  6. Season with salt. Pepper, and the ash……….d one. (Get the urn in the longue, where you start).
  7. Boil until potion becomes dangerously green.

Both in the room.

Egor Opleuha
About Egor Opleuha 2154 Articles
Egor Opleuha, also known as Juzzzie, is the Editor-in-Chief of Gameplay Tips. He is a writer with more than 12 years of experience in writing and editing online content. His favorite game was and still is the third part of the legendary Heroes of Might and Magic saga. He prefers to spend all his free time playing retro games and new indie games.


    • The pineapple can be found in the kitchen.
      To get to the kitchen you need to use the spider potion and enter from the attic.

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