- Sometimes there is a secret door in a wall, usually there is monster sounds behind the wall for indicator.
- There is two type of imp, one that bring key and the other that could drop healing potion / large healing potion and can escape.
- Flame can be countered by splashing water/bumping into a body of water or rain.
- Some item like Scaled Cape & wintertree amulet can resist flame.
- Sometimes if you die, you still have the item from previous run (bug?)
- Try to get movement skill like shockwave (The Great Wolf) as it is very good for jumping between platform and escaping from enemy to recharge your poise.
Crash at Dungeon
- Summoning more than 4 wolves might crashes the game.
- Bumping into torches (Relic Dungeon).
- Walking into drop trap (Relic Dungeon).
- Sometimes there are enemies at Herb,Berry, and Kindling area.
- Mushroom in the overworld gave you Rotting effect (Near Harrowdus).
- Sometimes there is trader that need help, if you help them you will get guinea (money) and reputation.
- If a Trader died they will drop their item and the economy will shift.
- I dont think killing the trader affect your reputation, So what i would do is help them after getting the money and the reputation i would kill them just to get their item.
- Trader drop isnt always what they had when you check their stuff.
- You can use tab to mark the dungeon that you’ve cleared.
- You can teleport with stone circle.
- Lesser Ruin monster can be reseted, if you had a hard time with the canon enemies just leave the area and comeback.
- Empty flask are always more expensive than the stuff that comes with it, try to sell it wandering trader or city with higher price (ex: oil).
- Drop from trader (so far this give me the most money).
- Relic dungeon gave a LOT of stuff, which you might wanna sell.
I’ve been stuck not knowing what to do, but i managed to kill two bosses.
- Ask people in wintersholl.
- Go to the dungeon.
- Get sleathen tooth.
- Go to the forest.
- Wait for rain (important).
- Kill sleathen with the tooth.
I think I just have the shockwave skill at the time.
Relic Dungeon (Steadfast Hand)
- Go kill sleathen.
- Got sleathen head.
- Bring it to the garden.
- Relic dungeon opened.
- Clear first floor.
- Get devotional tear.
- Repeat until 7 floor.
- Get the wolf summon.
- Cheese the boss with wolf and minor construction.
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