F2P Guide to Warrior Archer
By MrSneakyy
- Josephine
- Attila
- King Derrick.
This formation line-up is sub-optimal however it is the perfect Warrior Archer build introduction until Season 2 which you replace King Derrick For Bellevue. I would also, not recommend “all-in” and unlocking the King Derrick Skills since he will be outmatched pretty quickly however for a FREE 5* hero is okay for this slot.
This march is all about using the double attack state of Josephine to deal good damage, while your Attila is empowering your other heroes and helping shred armour which is amazing for keeping a single Epic Skill keeping Costs Low. Weak Spot Attack is the most consistent and reliable damage increase for this march s having it double up is an amazing for F2P’s to utilise.
Ring wise, this is setup as F2P Friendly As Possible. Ring of Deer & Ring of Bear Are very amazing rings, offering flexibility duty how simple the effects are. Increasing stats or debuffing the enemy. Ring of Nightwolf Is a great Epic ring for damage, and should be equipped to highest MIGHT hero to take full advantage. This ring you will be using on a variety of marches so you will get great use of it, if you choose to build it.
- Upgrade Rings -> Radiant Guardian – Josephine Lofty Mountain – Attila Tranquil cove – King Derrick
With these rings you will be able to deal more damage but in the future if you unlock Mulan You will be able to transfer this very power Radiant Guardian onto her. Remember this is a 4K Ring, so do more research before purchasing a 4K Ring.
- DA – Double Attack
- WSA – Weak Spot Attack
- AP – Armour Piercer
- RJ – Righteous Judgement
- EC – Earth Crush
- Season 2 -> You replace King Derrick with Bellevue
This transition is 100% needed and transforms this march when you aquire it due to Bellevue’s damage out put.

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