Moonstone Island – Beginners Guide

Moonstone Island came out today. I’ve been playing a lot, about 6 hours in the last two days. I made a video to share some helpful information for new players. In the video, I talk about things I’ve learned while playing and tips I wish I knew when I first started the game.

Complete Guide to New Players

By The Cozy Gaming Club.

I’ve made a list of helpful tips for new players based on my early experience in the game. These suggestions might be useful if you’re starting on the first day.

If you prefer watching over reading, there’s also a video that covers the same information.

Choosing Your Spirit

At the start of the game, you may be asked if you’d like to skip the tutorial. I did this on my second playthrough, as I thought I knew everything that I needed to know.

However, if you skip the tutorial you don’t get to choose your starting Spirit. Instead, you’ll be given a random one by the game out of the 3 starters, which may not be the one that you want.

First Night Stamina

After your broom breaks and you crash land on the island, the game will suggest that you walk around to find your tools and seeds.

But your stamina will actually be full during this time, and you’re surrounded by trees and stones. So instead of wandering around aimlessly, I recommend picking up your hammer and start smashing things.

Your first quest is going to be to sell 10 stones for Ossono, so why not collect all of those now to save your stamina tomorrow?

If you’re lucky you may even find a Moonstone on your first night!

Running out of Stamina

In a lot of farming games when you run out of stamina, you just can’t continue doing whatever you are doing be that mining, woodcutting or fishing.

In Moonstone Island, when you run out of stamina, you will collapse, go to sleep, and wake up the next morning.

The good news is that if you do faint, there is no punishment other than waking up a little bit later the next day. Or at least that’s the only punishment I’ve noticed.

This is the same for if you die by running out of health as well

Quick Stamina Regen

Hidden away in the north-east area of your island, there’s a hot spring! Any time you are low on stamina, you can hop across here, and refill it at a rate of 7 stamina per 10 in game minutes.

This is great if you spend the morning mining or chopping down trees, but still want to do more work in the afternoon.

A couple of the islands also have hot springs that can quickly regenerate your stamina, so keep an eye out for them!

Mines & Dungeons

Mines and dungeons have treasure chests inside. These chests contain items and recipes for making things. Dungeons also have one hidden chest to find.

After you take everything from a chest, you can pick it up and use it for storage at home. This is useful because making a chest costs 10 wood and 1 iron.

If you don’t want some chests, you can sell them. Each chest sells for 50 gold pieces, which is a good amount.

You can find mines by breaking large rocks. One rock will show a hole with a ladder going down. There’s usually one mine on each island.

The Warp Whistle

At the start of your very first full day on the island, you’ll be given the recipe for a balloon after your mum has a bad dream about you breaking your broom.

It’s really easy to craft as well as it only needs three cloth, which is nine fibre. But if you don’t explore your island first, it’s very easy to leave without the whistle.

The whistle is a tool of sorts that you can pick up from the statue in town. It serves as a teleportation device and means that if you’re stranded on an island you can quickly teleport home, even if you’re in a mine or a dungeon. But beware because it can only be used once a day.

The Spirit Barn

At the start of the game, you really want to prioritise the spirit barn. That’s because you can only have three active Spirits, so if you want all the cute Spirits you unlock the spirit barn to store them in.

But you can actually get yourself in a bit of a pickle if you collect three spirits before completing Zed’s first quest. That’s because Zed asks you to bring him at least a level five Spirit before he gives you the blueprints for a Spirit Barn.

Edit: You just need to tame a level 5 Spirit for Zed. You do not need to bring it to him.

Seed Propagation

When you find a new crop, use your scythe to cut it. This gives you two seeds. Plant one seed to grow more of the crop. Sell the other seed to Gaiana or Ofelia at the greenhouse-like building. If you do this, Rowan’s general store will have these seeds for sale the next day. Then you can buy and grow as many as you want.


Moonstones are important in the game. You use them to make magical items like brooms and Spirit barns. You can find moonstones while exploring. There’s usually one on each island you visit. It’s easier to find them at night because they glow. Moonstones appear again every season. You’ll collect many over time, especially as you explore more often.

Holo Hunting (Holunting)

Holo are basically a spirit with alternate colors and a shimering effect, you have 1 in 500 to encounter one. Want your own? You’re in luck! Here a quick summary of the methods you can use to get your hands on a shimering spirits in no time!

Some Tips:

  • Build the Spirit Barn first. Talk to Zed and show him a level 5 spirit to get the recipe. You can borrow a wild spirit for this.
  • Save your game on the island where you want to find a holo. This lets you try again if things don’t go well.
  • If you save at 19:50, you can keep reloading until you get a psychic storm. This helps you search on bigger islands.
  • Improve your skills to make taming spirits easier and allow you to catch stronger ones.
  • Learn how to run away from battles by getting the “Fleet Foot” skill.
  • Use crops that help with taming. You can mix crops to make them even more effective.
  • There are three ways to find multiple spirits at once. You can also just run around the islands looking for them.
  • In the game settings, you can increase how often you encounter spirits.

Remember to keep your stalls full until you get the moonstone upgrade, or your spirits might leave.

Egor Opleuha
About Egor Opleuha 2274 Articles
Egor Opleuha, also known as Juzzzie, is the Editor-in-Chief of Gameplay Tips. He is a writer with more than 12 years of experience in writing and editing online content. His favorite game was and still is the third part of the legendary Heroes of Might and Magic saga. He prefers to spend all his free time playing retro games and new indie games.


  1. Thank you for the tips! I was wondering, is there any way to undo patches of land where you can plant seeds? I can’t figure it out

  2. Fish are another really good source of stamina. Buy the fishing rod from the beach area shop. They have 4 qualities, each one doubling the amount of stamina restored.

  3. I have been trying to tame more spirits but the blue heart next to their HP is locked. Not a boss battle just on another island besides moonstone. Any idea why I am unable to tame them?

    • You need to get the perks in the “Spirits” tab to get higher levels. When you start you can only get up to level 5.

      Beginner Spiritmancer gets you to Level 10 spirits tamable
      Novice for 20
      Intermediate for 30
      Expert for 40
      Master for Any Level

  4. Re: #7 I just checked and if you have 3 monsters and catch a 4th that fulfils Zeds quest (is level 5) you can’t keep the 4th but can still turn the info in and the quest progresses

  5. This is pretty helpful to babs,, mines found under big rocks, random first island mine enterance for me was at the very north end of the island

  6. Thank you for this! I didn’t know that selling a seed in the greenhouse would ensure they’d start selling those seeds later.

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