Knock On The Coffin Lid – Classes Tier List

Classes Tier List with Explanations

By Lanx.

This is my tier list after playing all the classes and beating all the challenges for the elevated classes. I didn’t really ever do any runs with the elevated classes so this is what I think of the default classes.

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SS+++ Tier

Fox’s Apprentice – Completely busted strong, maybe she doesnt do as much damage and some other classes with the right cards, but you need literally 0 cards or gear to complete the run. You just get a ton of connection then summon the fox and 100-200 bleeding kills everything, and her cards draw more cards? Insane. If you get just one card that adds connection in a big burst the run is over, just skip to the final boss. Like the arrow that adds connection for damage done or the one that adds connection for cards in hand. One time I was playing her and one of the challenges was you die instantly in 5 turns, unless you drink a consumable and it adds 5 more turns. I didn’t even realize you could drink a potion to get more turns until the final boss where I had to mouse over it because I thought I might not actually end the fight in 5 turns. You could just do every fight until then in 5 turns.


Gold Digger and Boar Tamer. Both really fun and have really cool builds.

Boar Tamer was my fastest run to the end ever in 39 minutes because there isn’t a lot to think about, you just upgrade her starting attacks, get evasion or immunity then shoot stuff for big number. A fun combo was getting the one card that gives you immunity for HP and an extra pet summon, bone bow for adding HP, then trick and trump card. You can just pop the boar out every turn use trick and trump to draw the cards you need from the discard pile, then continue to shoot stuff for a ton of damage. Trick, Trump card, and pass are amazing cards. I felt like most of vanadis’ legendary cards were kind of bad and should be made common cards, and these 3 cards made into legendaries.

Gold Digger is great you can stack gold, find ways to get more gold, get debuffs for damage, copy cards in your deck, then wallet strike something for like a bazillion damage. Also block builds work on him the best because you can get block for gold with your starting card, and that one talent that gives you block for every gold you gain. Gold digger is very versatile and has a lot of builds.


Raven’s Apprentice, Turnskin, Madman and Veteran.

Raven Lady can stack a ton of fire with that one card flame and you can 1 shot the final boss with like 3000 flame doubling or tripling burning several times a turn.

Turnskin has that one class item axe of blood and if you use that with fluted axe, you don’t even need strength you can just get so much bleed built up that you are hitting for a bazillion. I think this is the only class I played where strength didn’t matter and during the challenges you lose strength on every hit over 30 I was hitting for like 150, with -20 strength on him and it was great. Axe of blood is a really great item I wish more classes had access to it with the class bonuses. It made a lot of alternative builds to just stacking strength viable it would be cool if other Bjorn classes had this item for the builds it opens up.

Madman is fun if you can control your HP double turns are really really strong obviously and playing at super low hp is really fun.

Veteran is here in this tier because he can go infinite easily but I hated playing him every time because I had to think too much and remember what card I played last turn. Maybe veteran is a tier higher but damn do I hate remembering what I did last turn every time. I felt like a really dumb sherlock holmes trying to deduce what I did 25 seconds ago.


Honeybadger’s Ally, Lunar druid, Stray, and the starting default class versatile. All really fun classes nothing super bad about them just not as strong as some builds on the others.

The Honeybadger is good and plays a lot like versatile where you just stack strength and balm and become a meat shield. If I was designing the game I would have made this the first class you unlock for vanadis because it plays a lot like versatile. You just kill things kind of slow because most your attacks are 2 cost, and you don’t have access to a ton of card draw.

Lunar Druid – Super fun to do healing builds and very strong with his lunar druid set. I really liked the armor that gave you strength and block every time you are attacked because you are such a meat shield. He is a tier lower because his class items, don’t really give card draw and you need card draw on Bjorn. Especially from gear. Also claws take up 2 weapon slots and I hated that so its another negative for his class items. All the claws felt half as powerful because you lose 2 weapon buffs. I wish the claws were either, one handed, or all their buffs were double strength from where they are now. And one of his class items removes balm which unless you have the full set bonus feels like a huge negative. Full lunar druid set is A+ tier but until you get there the pieces don’t really work great together. The chest piece is really good as a solo item though.

Stray, not much to say here he’s like the other lycans but without adding curse cards. I never really got to use the ashen cards from his class items, because I almost never went into madman during his runs, except for that challenge where madman happens with like 2 eternal thirst, and on that run I didn’t get them so I don’t really know what 2 of his class items do with ashen cards. Also the lycan doesn’t have a ton of ways to return burned cards so the ashen class item cards feel very situational. He needs more options as a class to return burned cards, and be able to build around PLANNING to go into madman then I think he’d be better.

Versatile – He’s just pretty good you build block, you build strength, whats not to love. A really good introduction to the game. Champion strike being available to Persival should probably put him a tier higher because champion strike is too good compared to everything else.

Knight Tier

Knight – You don’t really get allies during challenge runs and mercy doesn’t work a lot. Also you need to keep the ring equipped for it to work. No other class has required gear to start out for their class abilities. Honestly felt like the ring is just 80 gold at the vendor as a bonus because of how finnicky allies are. So the class doesn’t really have bonuses except the knight set, which is strong and makes you scale. But unlike other classes you have to collect a set of gear to get bonuses. Not a fan of him.

If he could get allies of like crazy strong enemies that’d be cool. Like taking a demon dog to the final fight, or a big orc, but other than that you mostly just replace the ring anyways because you need more energy or a set bonus to finish the game. So it feels like you are playing a class without any class bonuses, and subpar cards that buff allies when you don’t even have allies.

Some Notes

The Bjorn starting weapon that gives you 5 strength per turn shapeshifted was too good, I took it to the end with me every single challenge run except two. The run where I lost strength every attack on the turnskin, so I used axe of blood and fluted axe, and the lunar druid run where I got the full 5/5 set. The starting weapon snake fang is not good at all, and I usually removed it before doing the first fight, or got frustrated at myself for not removing it before the first fight and removed it before the second fight. I think the starting axe he has now should be either a set of claws so its 2 handed, and then you can find the 1 handed version of + 5 strength per turn as a legendary drop. Instead of snake fang I would have liked a challenge reward that was like starting armor or something.

I was also very sad that set bonuses don’t carry over to pets. I feel like the honeybadger ally is the absolute best thing ever for a full set of barbed gear, but you never use it because your hero won’t be attacked and buffs from gear dont apply to pets, unless the honeybadger dies, then its usually GG. My runs on the honeybadger were usually just my hero in whatever random gear, and with a sharp axe common item so I could inflict weakness on enemies. Even the sword of weakness effect didn’t work with the honeybadger which felt underwhelming. A common axe inflicts weakness but the rare sword of weakness does not? Since the honeybadger is so focused around being OUT and staying out or the run is over, it would be nice if maybe the class features for it were “gear bonuses no longer apply to the hero and instead apply to the pet” for the honeybadger ally.

Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 3756 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.

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