PC Controls (Keybindings)
Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater is a widely respected game that ages just like fine wine. It just keeps bringing many of us back for its’ memes, story or even nostalgia.
And now, it has come to Steam, in the form of the Master Collection Version, compatible with keyboard and mouse.
To some, controller gaming might be a barrier. Some of us might not own a controller anymore. Perhaps it’s broken and nonfunctional. Maybe we’re too used to keyboards to be able to play with controllers again.
It makes the keyboard & mouse compatibility of the Steam release matter even more.
The METAL GEAR SOLID 3: Snake Eater – Master Collection Version however doesn’t show controls very well, or let you modify them.
This basic guide will, in a simple manner that’s easy to understand, show what these controls are.
Snake, try to remember some of the basics of CQC.
- W – Move forward
- A – Move left
- S – Move backwards
- D – move right
- Space – Crouch / Prone. Press to crouch, hold to prone.
- Space, while moving – Combat roll.
- I – Camera up
- J – Camera left
- K – Camera down
- L – Camera right
These seem to be inputs to move the camera only, familiar to those who emulated the game without a controller.
In-game Menus
- ESC – Leave menus
- DEL / BACKSPACE – Leave menus or go backwards
- ENTER – Enter menus
- WASD – Menu navigation
- ESC – Codec screen
- TAB – Survival viewer (cure, camouflage, etc.)
In-game World
- O – Change view from normal camera to the classic camera that follows the character around
- F – First person
- E – Action. Climb the first tree with E, and then press E near your gear. Can also lift yourself from hanging over ledges with E and such.
- Mouse LEFT – Shoot
- U – Shoot
- Number keys 1-2 – Weapon switching. Hold number key, choose weapon. Press number again to equip/unequip after choosing.
- Mouse RIGHT – Aim down the sights. Hold F and then mouse RIGHT to ADS. Aim with mouse movement and press mouse LEFT to shoot.
- H – CQC / Grab – Also works for knocking when up against cover. Rapidly press H after grab for knockout.
- E – Knife grabbed guard
- N – ADS/put gun away. CQC Interrogation.
Generally, the same button can be used to exit the menu you entered. Menu navigation is WASD-only, much to the chagrin of those used to arrow keys for navigation.
‘Secret’ controls (press TAB menu, Snake fighting a guard)
- F – Speed up main menu
- M – Zooms in
- E – Inverts colors
- N – Change background camo pattern
If in doubt, E, U, ENTER and Space are the magic buttons to try.
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