Nevergrind Online – Helpful Tips for Shadow Knight Skills

Shadow Knight Guide: List of Skills in the Academy

Shadow Break

As soon as I had more skills, shadow break went to the end of my skill bar and was never used again. I would suggest making the “Break” name in this skill break something. Not just taunt, but add some kind of meaningful debuff. -hit, -phys resist, -armor, something that would make this see some use. Warriors don’t use shield bash and I don’t see SKs using this.

Death Strike

I rarely use this, if ever. Would suggest more crit and hitting the target multiple times. Consider making the 5% heal a 5% health steal that triggers on each hit. Maybe make this blood element or a second, relevant element to SK. Make it scale with +Spell Damage. Make the casting side of shadow knight more prominent so they don’t come across as an edgy warrior.

Crescent Cleave

Everything Twystid said is correct. Really nothing to add, it would be a solid part of the kit if it gets enough boosting via talents.

Doom Thrust

Change the 36s damage over time into an instant nuke. Let it scale with +Spell Damage. There is no debuff component or reason to have this be an extended duration DoT. This is a THRUST, not a little stab that bleeds for meh damage over half a minute.

Astral Blade

Because this has been SK’s best skill for so long, Twystid probably on the right path with his suggestions.

Ravaging Plague

First, change this from poison to fire, blood, or arcane. Then, drop the duration from 24s to 18s or 12s. There isn’t any debuff component, so it’s just an unnecessarily damage over time. I can absolutely see this either jumping to new targets with full duration when primary target dies, or just hitting the entire screen. Make the ravaging part of this plague show!

Decaying Doom

Long duration DoT, but that’s okay because “decaying” implies that and it has debuff effect. Give it a kind of “drain armor” thing, where it reduces enemy armor by 15% but increases SK armor by 15%. Also make it reduce enemy blood resist, so SK can buff their own damage some.

Blood Terror

Finally, a skill that makes me feel like a SK. The fear on this makes me feel like a scary tank. Increase duration and number of targets and I think it’ll work fine. “Terror” sweeping across the screen and fearing all targets sounds like a great way to increase party survivability and it’s something another class can’t do.

Life Tap

Not very exciting, but it’s simple and it works. Could use something to make it more than just the single target version of Vampiric Feast. Maybe a stacking -blood resist debuff. It would still serve its purpose as a single target life drain, but on longer fights or tougher champs it could whittle down the target’s resist over time, making the SK’s blood attacks stronger as the fight goes on. Would give that impending doom kind of feeling.

Vampiric Feast

Give it a blood bubble component. Hit the entire screen, then have it split the damage dealt as a short duration shield across the party (like serene sigil or guardian angel). Would give a form of damage mitigation other tanks don’t have, and if the shield is split between total party members, would still be a powerful shield for solo play (since it isn’t being split 5 ways).

Mark of Remphan

I like the debuffs it currently gives, but I really want to see this make enemies explode and deal AoE damage when they die. Possibly spread the debuff as they do, and make the damage on this secondary.

Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 3641 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.

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