Simple guide to get late game achievement Family Orintated.
Family Orintated Achievement Guide
Family Orintated
- Bring the whole Winston family to the New Future and beyond.
Charlie (Son)
Charlie will always live, as he stays with you and sam both ways when he sways either into Advance or Disrupt based of you’re choices.
Suzie (Daughter)
If you make sure to not let Suzie leave the country for her holiday when she asks you during Christmas, she will stay at home and survive liberation day.
Chris (Brother)
At the very begging of the game, Chris will ask to use your passport to flee the country, if you deny this he will be forced to stay, and survive the bombing.
Cassandra (Mother)
To keep your mother with you, you need to make sure you have a decent amount of money around one third into the game to afford a careworker for her in your home.
- All choices for this achievement align with a Advance biased play through.
- If you’re having difficulty raising money, consider lowering the difficulty.
Hopefully this helped someone, happy achievement hunting!
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