Table of Contents
Item Drops Guide
By Lanx.
This guide is to record what events drop what equipment.
Persival (Versatile)
- Shackles
- “Troll and the Tamer” boss fight in the Frontier
- Defeat the Troll and the Tamer
- Bear Spirit Armour
- “Down with the idols” event in the Frontier
- Choose to help the dwarves
- Help the elves and pick the “gain an item” option at the totem
- Dwarven Boots
- Random loot
Persival (Gold Digger)
- Golden Armour
- “Marauder” event in the Frontier
- Fight the bandit and win. Search the corpse.
- Luxurious Boots
- “Swamp fever” event in the bog
- Choose to steal the shoes
- A Thief’s Knife
Persival (Knight)
All random loot:
- Knight’s Amulet
- Knight’s Armour
- Knight’s Helmet
- Knight’s Shield
- Knight’s Sabatons
- Knight’s Sword
Persival (Veteran)
- A Poisoned Blade
- Random loot
- Light Boots
- Random loot
- Eye Patch
Spry Elf Set
- Elven Boots
- “Ferocious bear” event in the Frontier
- Defeat the bear then search the elf’s corpse
- Elven Crystal
- Guaranteed loot from Druid boss in the Frontier
- Elven Sword
- “Dead elf” event in the frontier
- Loot the elf
- Events with elven gear:
- Elven Hospitality
Thunder Mountain Set
- Dwarven Grog
- “Guard outpost” event in the Frontier
- Defeat the veteran dwarves
- “Guard outpost” event in the Frontier
Crimson Set
- Carving Set
- Drops from Anthony the butcher event in the swamp
- Trophy slot item
- Desecrated Bloody Spear
- Drops from the “Ritual” event with the death servant in the swamp
- Choose “stab the leg” option to receive this item guaranteed
- Weapon slot item
- An upgraded version of the crimson spear set item
- Drops from the “Ritual” event with the death servant in the swamp
Cursed Set
- Description of rituals
- Drops from the “Ritualist” church event in the swamp
- Trophy slot item
- Cursed boots
- Drops from “Dying bandit” event in the first zone
Demonic Set
- Demon’s eye
- Drops from the spawn of illusions in the final zone
Crimson Steppe Set
- Spearhead
- Drops from the Orc spearman in the Desert
- Trophy slot item
Bandit Set
- High Goblin Collar
- Drops from the Shaman Goblin Boss who summons worms in the desert
- Trophy slot item
Barbed Set
- Burning Set
- Burning armor, inscribed
- “Armored zombie” guaranteed drop
Elven Armour Set
This is the most OP set in the game. If you can pick up 5/5, you’re almost invincible.

Class Items
Boar Tamer
- Partisan Bow – Unknown. Have not discovered.
- Circlet of Death – “When dealing damage exceeding the target’s health, the excessive damage restores Vanadis’ health”. Not sure what that means, honestly. Have only found in shops.
- Target – “Adds a random breach card to hand each turn”. “Elf sharpshooter” guaranteed drop
Fox’s Apprentice
- Composite Bow
- Armour of Invincibility
- Boots of Weakness
Raven’s Sister
- Raven Amulet
- Raven Armour
- Raven Bow
- Raven Hood
- Raven Boots
Honey Badger’s Ally
- Medal
- Guaranteed drop from “Champion” boss in the frontier
- Fox Hat
- Amulet of Death – “Upon pets death, gain an extra summon. Once per battle”
Lunar Druid
- Crystal: guaranteed drop from Elven Druid boss in the frontier
- Other parts of the set are random drops
Miscellaneous Items
- Heather
- At the marauder event release your pet into the field as vanadis
- Can also be found killing the golem
- “A common heather, a basic alchemical ingredient”
- Soul taker
- Common sword – drops from the desperate scout while playing as Bjorn(needs to be verified might drop from other places)
- “If you did not take damage during the last turn draw a backstab(makes attacks free)
- Ghoul Finger
- Kill the scavenging crypt ghoul in the rotten bog
- Trophy slot item
- “When drawing a curse restore 10 hp and gain 2 strength”
- An absolute game winner for the bjorn and persival challenge runs that add curses, use this in conjunction with cursed boots to win the challenge.
- Elixir of Growth
- Consumable slot item
- Drops from the elixir of growth event in the desert with the big fat goblin
- Gain 50 hp, and increase maximum hp by 50. Gain 3 strength until the end of the game.
Starting Forest Boss Drops
Left Path Boss
- Elf Druid
- Drops The crystal, part of the elf set
- Trophy slot item
- When playing the lunar druid, it is part of the lunar druid set
- Drops The crystal, part of the elf set
- Elf Knight and Squire
- Medal
- Trophy slot item
- At the start of the battle gain 10 gold for each battle won. Each won battle upgrades a random card in the deck.
- Alternative class item for the Honeybadger’s ally class
- Medal
- Elf Bear Rider
- Rope of heads
- Trophy slot item
- “Gain 50 health, upon taking health damage steal 2 strength from the attacker” also adds some curses to the deck
- Rope of heads
Right Path Boss
- Philly and Killy
- Troll Tamer
- Drops the shackles
- Trophy slot item
- Adds burden curse cards to deck and when burden is drawn gain strength
- Drops the shackles
- Dwarf Boar rider
- Bear cape
- Trophy slot item
- “Lose 5 hp per turn and gain 2 strength”
- Bear cape
Desert Boss Drops
- Armadillo
- Armadillo Shell
- Trophy slot item
- Gain 12 armor
- Shield Bearer and Shaman
- Worm Summoner Shaman
- High Goblin Collar
- Trophy slot item
- High Goblin Collar
Rotten Bog Boss Drops
- The Mite queen(spider boss)
- Mite Queen’s Hair
- Trophy slot item
- Class effect 1: If a curse is drawn deal 10 damage to all enemies, adds some curses to deck
- Class effect 2: At the start of the turn, puts a random card from the discard pile into hand
- Mite Queen’s Hair
- Keeper of the Cult
- Grimoire of Mite
- Trophy slot item
- At the start of the turn restore 10 hp and burn all status cards in the draw pile
- Grimoire of Mite
- Werebearpig “Thing”
- “The snout”
- Trophy item
- Reduces damage taken by 50% but adds some curses to the deck
- “The snout”
Demon Bosses Boss Drops
- Keeper of Illusions
- Mother of Imps
- Imp’s tongue
- Trophy item
- Playing a card draws 1 and discards 1 and a class specific bonus +energy, card draw, etc.
- Imp’s tongue
- Keeper of Fear
- Demon’s skull
- Spawn of Illusions
- Gatekeeper
- Fat Demon
- Advisor’s Amulet
- Trophy Slot item
- Increase maximum HP by 10 each battle gain a random demonic gift
- Advisor’s Amulet
- Unholy Idol
- Attack the Idol instead of upgrading cards to start a fight with the demon
- Blue Fire
- Trophy Slot item
- Increase maximum HP by 50, when taking damage from attacks and skills, add a Chains Of Curse to the draw pile, draw 1 extra.
- Chains of Curse(On Bjorn)
- Curse Card
- If Drawn add a scourge of lycan to the discard pile
- Curse Card
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