Bridges for Beginners and Advanced Players
Bridge Types and What They Do
Important things to know:
- You can’t connect bridges to the fishing hut
- You can’t build houses or decorations on bridges
There are 5 types of bridges. They’re numbered based on their order in the building menu.

Each bridge type is different:
- Bridge 1 is very low. It can’t cross deep rivers.
- The other bridges can go higher.
- Each bridge has a different maximum height it can reach.
You need to choose the right bridge type depending on how high you need to build and how deep the water is.

Good to Know
- Narrow bridges can connect to other narrow bridges. Wide bridges can connect to other wide bridges. But narrow and wide bridges don’t fit together.
- Use Q and E to rotate a bridge. Press the mouse wheel to switch to height adjustment. Then use Q and E to change the bridge height.
- The long bridge piece is twice as long as the short one. It costs a bit less than two short pieces, so it saves some materials.
- If part of a bridge goes into a hill, you can still build on top of the ground above it.
- If you can’t place the last piece of a long bridge, try building the whole bridge higher.
- To save materials, place all the bridge blueprints before you start building.
- You can use high bridge pieces for other things too, like roofs or shelters. You can build decorations under bridge pieces.
Extra: Cool Building Ideas and Problems
Jetty and Fishing Hut:
You can build these close together. Use planks to connect them. But NPCs might have trouble getting to work if the gap is too small. Leave it bigger if that matters to you.

Hillside Path 1:
For gentle hills, use bridges 1 and 2. You can’t change how steep they are, so find a hill that fits. These don’t work for steep cliffs.

Hillside Path 2:
For steep cliffs, build curved paths. It takes time. You might need to stop and start again. Use junctions or forks to make it easier. If you get stuck, go back to the last junction and try again. Remove extra parts at the end. I built my path where NPCs already walked up cliffs. I also blocked other ways with small walls to make them use the path.

Walkable City Wall:
You can build high bridges to make a wall you can walk on. First, build the fence you want (just the outline). Then make the wooden walkway the right height. You should be able to see over the wall but still be protected. After building the walkway, take down the fence and rebuild it to fit.

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