Little Goody Two Shoes – How to Get All Endings in Single Run

Scuffed notes I took for a run that is capable of getting all 10 endings.

All Endings Guide

General Advice

  • Sell all the junk items marked as having some value.
  • Always make sure you actually get the heart piece at the end of a date, incorrect choices will prevent it.
  • Always grab the daily 2 free bread from Lebkuchen in the evening.
  • You can get most (all?) achievements along the way but I won’t be documenting all of those, keep an eye on the game’s achievement list – the most annoying one is probably getting max suspicion, you’ll have to farm it basically any time there’s a choice that affects it if you’re trying to go for that while also doing the achievement for bribing Muffy every day (Muffy item requests in order: Bread, Pretzel, Grape Juice, Lebkuchen, Hearty Soup, Apple Strudel).
  • I didn’t list any of the events for making the bread/nectar, make sure to stay on top of that (particularly the events marked with exclamation marks (!) on your map around the time you’re trying to make the bread).
  • Do a task when neither a date nor the time-forwarding story are occupying the current time slot, S ranking them is ideal for more money (and the achievement) but you probably won’t run out of resources if you average an A or so, even doing all the resource intensive tasks like feeding Muffy and doing the ending #4 requirements which drain sanity a lot.
  • After a certain point the dates with girls are scheduled automatically, for the first couple days make sure to find them in the morning to initiate the later date.


  • Morning: Do crossroads cave after picking up the paper in the church.
  • Grab free pretzel on the stairs of the bakery.
  • Freya and Rozenmarine date, but talk to Lebkuchen after church anyway for free pretzel.


  • Morning: Sidequest in an alley in town for free grape juice.
  • Lebkuchen date.


  • Morning (after story event): do old windmill.
  • Freya and Rozenmarine date.
  • Dusk: Sidequest at the well for free walpura oil.


  • Morning (after main story): Sidequest in the alley for free spiced wurst.
  • Dates with all three girls.
  • Night: Talk to the all villagers in the square after the story cutscene for some free stuff.


  • Morning (before story event): Enter the well using the key you got Monday morning and do the stuff, then return to the old windmill to use the key you got and acquire yet another key.
  • Lebkuchen and Freya dates.
  • Afternoon: Sidequest in the square for free silk purse.


  • Lebkuchen and Rozenmarine dates.
  • Dusk: Sidequest at the well for free hearty soup.


  • If you did everything right, each girl is currently at 4 hearts and you’ve been in possession of the catacombs key since Thursday morning.
  • Time for the endings grind! Save after reaching the town square and don’t overwrite this save later since it’s the last part that’s common among all endings.
  • 3 endings for picking each girl at the festival, then correctly placing the bread, nectar and love token when prompted and not intervening with the events that follow (endings #1, #2, #3).
  • Go into the church, snoop around Father Hans’ study for some lore and use the catacombs key on the hatch under the carpet for ending #4.
  • 3 endings for picking each girl at the festival, then correctly placing the bread, nectar and love token when prompted and changing your mind at the tree on the next screen after placing the love token (endings #5, #6, #7).
  • 2 endings for correctly placing the bread and nectar when prompted but placing something else for the love token, 1 ending for doing so when accompanied by Rozenmarine and 1 ending for doing so when accompanied by anyone else (ending #8 and #9).
  • 1 ending for not placing the correct items for the bread, nectar or both, no matter who you are with (ending #10).
Egor Opleuha
About Egor Opleuha 2153 Articles
Egor Opleuha, also known as Juzzzie, is the Editor-in-Chief of Gameplay Tips. He is a writer with more than 12 years of experience in writing and editing online content. His favorite game was and still is the third part of the legendary Heroes of Might and Magic saga. He prefers to spend all his free time playing retro games and new indie games.


  1. @Jixtix, 5 hearts seems to be the breakpoint to not miss the doll and the Saturday event gives the final heart piece to make it to 5 if you begin the day at 4.

  2. I already finished the game three times and now making fourth run for the Golden Maidens (Thanks for the list) but do you really need only 4 hearts to get the doll? I thought you need to max them out to get Golden Heart, Achievement and the doll.

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