My Friendly Neighborhood – How to Get S Rank (The Unfriendly Way)

Here’s a quick and dirty strategy to get S rank and get ‘Somewhat Impressive’ all the way to “Simply Stupendous” without having to be a friendly neighbor.

Guide to Get S Rank

Сrеdit gоеs to VoidCage!

The Method

  1. Open Steam and load up My Friendly Neighborhood.
  2. Start a new game and pick any difficulty you want (Note: Picking higher difficulties will sweep up the lower difficulty counterparts on completion).
  3. When you gain control of Gordon, look to your right, open the glove box, grab the candy bar to give yourself some extra speed, and bull rush to the reception desk to grab the key card.
  4. Rush through the Beginning section grabbing all the things you need including Key Items (Wrench, Rolodexer, Blue Key).
  5. When you enter Stage 4 (the section that introduces you to Pearl) hit Q and exit through the way you came, run back to the Truck and check the steering wheel and leave.
  6. Profit.

Some Things to Note

  1. Using the tape you can pick up in the toilet (exists on Unfriendly difficulty) on Lenard in the stairwell leading to the Wrench and Blue Key makes the run a bit quicker.
  2. You know if you did it correctly when you head out to the truck and look up to see if it’s nighttime (On Veteran and Unfriendly, there will be a dog sitting around).
  3. You can grab the tokens in the first safe room and heal/save if it gets rough.
  4. This only unlocks the Post-Rank achievements and ‘Unfinished Work’ achievement if you don’t have it. So you still have to play the game for there respected completion achievements (AKA; “Finish the game on X difficulty or higher”, ‘Reckless’, ‘Survivor’, etc.)

Finally, I do not know if this was intentional or overlooked by John and Evan Szymanski. So this unfriendly guide may age like milk.

Egor Opleuha
About Egor Opleuha 7612 Articles
Egor Opleuha, also known as Juzzzie, is the Editor-in-Chief of Gameplay Tips. He is a writer with more than 12 years of experience in writing and editing online content. His favorite game was and still is the third part of the legendary Heroes of Might and Magic saga. He prefers to spend all his free time playing retro games and new indie games.


  1. Is it possible to do the challenge runs this way? Like the achievements that are tapeless, saveless, etc?

    • Nah i dont think so. you can only get the achievements for beating the game with the ranks. you’ll still have to actually play the game Tapeless, w/o saving, etc.

  2. I feel bad for cheating, but honestly i hate time restrained S Ranks after playing Resident Evil. Thank you for letting me know about this so i can enjoy the game at my own pace.

  3. If you run into the puppet pounding on the door, after he pushes you over you have a few frames of invincibility which lets you open the door and get the rolodexer before you even go to the room with the wrench. Not having to backtrack made it a bit faster and easier for me.

    • You don’t even need to bump into Norman, you can get close and attract him, then run around and get to the door. Just run around the planter and he’ll come after you, leaving the door unguarded.

  4. I found a faster way and got S+ on unfriendly in about 30 seconds:
    – complete game to unlock free-cam mode.
    – go into freecam mode and enter the first building.
    – in freecam mode you can enter the final room with the desk that has the letter in the office, I believe its 121? Its the final room after you beat the final boss.
    – leave and ending cutscene will happen, choose yes/no doesn’t matter.

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