Not For Broadcast – 100% Full Achievement Guide (Live & Spooky DLC)

How to get all the achievements in the Live & Spooky DLC for Not For Broadcast.

How to Obtain All Live & Spooky DLC Achievements

General Info

There are currently 9 achievements for this DLC. I highlighted the three acts to make it clear at which point you can get each achievement. You may need to do additional steps in previous acts for getting it so pay attention from the start.

You can get all achievements in 3 walkthroughs from beginning to the end. Or you could replay couple of episodes.

Apparently for the 2nd act the victims of ghost attacks can be chosen randomly. You eventually need to give to the ghost 3 out of 4 victims. The first “killed” victim will end up in the Vault. The last survivor – in the Projection room. Keep this in mind for succesful completion.

Act 1

Don’t Touch Me!

Fastest to get. When Diane calls and tells you not to mess with SpiritJammer, you need to do exactly opposite. Just flip any switch and listen to her reaction.

A Wallet Full Of Treasure

Determine the fate of Brent Backflip.

Choose the Stage (with megaphone) as third room (the previous choices don’t matter).

A Possession To Remember

Establish Cecil Sloane’s perilous past.

Choose the Prop Store (with dumbbell) as third room (the previous choices don’t matter).

A Fall From Grace?

Discover the cause of the falling stunt man.

Choose the Costume Room (with hanger) as third room (the previous choices don’t matter). You should get the first restored tape here.

Act 2

A Burning Question

Solve the mystery of the unfortunate fire.

Here you need to finish this act with Patrick in Projector room and Holly in the Vault. Patrick must be saved and eventually be the last survivor if you saved someone else. Holly must be your first “killed” victim, so save any victim of ghost attack before her. The other choices don’t matter as long as these two conditions are met. You should get the second restored tape here.

Act 3

I Think I Felt A Chill

Complete the Live & Spooky Bannon Special.

Just get any ending at the final of Act 3.

A Deadly Comeuppance

If your first victim of ghost attack is anyone but Holly, you can relax and don’t do anything with SpiritJammer. As long as you’re not saving Patrick, you’re okay.

If your first victim of ghost attack is Holly, you must save her. Cause being “killed” first she ends up in the Vault and that leads you to another achievement.

Wait till the final to get achievement.

Close But No Cigar

You should not solve first mystery. In the 1st act choose any room except Costume Room as your third choice.

You need to finish 2nd act with Holly in the Vault. Holly must be your first “killed” victim, so save any victim of ghost attack before her. The other choices don’t matter as long as this condition is met.

Wait till the final to get achievement.

Credit Where It’s Due

Here you need to restore all 3 tapes.

  • In the 1st act choose the Costume Room (with hanger) as third choice (the other choices don’t matter) – you’ll get the first tape.
  • You need to finish the 2nd act with Patrick in Projector room and Holly in the Vault. Patrick must be saved and eventually be the last survivor if you saved someone else. Holly must be your first “killed” victim, so save any victim of ghost attack before her. The other choices don’t matter as long as these two conditions are met. You’ll get the second tape.
  • In the 3rd act Holly collects last tape automatically. Wait till the final to get good ending and achievement.
Egor Opleuha
About Egor Opleuha 4311 Articles
Egor Opleuha, also known as Juzzzie, is the Editor-in-Chief of Gameplay Tips. He is a writer with more than 12 years of experience in writing and editing online content. His favorite game was and still is the third part of the legendary Heroes of Might and Magic saga. He prefers to spend all his free time playing retro games and new indie games.


  1. For “Close But No Cigar”, sending Holly to the Vault without solving the 1st or 2nd mysteries will also trigger the achievement.

    • I thought that you can send Holly to the Vault only if you’ve saved Patrick before (sending him to the Projector Booth and having the tape restored). Otherwise, he will endup in the Vault, won’t he?

      • The person who ends up in the Vault is simply whoever is taken during the first ghost event. Patrick can be killed in each other event too, same as the other actors.

        If you send Holly to the Vault and Patrick to anywhere but the Projector room, you get the ‘Holly Fail’ rush and the respective achievement.

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