Lethal Company – How to Cope with Any Difficulties

Have you ever said to yourself that lethal company is the dark souls of horror games? Have you ever wanted to become a multi-millionaire of scrap without having to put any efffort into it? Well after reading this guide, you’ll **** your pants and kill your roommate over the single tip you need to know to completely negate anything this game has to offer, challenge wise.

Guide to Deal with Any Difficulties

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Guard Rails

No buildup required to tell you how important guard rails are. Not only do they prevent you from falling to your demise, but they also work as enemy repellent. Because for some reason, the enemies become retarded the moment you hop on a guard rail.

Heres a demonstration:

As you clearly see. The monster is so dumbfounded, that he looks around in case any of his friends saw him in such an embarrassing predicament, then disappears upon realizing the coast is clear. The guard rails completely prevented him from having a neck to snap. And as a result, me and my friend were able of making it back home with our delicious apparatus.

Who else does this work on, you may ask?


Thumpers (this is why I say ‘i won’t make you fall off this time’ in the video. Because the last time I found a thumper, me and my friend did the guard rail method. But out of pure fear, I jumped over the monster, and pushed my poor poor friend off the guard rails and down to his demise).

  • Poison dudes (they don’t even attack you that much anyway, so whats the point)

Tbh creatures aka horder bugs (unless the guys start flying which in that case start running).

Now, while the guard rails may seem good. They’re not “universal” in terms of use. So lets get onto the creatures that aren’t effected by guard rails.

  • Spiders (they can climb walls. Thats all you need to know in order to realize that guard rails can’t save you).
  • Giants (I don’t think I need to tell you why. And besides, the only guard-rail that a giant can be near is your ship. Which in that case, just get inside).

Those weird bird dudes they added this update (they’re birds. They can fly. Don’t **** interact with them).

  • Ghost girl (why would you be on a guard rail over a slow-as-**** ghost girl. By the time it reaches you, the ship has already flown away due to autopilot. Don’t even bother.)
  • Bees (Do I Need to Tell You Why?)
  • Big **** worm (they’d eat the guard rails and you).
  • Slime (they have a pretty big radius and even then you really shouldn’t have to use guard rails to escape these dudes because by the time they reach you, the ships already flown away.)
  • Facehuggers (it depends on if they are, for some reason, on top of the guard rails. in that case, run away. if not, maybe you’ll be alright).
  • Deaf dogs (I’ve literally had one of these things go through my ship and up on top of it only to then one shot me. I don’t think guard rails are gonna save you if you piss off these dudes.)
  • Jester (got a pretty big head, can probably bite you off the guard rails).
  • Other players (they should be intelligent enough to get up on guard rails).

Despite the large portion of monsters that aren’t effected by the tactic. These are monsters you’ll largely not encounter. And even if you do encounter them. You’re either already dead, or on your way out. And some of these aren’t even threats. Like the slime, bees, bird dudes, and (maybe) spiders. So don’t be discouraged by the guard rails.


As it turns out, pipes are used for more than natural annoyances and “making the world feel more lively”. They have collision, which you can use to your advantage to “hide” (become invincible) to most if not all monsters (depending on how generation made a pipe network).

While I have no video nor photo evidence of my own pipe journeys. You can easily find your own by hopping in a fresh save file and finding a pipe that you can hop on. Then pissing off a thumper or something and hopping on it. Then seeing as the thumper simply can’t do **** against you.

Unfortunately, this method isn’t as good as the guard rails. The main reason why is due to the fact that pipes are completely rng reliant on how they’re formed. This sometimes causes pipes to be in midair, which may sound useful. But actually isn’t because you can’t hop on it then lmao

So if you have guard rails nearby. Use guard rails. But if pipes are your only option. Then pray that you got good rng and “hide”.

Future Warning for People Who Use These Methods

Due to how overpowered the tactic is, it’s pretty believable to assume that it’s gonna get patched sooner or later. So expect in some updates from now that guard rails are no longer the god spots that they used to be.

Or, alternatively, they’ll always be god spots and it’ll completely jeopardize the games difficult no matter what enemies you face.

Egor Opleuha
About Egor Opleuha 6882 Articles
Egor Opleuha, also known as Juzzzie, is the Editor-in-Chief of Gameplay Tips. He is a writer with more than 12 years of experience in writing and editing online content. His favorite game was and still is the third part of the legendary Heroes of Might and Magic saga. He prefers to spend all his free time playing retro games and new indie games.

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