Everything you need to know to understand the game systems and how to efficiently get through the 42 different endings in this game. Spoiler free. I suggest you use this guide after you play the tutorial (everything before chapter 1, which you can’t screw up), and before using a step by step guide or guide with spoilers. You will lose no time since 40/42 endings only take about 5 minutes to achieve once you reach any of the two main endings.
Basic Walkthrough Guide
The game has only one choice that you can’t back out of. At one point you need to give carnal essence to one of two factions. The faction you choose will give you the potential for an ending while locking you out of the other. The ending for the faction you don’t choose is locked out on this save. All the other 41/42 endings can be obtained on this save though. Both extra endings are bad endings, but the lighter coloured faction ending is more interesting in my opinion. No other choice in the game has long term consequences!
I will not explain topics covered in the tutorial. I suggest not reading this guide until you get to chapter 1.
‘Post game’ or the epilogue is after you get one of the two faction endings.
The sparkles icon is charm. The higher the value, the more gold you gain when making that succubus work.
The whip icon is ‘flair’. The higher the value, the more Carnal Essence you gain when making that succubus work.
The broken purple gem icon is Carnal Essence. It is a currency for certain events. It can also be passed on to the main character to improve his stats at the mirror at a rate of 1x essence if you stab the succubus or 2x essence if you max out their love and use the alternate method later in the game.
The heart icon is ‘love’. It needs to be maxed to get your succubus endings. Certain values are also needed for specific conversation with your succubus. Until you get to post game, I suggest you ignore love.
Number of days passed is meaningless, so keep the game running at full speed.
Getting any ending basically automatically puts you into new game+. Re-loading the same save you just got an ending on continues the game where you left off minus the succubus you got an ending with (but you get a bunch of summon items and double essence from the succubus for your main character, so don’t worry if you mess up).
When you start a new save file, you can begin from any chapter you already completed on another save. You start with the bare minimum though.
There are no penalties or long term repercussions for killing your succubus or getting their endings. You can just re-summon them.
Each material comes in two varieties and three different tiers (1-3 stars). For summoning purposes, only the type (marked in parenthesis) affects the kind of succubus you summon. The variety and tier only affect bonuses to starting charm and flair.
Always use your highest tier materials (two and three star) to summon first. Those higher tier materials are more useful early game than late game. Don’t hoard them for late game when flair and charm are super easy to get quickly.
You can only ever have one succubus of its kind summoned at a time.
Each succubus has a good and bad ending. You can get them all in one playthrough.
If your succubus has nothing more to say to you, you are now locked into an ending with them and have no further interactions you can do with them.
Every succubus has a dating scene when you bring them to the plaza area with high affection (above 75%?). Make sure you see it at least once before you get an ending with them.
For the time being, this guide will not tell you the exact choices needed to get the good endings with each succubus, but as a basic tip, don’t bother trying to get any good ending until your main character has maxed out his stats (from the mirror).
Never talk to a succubus unless her love (heart icon) is maxed. You may want to talk to your succubus with low love to get different conversations, but that will likely lock you out of the good ending.
In conversations you generally want to support their good habits while correcting their bad ones. For example, going on grand adventures is a good habit/dream. Sleeping all day or eating the furniture are bad habits. It may be the case that you want to purposely fail objectives that support bad habits. I don’t know, I still don’t have all the conversations.
Efficiency Walkthrough
Just follow through the prologue. It is a tutorial. Luna should always work at the hotel when given the option. Don’t waste any time here. Complete objectives as quickly as you can.
On the first day of chapter 1, go to the ruins, choose the warehouse, and build a room. If you don’t have enough gold, work at the hotel until you do. For the rest of the day, work at the hotel. Congrats, you can now summon a second succubus. Don’t kill her yet. Max the charm of both succubus then put them to work at the hotel (note, you need to buy the first hotel upgrade if you want both to work there at the same time).
At this point you are going to cheese the game by maxing out your character and buildings. From this point on, always max the charm stat of any new succubus you summon (increases gold income when they work) then send them to the hotel to earn money. Ignore flair, the plaza, the brothel and Noire Academy for now. Upgrade in the following order:
- Hotel -> Dancing
- School -> Conversation
- Ruins -> Warehouse -> Room (and summon a succubus, max its charm then work at hotel)
- Hotel -> Hosting
- School -> Public Speaking
- Ruins -> Warehouse -> Room (and summon a succubus, max its charm then work at hotel)
- Hotel -> Room Service
All other building upgrades
- Buy 20 of each basic summoning material from the ruins warehouse.
Now it is mass murder time. Chose your favorite succubus to stay alive and continue working at the hotel. As for the rest… kill one, use its essence to level up at the mirror, then repeat until you only have one succubus left.
Now constantly summon succubus to fill all your rooms and always max their flair at Noire Academy instead of charm. Then have the succubus get enough carnal essence at the brothel to meet the main character’s mirror essence pool capacity (so if your character has 100/800 essence capacity at the mirror, you only need your sacrificial succubus to have 700 essence). Kill it. Spend the essence. Summon another, repeat. Keep leveling up the main character in the mirror until all stats are maxed (level 3). Prioritize low cost upgrades first.
Now follow the game objectives listed in the top left corner of the screen until your mirror allows you to get new stats to upgrade. Max those out as well.
Prioritize completing quest objectives until chapter 3. Extra time (if any) should be spent working at the hotel. You will need a lot of gold in the post game to get all the endings for plaza dates and gifts.
At some point during chapter three, you have to give essence to one of two factions. The faction you choose will give you the potential for an ending while locking you out of the other. The ending for the faction you don’t choose is locked out on this save. All the other 41/42 endings can be obtained on this save though. Both extra endings are bad endings, but the lighter coloured faction ending is more interesting in my opinion.
After you get one of the faction endings, you are now in the post game. Now is the time to pursue all the different succubus endings. To get the other faction ending, start a new save. It will give you the option to begin in chapter 3. Do so and give essence to the faction you did no give any to in the first save. You start with the bare minimum, so don’t bother maxing out this save. Just do what is required to get the other ending and then go back to your original save. Have fun and good luck.
Summon Recipes
- Berith: wood + wood + wood
- Kalys: wood + wood + animal
- Taura: wood + wood + ichor
- Nocti: wood + wood + metal
- Ornia: wood + animal + animal
- Luzbel: wood + animal + ichor
- Kasu: wood + animal + metal
- Lamia: wood + ichor + ichor
- Enyo: wood + ichor + metal
- Achlys: wood + metal + metal
- Cozbi: animal + animal + animal
- Lyst: animal + animal + ichor
- Nimue: animal + animal + metal
- Hala: animal + ichor + ichor
- Bastet: animal + ichor + metal
- Vered: animal + metal + metal
- Shyasta: ichor + ichor + ichor
- Mare: ichor + ichor + metal
- Dialen: ichor + metal + metal
- Agash: metal + metal + metal
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