This guide will show you which mushrooms are edible and which ones aren’t.
Agaricus Augustus
Psilocybe Cyanescens
Cantharellus Cibarius
Lepiota Procera
Boletus Edulis
Lycoperdon Gigantea
Edible mushrooms can be found on the mountains, but there are also poisonous ones, so be careful what you eat. Gigantea (White huge one) can be found in the forest, and they are really good.
It gives alot of sugar and protein. Do not eat all of them in the same time because it may cause vomiting. While eating it check stomach volume.
Amanita Virosa
Amantia Phalloides
Amanita Pantheria
Avoid them at all costs!
UPD: List of All Available Mushrooms
Not all mushrooms can be found in the game. I assume that this idea came about through the SCUM admin helper, because there are mushrooms listed here that are not available.
In the game itself you can find the following mushrooms, all of which are soil mushrooms:
- Agaricus Augustus
- Agaricus campestris
- Amanita muscaria
- Amanita Pantheria
- Amanita phalloides
- Amanita Virosa
- Amillaria Mellea
- Boletus edulis
- Cantharellus Cibarius
- Corpinus Comatus
- Lepiota Procera
- Lycoperdon gigantea
- Psilocybe cyanescens
Listed in Admin Helper but not available are:
- Fistulina Hepatica
- Ganoderma Lucidum
- Inonotus obliquus
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