Milfvania – 100% Full Achievement Guide (Episode 2)

Achievement guide on 1 playthrough. Note: There are missable achievements. They are labeled on the achievements.

How to Obtain All Achievements

Achievement Unlocks in Order

Achievements are listed in the order you play the game and unlock them.

Missable achievements are listed with – Missable.

Jailbreak – Story Related

  1. In the jailcell Look to the bottom right with the flashlight and pick up the paperclip.
  2. Unlock the handcuffs and jailcell door.
  3. Pickup the wedding ring under the bed in jailcell.

Ring Bearer – Missable

  1. Pickup ring under bed in cell.
  2. When the guard comes to your cell Choose – Well im a bit hurt TBH.
  3. After the scene with the two guards it will unlock.

Ace – Missable

  • When you get the text to choose to play cards – Choose yes.
  • You must win this game of cards – Hit save before you start.

Note: Loading a save mid cards will start you from the beginning of the round. So you need to save at the start of each round. If you lose. Load the save, keep trying until you beat her.

  • After you win you will be able to play against her one more time.
  • Save your game before starting the next card round.
  • After beating her the second time the achievement unlocks.

Midnight Oiler – Story Related

  • After the scene in the bathroom it will unlock.

Swim instructor – Missable

  1. When in the car with Faiza – Choose Compliment her.
  2. Choose – 25 or so.
  3. Choose – Be Macho.
  4. Choose – Compliment her ass.
  5. Choose – Ask her what she is looking at.
  6. Choose – Compliment her body.
  7. Choose – Lick her ♥♥♥♥♥.
  8. Choose – Put it in her mouth.
  9. Choose – Put it in her ♥♥♥♥♥.
  10. Click and after scene it will unlock

Captain – Missable

  1. In the jail building when talking to the young prostitute.
  2. Choose – Well.
  3. Choose – ♥♥♥♥ Her Ass.

Pharmacist – Missable

  1. Choose – check Olgas bag.
  2. Click on every item in the purse – choose goto sleep.
  3. Choose – grab her tits.
  4. Choose – touch her ♥♥♥♥♥.
  5. Click on her purse and take the condoms.
  6. Click under the tv on drawer take the rubbing alcohol.
  7. Go to natsyas room – click under tv on cabinet – take Pills.
  8. Go to the hallway – on the left wall – take the keys Hanging on wall.
  9. Go back to last room – go into Lidias room.
  10. Click cabinet under tv. Take the syringe and pills.
  11. Click on the side window and go out to balcony.
  12. Open the safe with the keys you got – Drag and drop on to the safe and take the nalaxone.
  13. Go back into the hallway where you got the keys .
  14. Go into the kitchen – click on pot and drag and drop items in.
  15. Achievement unlocked.

Commie – Story Related

  • Cant miss if you chose everything on here.
Egor Opleuha
About Egor Opleuha 2153 Articles
Egor Opleuha, also known as Juzzzie, is the Editor-in-Chief of Gameplay Tips. He is a writer with more than 12 years of experience in writing and editing online content. His favorite game was and still is the third part of the legendary Heroes of Might and Magic saga. He prefers to spend all his free time playing retro games and new indie games.

1 Comment

  1. Depois da missao do capitao para soltar a prostituta da prisao, temos que achar o cafetao, e eu ao estou conseguindo passar, pois estou no celular tem como ajudar

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