This is a guide specifically made for beginners, mid/late game content won’t be covered.
New Players Guide
Step 1: What Car Do I Buy?
Your first car is guaranteed to be either the Sannis Livisa 180RS or 200RS.
What’s the difference between the two?
- The 180RS has a 5MT (or a 4AT), which provides more torque than the 200RS.
- The 200RS has a 6MT (or a 4AT), which provides quicker acceleration than the 180RS, and has a sunroof unlike the 180RS.
Your first car in this game should be have no major issues, any car with major issues are bound to suck.
Never buy a car in this game with an automatic transmission, they are significantly slower than their 5 speed/ 6 speed manual counterparts.
If you can’t find a car with these requirements, restart the game and look at the auction house again.
Step 2: Who and Where to Challenge to Races
Once you get your car, you have to head over to the Tatsumi PA to challenge your first racer.
Obviously, since you’re riding in a stock car, you should challenge the easiest driver available for you to challenge, who is Daisuke.
In Night runners, you’re required to put in a wager before a race starts.
The first racers you challenge won’t be too difficult, but will get progressively more difficult as you challenge faster and faster racers.
When you win races, you get Rep. With Rep, you get to challenge higher tier races at the cost of them being difficult. Keep this low without losing money.
Step 3: What Do I Buy for My Car?
Since in this game, AI rubberbanding has the potential to softlock your save (when you run out of money and can’t win races anymore, which has happened to me), so you have to upgrade your car to stay ahead of the other racers on the road.
If you plan on actually winning races, I strictly recommend to only buy performance upgrades until you get rich. When you get rich and have money to spare, buy upgrades first and then buy cosmetics.
Currently, the best upgrade setup for beginners are:
- Semi-slick tires
- Prototype camshafts
Even with the upgrades, you should lose less races but you will still lose fairly often, no matter what.
No, you can’t change your name without resetting your playersave.
I’ve said this before and I will say this again, the AI rubberbanding will screw you over.
The AI in this game fear two things:
- Tunnels
- Corners
Regarding the engine light colors, your performance doesn’t get affected until it shows up red.
Useful Tips and Tricks (Questions and Answers)
How to make rims bigger and add offset and camber?
When in wheels customisation option, go into the storage mode, walk up to the wheels, I believe you press one of the bumpers (a third option show up) that will allow you to change offsets and wheel size. The camber and ride height is done through the suspension option using the same steps.
How to beat S.K.
Round 1
I crashed into oncoming traffic and he passes me but glitched out of bounds so I was able to pass him back and slowly drive to the finish to allow the car to cool off, limped the car across the line with ease. (Used 2 shots which overheated my car).
Round 2
He had a bad start off the line but passes me anyway, I was consistently 100 or so distance behind him till the final turn he hit a car and I passed him (No nos so my car was almost back to regular temp).
Round 3
Was the most “fair” race we had. We both hit cars and my car was overheated due to using nos to catch back up, the toll booth was where I passed him on my second shot of nos and managed to keep him behind me till the end of the race.
A major tip i use for this race and all races is dont be afraid to wall ride, you’ll lose speed but not as much as the cpu.
How to find shoebox?
Up the stairs, to the right of the computer, on the floor in a open box.
Where to find game’s song list?
Use this link.
What does different fuel octane mean
Higher fuel octane give better performance.
how do i find my way back to tatsumi or even back to my garage
just jump to garage in the home menu, and set it on your gps. afterwards, memorize the route from your garage.
How to change rim sizes?
you go to customize > wheels and press right bumper on controller. you raise your rim size by pressing dpad up, and to get thinner tires, select tire profile and raise/lower it
How i fix engine check light
Try Pistons, Sparkplugs, Engine Head, and Engine Block.
I have an automatic 180RS and it has a sunroof. So sunroofs aren’t exclusive to the 200RS.
Nice guide for beginners. To me it seems that the cheapest NOS is the best bang for the buck, as it doesn’t melt the engine and gives enough boost to squeeze past the opponent, which is great for drag racing.