Nine Sols – How to Beat Lady Ethereal Boss

I was given some feedback regarding the whole mechanic of keeping her alive and constantly dodging and parrying her attacks.

Guide to Deal with Lady Ethereal Boss


The more you dodge, the angrier she gets, having manic episodes that leave her temporarily frozen in place, like the head-jerking animation she does when she takes a heavy attack.

It’s in that phase that the shades of her teammates manifest to haunt and attack her, and Yi has to hit them to disperse them.

How do they work

The same way as her floaty head mooks that are invulnerable until they enter the black bubble, except they’re homing in on Lady E, appearing at random around her.

They move at the same speed as those head mooks, so there’s always a window of chance of dispersing them before they can hit her. Also, as they’re manifestations of her dead teammates, instead of Lady E’s insane grin, they have the heads of her teammates.

  • Attack sequence.
  • Parry and dodge.
  • She becomes unstable and freezes for a few seconds.
  • Shades attack her.
  • We keep them from getting close to her.
  • She recovers.
  • Rinse and repeat a few more times until she just breaks down crying and gives up fighting.
Egor Opleuha
About Egor Opleuha 2154 Articles
Egor Opleuha, also known as Juzzzie, is the Editor-in-Chief of Gameplay Tips. He is a writer with more than 12 years of experience in writing and editing online content. His favorite game was and still is the third part of the legendary Heroes of Might and Magic saga. He prefers to spend all his free time playing retro games and new indie games.

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