King Arthur: Knight’s Tale – How to Save File Editing and Modding Game

A guide to save file editing / “modding” your game.

Guide to Save File Editing and Modding Game


Before you do anything, backup your save files.

A single, unwanted, character or even just a space somewhere can & likely will break your save file and you are s* out of luck until you find and correct it.

So I’ll say it once more: Backup your save files.

Occasionally, after editing your save, the game will take forever and appear frozen when you try to load it, that’s “normal”, just wait.

If the game crashes, it does not automatically mean you did something wrong, just try again to load. You will notice a “butchered” file if you load one, trust me 😉

You also might get a message like “save from older version, reset before starting a mission blabla”, which you can generally ignore. Hence it is also generally advised to only edit savefiles which are saved inside camelot or on the worldmap.

Naturally you could brick your playthrough with this but I haven’t had any issues so far and it is very unlikely that any will appear.

I started fiddling with my savegame at level 10, now im mid 15 and no issues so far.

Savegame Location

The save files are located here:

  • C:\Users*yourUserName*\Documents\NeocoreGames\KA_KT\Users*SteamDigits*\Save

In here you just look for the savegame you want to edit, they will match in names on how they are named inside the game.

Right Click on the save file you want to edit and choose “open with” and choose notepad (or any similar program – I’d suggest to use notepad++).

Depending on how new or old your savegame is, in terms of actual playtime and progression in the game, it will contain more or less data and therefore lines of “code” (Who would have thought, right?).

You do not need to close the game when you edit a save file. I would suggest to do it while the game is open, this way you also won’t need to take care of potential anti-tamper measurements

Resources, Morality & Faith

The “Info.cfg” & “Adventure.cfg” section in the file should be straight forward, it’s mainly gamesettings but it also includes morality & faith and you can also edit gold, building resources and such.

If you can’t figure out how to change gold or some basic resource by yourself, you might want to stop right there and just play the game, the editing won’t get easier from here on out.

  • MordredSkin=0 – default skin.
  • MordredSkin=1 – the white skin, from twitch or some similar crap.
  • ResurrectionTokens=1 – this is how many resurrections you have available inside the crypt.

In both the info.cfg and adventure.cfg you will have values for Religin, ReligionLast and the same for morality.

Religion as well as Morale are both either normal values, for example: Religin=14 or -values, for example: Religin=-14

Normal values are for Christianity & Rightful while negative values are for Old Faith and Tyrant.

So Religin=-5 would be 5 points into old faith and Religion=5 would be 5 into christianty.

You need to edit both values in adventure.cfg aswell as info.cfg for it to work.

You can ignore the ReligionLast / MoralityLast variables.

Bring back dismissed heros & freely exchange roundtable with aspiring heros

Important: Before you move or bring back a hero these ways, make sure they are not inside any facilities and also have no court titles or “jobs” assigned!

You can do this easily ingame, or alternatively, make sure that “CurrentlyTreated=” and “Title=” are blank inside the save file.


Again, most should be obvious on what they do.

  • xp=11364 -if you want to max level your hero just put 999999 or something and gain some XP, if you just want to do a few levels you are better off duplicating XP tomes (more on that in the next section).
  • Injuries= – if you remove everything after = your hero has no more injuries.
  • DeadHero= – 0 = alive and kicking, 1 = inside the crypt.
  • IdleHero= – 0 = active and inside the roster, 1 = in the aspiring hero tab.
  • This allows you to move a hero from your roundtable / roster into the aspiring hero area or vice versa, however make sure you actually have free slots.
  • damaged= -same as with injuries, if it has any value remove it and the hero is healed.

We can also re-recruit heroes which we previously dismissed:

Look for “Tags=Dismissed” , remove Dismissed so it just says “Tags=” and choose with the IdleHero=0 or 1 where you want them to appear. (again, make sure you actually have free slots)

This usually works, however sometimes it doesn’t…

…But there is a second way to bring back dismissed heroes:

Again, look for Tags=Dismissed, remove dismissed so it just says “Tags=” and this time also change “DeadHero=0” to “DeadHero=1” and change “Killer=” to “Killer=LostKnight”

The hero should now spawn in your crypt and be ready to be resurrected (remember: you can also edit the amount of resurrection tokens you have)

You can also “give” yourself heros which you haven’t met yet or can’t recruit. Its also possible to replace a existing hero with a different one.

I haven’t tested this much yet but technically all you need is a blank HeroSaveData sheet, so just copy Sir Mordred’s HeroSaveData, remove all LearnedSkills & equipment and Change “HeroType” to the hero you want, the names are usually just how the hero is called, without spaces.

Though with this I would say, unless you are already in the endgame mode, that you are riding a fine line between it works but the question is just for how long.

Add or Duplicate Items

Under “Inventory” you will have a list of all the items you got in your inventory.

To add an item, first look if you already got one of it and add the new one right below the existing one.

If you don’t have one already, it should not matter where you put it (I think), but I would generally put it last.

Here are the important tomes:

  • ItemName=Tome_resetskills
  • ItemName=Tome_removetrait
  • ItemName=Tome_resetloyalty
  • ItemName=Tome_xp
  • ItemName=Tome_skillpoint

Note: here I’m pretty sure the game only ever drops a single one in act 1.

So just add these lines:


And exchange ItemName= with whatever tome you want, as tomes don’t stack leave the stackCount at 1.

You can also add items this way, however as items are named like this: Jewelry_T3_U_3 or TH_Accessory_T3_R_1 it’s near impossible to know what you are getting unless you know what it is already, hence already having one it in the game. But I guess one could just change the numbers and see what comes out.

You can also add items directly to your hero, if you look for “Equipment=” and just add them there.

Changing loyalty and moving/duplicating essence buffs.

Under “HeroSaveData” you can change the loyalty by finding the hero you want to change it for and then look for:


and change it to:

EventBonus=10 (or whatever number you want)

You can also move or duplicate essence buffs:

You might want to unequip all other gear to make it easier.

Again, look for the hero you have used the essence on and under “Equipment=” you will see the values for the essence, they usually start with: “AM_Consumable”, from here you can freely move or duplicate these to other heroes.

Keep an eye out for the ; dividers, they are strangely placed and sometimes need an , and other times an ; to end, randomly – which is why unequipping all other gear isn’t a bad idea.

Egor Opleuha
About Egor Opleuha 2274 Articles
Egor Opleuha, also known as Juzzzie, is the Editor-in-Chief of Gameplay Tips. He is a writer with more than 12 years of experience in writing and editing online content. His favorite game was and still is the third part of the legendary Heroes of Might and Magic saga. He prefers to spend all his free time playing retro games and new indie games.


  1. Found those item id’s by poking around. Please note, that I didn’t list all item buffs, only those that I’ve found important. Also, t2-5 and above items have lvl requirement of 5, 10, 15 and 20 respectively.
    ItemName=Accessory_T2_R_4 15% chance for 2x damage, +2 damage for basic melee attack
    ItemName=Accessory_T4_R_1 15% kill threshold +5 burning damage + 2 turn burning duration
    ItemName=Accessory_T4_R_2 15% chance for 2x damage, 6 max weapon damage 3 loyalty
    ItemName=Accessory_T4_R_7 1 ap, 4 weapon damage
    ItemName=Accessory_T5_R_2 8 weapon damage
    ItemName=Accessory_T5_R_4 10 damage in a duel, 15% chance for 2x damage, detected from -1 tile

    ItemName=ET_Provision_T5_R_2 15% chance for 2x damage, 10 damage for backstabs, 8 weapon damage

    ItemName=ET_Oathstone_T4_R_1 2 tiles shield charge, 6 dmg after movement skill, 8 dmg against knocked down
    ItemName=ET_Oathstone_T5_R_1 7 damage for basic melee attack + some other bonuses

    ItemName=LuckyCharm_T1_R_1 2 weapon damage
    ItemName=LuckyCharm_T2_R_2 50% weapon damage for an enemy within 5 tiles of primary target
    ItemName=LuckyCharm_T3_R_1 3 damage for “shoot”
    ItemName=LuckyCharm_T3_R_2 1 tile range for range skills, 3 weapon damage

    ItemName=ArmourHeavy2_T3_R_1 Turn to attacker upon hit, 2 armour, 2 ap for the first turn
    ItemName=ArmourHeavy2_T3_R_3 reflect 4 damage
    ItemName=ArmourHeavy2_T4_R_3 reflect 8 damage

    ItemName=Mace_T1_R_3 15% for 2x damage, first attack guaranteed max damage
    ItemName=Mace_T2_R_3 4dmg for basic melee attack

    ItemName=ET_Sword_T3_R_1 15% chance for 2x dmg, 3 weapon damage, 3 maximum weapon damage
    ItemName=ET_Sword_T4_R_1 15% dmg for each spell since last attack, 5dmg b
    ItemName=ET_Sword_T5_R_3 6dmg for backstab, 14dmg for backstab vs poisoned

    ItemName=ET_2hAxe_T5_R_3 15 dmg against unharmed, 15% kill threshold, 10 dmg in a duel, 4 loyalty

    ItemName=2hMace_T3_R_3 7dmg for area attacks, 7dmg while outnumbered, 5dmg for cleave
    ItemName=2hMace_T4_R_2 8dmg for basic attacks
    ItemName=2hMace_T5_R_2 15dmg vs nharmed, 4dmg for kill, 8dmg for power attack
    ItemName=2hMace_T5_R_3 1ap, 10dmg in duel, 8dmg for 2t for kill

    ItemName=ET_Jewelry_T3_R_1 -1cd for fire skills, 4 damage vs burning
    ItemName=ET_Jewelry_T4_R_1 12 dmg in a duel, 5 dmg for backstabs
    ItemName=ET_Jewelry_T5_R_2 2tiles for ranged skills, 8dmg vs units 6 tiles away, 8dmg while disengaged, 10 from cover

    ItemName=ET_ArmourMedium1_T3_R_1 1 ap, 2ap for 1st turn, 1ap if hidden

    ItemName=Artifact_T4_R_2 -1cd for hexes, -1cd for slowing hex, 26% hex intensity

    ItemName=Staff2_T2_R_1 1 ap
    ItemName=Staff2_T3_R_2 2 tiles range, 2 turn burn duration
    ItemName=Staff2_T4_R_2 1 tiles range, 3 dmg for each kill, 6 damage for area attacks
    ItemName=Staff2_T4_R_3 10 dmg vs slowed, 6 dmg while disengaged
    ItemName=Staff2_T5_R_1 11 dmg vs vulnerable, 10 dmg vs slowed, 8 dmg for area attacks

    ItemName=Trophy_T2_R_1 15% kill threshold, 3 weapon damage
    ItemName=Trophy_T3_R_1 5 weapon damage
    ItemName=Trophy_T4_R_1 8 dmg for basic melee attack
    ItemName=Trophy_T5_R_1 15% kill threshold, 12 dmg for power attack, 6 vs unharmed, 4dmg for each kill
    ItemName=Trophy_T5_R_2 2 ap, 2map, 8dmg for area attacks

    • Do you by chance know the ItemName for that accessoire that gives the ability to cast bone ring?

    • Found it! You can find the names for ALL items in the game in steamapps/common/King Arthur Knights Tale/items/generateditems.cfg

  2. I am having the same issue as stated above. After editing a save file, the game is slow to load and said file cannot not be found in the “Load” menu of the game.

  3. I am following your guide and for some reason editing the saved data file is not working as of 7/23/22. In fact when I change the Autosave file and run the game it is slow to load and the Autosave does not appear as an option, only the AutoBattleSave.

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