Where to Find Weapon Cases and How to Open Them
By ItzNyallX.
Weapon Case Locations
Each map area has one weapon case in a fixed spot. The cases might be empty when you open them.

You can find them in:
- Cameras

- Outside Machine

- Storage

- Medical

- Restaurant

- Botanical

- Offices

How to Open Cases
You need to crack a 4-digit code to open each case. You get 9 tries before the code resets.

Here’s how to solve it:
- Start with “0123”.
- The code never uses the same number twice.
- The game gives you hints with colors.

- Grey: Number isn’t in the code at all.
- Yellow: Right number, wrong spot.
- Blue: Right number in the right spot.

Tips for Solving:
- After your first guess, use the next numbers in order (like 4,5,6) plus any correct numbers you found.
- Keep track of where you’ve tried yellow numbers to avoid repeating spots.
- When you get a blue number, that spot is solved – focus on the remaining spots.

Important Notes:
- Opening a case shows the shape of the gun inside.
- Cases might be empty.
- Knives spawn randomly on the map, not in cases.
- All guns come with full ammo:
- Shotgun: 3 bullets
- Revolver: 6 bullets
- Pistol: 12 bullets
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