Nevergrind Online – Shadow Knight Builds

Blood Warlord

Doom Thrust (phys/blood)

8s CD, enhanced threat, change the DoT portion to an nuke that goes off after 3 seconds, or AoE nuke if the enemy dies while affected by it.

Life Tap (blood)

Enhanced threat, lowered CD, entire party recovers a percent of the damage dealt as well.

Vampiric Feast (blood)

Enhanced threat, enhanced damage, instead of healing creates damage barrier on entire party based on damage dealt. Bubbles would be some percent of total damage divvied amongst number of party members.

Blood Terror (blood)

Screenwide AoE, lowered CD, enhanced threat.

  • Mastery: % of blood spell power/damage converted to attack and vice versa.

Death Marshal

Shadow Break (physical)

Hits twice if shield is equipped, enhanced damage, reduce target’s phys resist.

Crescent Cleave (physical)

Enhanced damage, up to 7 hits, additional hit modifier.

Decaying Doom (arcane)

5s CD, more armor reduction.

Death Strike (physical)

Multiple hits on same target (no AoE), enhanced damage, heals % on same hit (adjust 5% heal down to 2-3 depending on how many hits this does).

  • Mastery: enemy -phys resist, big amplified attack when using shield.

IDK something that makes you think of the rest of the skills…

Initial skill

Arcane spell power/damage also applies to fire and poison. Fire also applies to poison and arcane. Poison also applies to fire and arcane. (important to make these skills work cohesively or even as part of the SK kit. Probably more interesting that making them all the same element).

Astral Blade (arcane)

Enemy arcane resist built in to the skill’s damage calculation (can we do that?), 8s CD.

Mark of Remphan (fire)

10s CD, instant cast, 10s debuff, enhanced damage. Remove initial direct damage, replace with explosion upon debuff expiration or enemy death. Maybe deals damage to surrounding enemies, definitely spreads debuff to them at full 10s duration.

Ravaging Plague (poison)

Either AoE or bounces to new targets as initial target dies. Enhanced damage, faster ticks, lower duration, full damage.

Sanguine Harvest (poison)

Scrap this skill entirely. Shaman’s life leech buff is better. Replace with…

Covenant of Shadows (arcane)

Self buff. +all res. Small % of all damage dealt (1?%) restored as health to the party.

  • Mastery: probably +all spell damage

One tree for damage mitigation, one tree for phys tanking, one tree for spellcasting DPS. Three different playstyles, three different gear loadouts you’d want, and three different ways to contribute to the party, two of which are tanking.

Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 3754 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.

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