Last Resort Island – Monster Comboooo Achievement Guide

This guide will show you what you need to do to obtain the Monster Comboooo Achievement.

How to Obtain Monster Comboooo Achievement

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Level Selection

This achievement can be done possibly in almost any level with a bow although I would advise in going for the first level that has a bow since you get a bow at the start and it’s not a big map which allows for an easier manipulation of the grid and doesn’t contain any zombies that may block your power ups.

So I would start by choosing Level 25.

Starting Move

The first move that you should do is what the tutorial is telling you. to complete a match 3 at the bottom so the bow can fall and you get it unlocked. You only need 1 bow, so unlocking the second one is optional although it can be useful for desesperate situations where you have very few turns left or you need to move certain pieces a row down.

After unlocking the first bow, DO NOT click on it or else you will be forced to use it. Instead click on Finish Tutorial.

Obtaining the Rockets

Now the hard part, you need to obtain 2 rockets.


  • Obtain 1 rocket at the time (do not activate it once you have 1 unless you have no other option).
  • Try to move the 2 rockets to the lowest row since it will be easier instead of trying to get them in a higher one (Unless you can easily put them together in a higher one).
  • Destroy the stone to get more space to create rockets and move them down.
  • Obtain the second bow to help in removing certain rows under you to create rockets or to move them down.
  • If you have bombs or the zapping powerup do not activate them if they will affect the rockets, if you see for example a bomb that is higher than the rocket but later on it will move down close to it, make it explode before that happens.
  • Check for an abundant color and try to not do matches of that particular color, instead try to do for other colors so it will be easier to create rockets.
  • If you see for example an L shaped missing only the corner or a row with 4 of the same symbol missing just the middle one, try to only do matches that won’t affect that layout and keep doing til the correct symbol appears so you can move it to the right spot and obtain the rocket.
  • If you are almost getting a rocket but the final move to do that will create instead a zapping powerup, try to match the pieces first of the zapping, to avoid that.

As you can see in this case, when I move the sugar cane down, I will obtain a rocket, I had first to do match ups above to obtain the sugar cane in that exact spot.

Finishing Move

Once you get the 2 rockets lined up, you will just have to click on the lower left corner for the Bow and use it on the row with the 2 rockets and voilá.

You will unlock the achievement. In my case since it was the last achievement, I got 2 trophies.

Hope this helped, since it was the only achievement that I had to actively try to do it since the other ones I got them just by playing normally.

Egor Opleuha
About Egor Opleuha 7612 Articles
Egor Opleuha, also known as Juzzzie, is the Editor-in-Chief of Gameplay Tips. He is a writer with more than 12 years of experience in writing and editing online content. His favorite game was and still is the third part of the legendary Heroes of Might and Magic saga. He prefers to spend all his free time playing retro games and new indie games.

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