How to Beat Falcon Challenge
At the start, do what Frank does. Dodge right twice, slow down, and dodge maybe 1 more right and 1 left. Turn around 360° so you USUALLY get behind 1 of them. If you lose sight of your prey, reset: you CANNOT afford a single second of downtime. You MUST gun down 1 of the 2 as quickly as possible.
In aerial form, use your entire arsenal while managing energy as you fall down (they lockhump). Create some distance when falling down; yes, it recharges less energy, but you gun them down faster. 1 dead is just SO much nicer. Avoid getting hit by the ECMs. I know it’s a LOT to look after, but once you lose lock AND lose sight of your prey, you might as well quit/reset.
Try not to go TOO high or TOO low. They cluster the ECMs, so you can tell height differences if a cluster is on a certain layer. DO NOT fly below them. They will gun you down; it hurts, costs too much energy, and next thing you know, you’re on the floor. Reset if you run out of energy by accident. There’s no use trying to struggle from the floor back up and beat it.
Use T-turns to keep a lock on your prey (transform away from flight mode, look where they are going even though the entire screen is cluttered, do not let them leave sight). Transform back quickly when required, or create distance first [better gunning them down position].
If both of them are behind you, I hope you’re higher up and can T-turn, because if they fly both behind you, you’re as good as dead. They will have periodic moments where they are on the floor. Do not get closer; the 2nd one will lockhump to lure you in, but as soon as you get closer, you get a full blast in the face and are now pincered from above and below.
Recharge, and consider using the heavy missile launcher. Yes, it is unfair; yes, it feels unfair. But I believe in you. You can get a feel for it to single one out, and then blitz the heck out of them. Godspeed, Strikers.
Hopefully this guide helped you!
The altitude is to get a good line of sight on both. to stick on their ass.
helps you avoid their AOE that doesnt let you lock. Popping the radar helps a little.
high altitude forces a 1v1 similar to counterstrike.
raider #1 will be the target to focus with high altitude to get a clear line of sight of it while Raider #2 will be busy trying to shoot you but the high altitude makes it difficult for them to keep up with your mobility.
High altitude is to toggle your transformation to get a boost of energy so you stay in the air forever. never touching the ground. helpful to avoid their AOE for barrel rolls.
Once you get this down. YOu want to poke them down for a little. If you try to shoot them for a few seconds. you’re dead. You have a small window before they pull a maneuver. You want to reposition before they do making them play catch up. They will run out of energy and be sitting ducks.
My tips for playing Falcon:
You have to be comfortable going back into mech mode to make quick turns/corrections. Most of the easy Falcons I shoot down seem to always stay in the plane mode and don’t know how to lose a tail.
In addition, you can arrest your forward momentum a bit by boosting to the side and strafing around your target. You’ll still be closing distance, but it’ll give you more time to keep your guns firing.