The Mega-T5 Long Rebirth Guide
By Rust.
- The current recommended plan for getting to Mega, i.e. the Mega-T4 Long Rebirth, involves doing 2-3k AT levels for p/t. Getting these AT levels takes upwards to 8 hours.
- The T4 feature gives very low permanent multipliers when first unlocked, compared to temporary multipliers (only for current rb), especially with low lifetime xp (<100k).
- The zone between T4 and T5 has a very poor equipment set outside of having better p/t to get to T5 faster, and is generally not worth sniping.
- As a result, the current recommended plan for getting from T4 to T5 involves doing a second, separate long rebirth, farming said zone along the way almost exclusively p/t.
- T5 has a guaranteed weapon drop, making rebuilding to T5 stats after the long rebirth extremely easy. T5 equipment are also mostly major upgrades to previous zones, though the drop rates will be quite low at the start.
This proposed long rebirth combines the two long rebirths mentioned above, making much better use of an energy beta potion, which makes energy NGUs level twice as fast, and getting AT/T4 feature levels ~41% faster. It also gives the T4 feature more time to grow, for slightly more adventure stats to get to T5 earlier.
Warning: Due to T5’s fight mechanics, you will need to put some effort into manual fighting. You don’t need anywhere near perfection, but just know that trying to kill T5 without turning Idle Mode off is straight up impossible.
The Plan
5/5 Basic Challenge completions are mandatory. Doing 1/10 24 Hour Challenge is highly recommended but not necessary. Beat boss 110 in the previous rebirth to ensure you can unlock T5 in time (beat #116).
The climb from 100 to 110 is expected to take ~20 hours of 2 hour rebirths, probably spread across 2-3 days. During this climb, it’s recommended to max AVSP, then do the T4 puzzle afterwards.
Unclear if getting AT to snipe mega during the climb is worth it. The weapon certainly speeds up the AVSP grind though.
Phase 1: Mega-T4 (~1.5-2 days)
Once you start the long rebirth, use an energy beta potion immediately. Until you get your T5 weapon drop, I recommend that you buy exclusively EPow and ECap. The most important part of this is skipping the 50k xp beard slot.
Dump everything into TM until AT unlocks, then get 2.5k-3.5k levels for power AT and 2k~3k levels for toughness AT. This should be all the AT you’ll need for T4. Once you’re done with AT, change to NGU loadout and run NGUAdv instead.
It doesn’t really matter what you do with magic, but leaving it on NGUYgg instead of BM is probably slightly better.
Snipe for mega set asap. Paralyze Gaze gives lots of free turns so you can snipe with lower stats (I sniped with 85k/30k). Afterwards, max avsp/puzzle item until you have enough p/t to idle mega. You can idle with much lower stats than pinned, somewhere around 140k/120k is good enough.
Once you can idle mega, it’s just waiting for enough levels on your gear to kill t4. You should be aiming for something more along the lines of 450k/250k instead of 400k/300k, as toughness is harder to get.
Once you unlock the T4 feature, immediately activate BEARd.
Phase 2: T4-T5 (4-6 days)
After T4 falls, switch to AT loadout and get 11-15k Power/8-12k Toughness AT. This is about all the AT we’ll need for T5, and we’re frontloading it to get to AK T4 quicker. You can also climb your way to ITOPOD f200 during this build up, and with the pp buy either energy perks, or the bonus titan xp perk if you leave the game running overnight.
Once you have the AT levels, you can switch back to running NGUAdv, and expect to need anywhere up to 2500 NGUAdv. I recommend running/splitting with NGUDC only after you can idle Beardverse instead of splitting between NGUAdv/NGUDC contrary to the pins, since you start idling slower, and a few dozen levels in DC doesn’t do much.
While BV equipment is mostly garbage just like the drop chance, sniping for a few items does mean that you get to idle a bit earlier. You should aim to be able to idle with at minimum 2 DC items + Adv digger.
You can kill T5’s first form with around 900k/600k. This starts the T5 puzzle: a hide and seek game, where he hides inside a random menu for 3 minutes at a time, initially transparent but becomes more visible as the timer ticks down, and changes his location once the 3 minutes are up. You’ll want to work through this somewhat actively, as you need to wait the full 3 hour respawn timer between each form.
The fight mechanics are well explained on the wiki. Basically it does [Attack] – [Walderp Says], then [Attack]*5 – [Walderp Says] ad infinitum.
Due to its slow attacking speed of 3 seconds, the exact duration of Block, there is no timing involved, and you just need to press block whenever it lights up, as long as you’re not blocking into a Walderp Says command to achieve maximum Block efficiency.
Wear Ring of Might and Sand of Time. If you manual well, you can kill its final form with lower stats than recommended (I killed with 3.4m/2.5m, 11.5k/9k AT P/T, 1.7k NGUAdv, 32% Move Cooldown and lv 20-30 BV).
Once you kill T5, I recommend shifting from running NGUAdv to PAWG/Challenge NGUs (Power/Augment/Wandoos/Gold), and immediately switch to buying enough magic to activate Fruit of Power β to prepare for challenges.
(Sections beyond this point are not well tested and require more data, so here are some options instead)
Ending the Long Rebirth
In increasing order by rebirth length:
- Option 1: rebirth based on the level of your BV equipment you killed T5 with. A good default benchmark is to double your power when you use the T5 weapon compared to the BV weapon, which comes out to needing ~80% less power AT levels to achieve the same power as your T5 kill stats.
- Option 2: stay in the long rebirth, and keep killing T5 until you acquire CCoD
- Option 3: stay in the long rebirth for CCoD, then do some amount of cblock 1 prep (should probably be less than 12 hours).
Trying to do all of cblock 1’s PAWG/cNGU prep in this rebirth is a very bad idea – you’ll end up having significantly worse beards all the way up to cblock 2.
From Long Rebirth to Cblock 1
Skipping the 50k xp beard slot, while I believe is better for speed, does mean that you are missing a beard slot.
The way to make up for this is to buy the AP beard slot earlier, it may even have priority over Yellow Heart if you decide to go through with this long rebirth.
If you’re missing the AP for the beard slot, or especially if you decide to do Troll Challenge 4 for the beard slot, I recommend breaking cblock1 into 2 smaller chunks, where you do the first chunk for xp/ap after partial prep, then do the full prep in another 1-2 24 hour rebirths including getting magic beard perms up, then do the second chunk with proper prep.
An example plan:
Chunk 1:
- 5x 100 Level Challenge (Optional)
- 1x No Augments Challenge (Optional)
- 2x 24 Hour Challenge
- 2x Troll Challenge
- 2x No NGU Challenge
- 2x No Rebirth Challenge
Overnight No Rebirth Challenge #2 and climb back to T5 with 24 Hour Challenge #3.
Which leaves for chunk 2:
- 5x 100 Level Challenge (if not done in the first chunk)
- 4x No Augments Challenge (5x if you skip the first one in chunk 1)
- 1x 24 Hour Challenge (Optional)
- 5x No Equipment Challenge
- 2x Troll Challenge
- 2x No Rebirth Challenge
- 1x Blind Challenge
- 3x No TM Challenge (#3 is optional)
- As many No NGU Challenges as you can stomach, up to and including #7.
Overnight No Rebirth Challenges #3/#4 and climb back with 24 Hour Challenge #4 or Troll Challenge #4.
Compared to the current pinned, separate long rebirths guide with a mini-cblock in between:
- We avoid having to build AT twice, once for T4 and once for T5.
- Energy beta potion is active for at least twice as long.
- We skip mini-cblock entirely, which if you do TC2 means 1 less accessory slot or ~20% slower NGU/AT speed, but it also means we don’t spend 3-4 days waiting on T4 drops + mini-cblock prep + the mini-cblock itself.
- We get to T5 about 3 days earlier.
- We climb from boss #100 to #110 with AVSP compared to from #84 to #116 with T4/Mega, which is possibly still slower but not by much even if it’s the case.
- We end up with between 10-15% lower permanent BEARd levels by the time we kill T5, which is roughly 2-3 days worth of perm levels after the long rebirth.
- By skipping the 50k xp beard slot, we’re forced to get the 110k Beard slot early, which becomes a ~10k AP loss if you get it before Yellow Heart.
- By speeding to T5, we end up with lower base e/m when we start doing challenges, making them slightly slower even with recommended prep.
- While it might only be 5-15 minutes slower for other challenges, this is much more noticeable in No Rebirth Challenge 4, which takes up to 6 hours instead of 3, but of course you can just do it overnight.
Is it worth it? I would say probably, but in order to make a concrete judgement, we’ll need more data and feedback.
T4 slow, bv bad, beard bad, AT good, beta pot broken af, T5 drops op.
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