For people that don’t want to deal with Epic’s trash.
Disabling Anti Cheat
Create a text file called steam_appid.txt and place it in:
- ~\steamapps\common\Lords of the Fallen\LOTF2\Binaries\Win64
Your directory should look something like this:

Open the file and add “1501750” without quotes, save.
Launch the game through the .exe file in the same directory. Make sure steam is open when you do that.
To play with EAC enabled just launch the game through steam.
I couldn’t get it to work. I don’t mind playing offline because my nets atrocious anyway but god does EaC ALWAYS cause issues for me which the moment its disable they all suddenly just disappear including crashes.
I think the issue here is that EAC is trying to contact Epic Games servers for EAC, but due to it failing to phone home, it crashes itself. Thanks Epic, very cool
This sadly didn’t work for me, still launches with EAC when I start from the exe in the directory 🙁
You need to add 1501750 to the txt file you created