Useful Tips to Improve Your Gameplay
Strategy to Kill Mantisstags Lossless
You need a 20-30 of choppies and a few stumpies. walk into the range of the mantis to have it hit you with the first hit, then throw the stumpies behind it followed immediately by having the currently equipped 20 choppies charge them with R.
The stag should now be charging its backkick while the choppies chrge from the front. open your inventory and unequip your stumpies before the kick goes through, then also unequip your choppies before the stag can switch aggro and repeat the whole thing.
If you manage to isolate a stag, this works lossless, if you do not, do the same without unsummoning the stumpies, they will get killed by the second stag before the first one finishes it’s kick. this means you will lose 3-5 stumpies. (which is still very much worth it as two stags drop like ~100 aether).
Is It Possible to Limit the Slots in the Barrel to Take Less Items?
At the moment, no. But you can fill them with one item of something. So if you have a Barrel that is filling up with wood, you can deny the other slots by putting leaves or some other item in them.
List of Building Ratios
1/4 Forester [Wooden Log]
1 Sawmill [Timber]
Wooden Panel
2 Forester [Wooden Log]
8 Sawmill [Timber]
1 Sawmill [Wooden Panel]
Wooden Blade
3 Sawmill [Timber]
1 Workshop [Wooden Blade]
1/3 Sawmill [Wooden Panel]
3/4 Forester [Wooden Log]
Stumpy Spark
5/16 Forester [Wooden Log]
1/32 Aether Shard per Second [Aether Shard]
1 Spark Workshop [Stumpy Spark]
Crafty Spark
1 Spark Workshop [Crafty Spark]
4/3 Spark Workshop [Stumpy Spark]
8/3 Sawmill [Timber]
1/24 Aether Shard per Second [Aether Shard]
13/12 Forester [Wooden Log]
1/3 Sawmill [Wooden Panel]
Choppy Spark
1 Spark Workshop [Choppy Spark]
3/2 Spark Workshop [Stumpy Spark]
3/64 Aether Shard per Second [Aether Shard]
51/32 Forester [Wooden Log]
1/2 Sawmill [Wooden Panel]
3/2 Workshop [Wooden Blade]
9/2 Sawmill [Timber]
Do Circular Paths Have Advantages Over Straight Lines?
Yes, significant! There’s three aspects to the theory:
- Sparks pull and push resources on tile arrival instantly. Therefored by chaining minimum path lengths with crates you are basically eliminating 1+ ~1 tiles of movement. The instant deposit and pull on tile arrival end up being ~1 extra tile of instant movement (the spark has to carry the resource at half speed for a bit longer but also dashes faster after deposit and the resource is already in motion at that point)
- The smaller the loop the more significant inner loop speed is compared to straight path. Sparks on a small straight path travel significantly more than those on small loops. Outer Loop:Straight Path:Inner Loop is 1:2:4 ratio of efficiency on single stump.
- Loops allow full capacity bidirectional flow. This means that you can more efficiently have one source feeding multiple dependents without having to wait for saturation
1 dictates that you want to make a ton of tiny paths connected by crates. 2 dictates that you want to make them circles. 1 and 2 combine to explain why you have 2×2 circles chained together. 3 explains why we have this “double output” setups in several locations (the clockwise and counterclockwise flow ensures even resource distribution if the ratio is 3:5).
How to Delete/Remove Things You’ve Built while Using a Controller?
Enter build mode, and there’s a button to go into delete mode (in switch pro controller its Y), DPad lets you alternate between path delete and building delete and holding A lets you area delete.
Making Coal
Coal is less efficient than wood for making more coal. Coal making takes 8s.
- 3 Logs per Coal made, wood burns at 7.5/min
- For a minute 3 * 60/8 is consumed as input and 7.5 burns as fuel
- This is 30 wood units for 7.5 units of coal (meaning 4 Wood -> 1 Coal)
- 3 Logs per Coal made, coal burns at 1.9/min
- For a minute 3*60/8 is consumed as input and 1.9 coal burns as fuel. A unit of coal is equivalent to 4 units of wood so 7.6 wood equivalent has burnt
- Thi is 30.1 wood units for 7.5 units of coal (meaning 4.xxx Wood -> Coal)
Coal is objectively worse except for storage (and wood is unlimited so…)
Examples of Setups
For the Lumber Hut to Sawmill Timber to Sawmill Planks Ratio (Plus my small transfer Storage of Planks and Timber to my sword workshop) this is the ratio I have. Note I have 20 Sparkies split down the three paths (one just to refill my teleporter, two focused on the 4 Timber Sawmills and I have the first two sawmills on both lines be a Original Sparky so that the line doesnt need more than what is being given.
The amount of sparkies transfering to the Plank Sawmill are 4 Sparkies (one per mill cause they produce slower than the planks; 16 Seconds Timber to 8 Second planks). The Workshop just has two sparkies transfering the wood Objects to the Workshop due to that being my personal balance and not the correct ratio to keep it working 24/7. If I didnt focus on the Teleporter, this would be working better for the ratio.

Two loggers feed 8 sawmills which should feed one pallet maker if our math is right, with the crafty sparks in everything too. We did notice that overfilling the lines with stumpies can cause jams, but widdening the squares might allow for more on the line at a time.

Double Splitter

Rapid Transport of Items
Using 2×2 ‘circles’ and putting the stumpy sparks on the inner circle makes for a very rapid transport of items across long distances. its a bit more expensive due to the crates and possibly more stumpy sparks used.

Setup to Maximize Choppy Spark Production
Theoretical optimum since it requires 4 foresters and 5 ancient sites on the right positions (though the ideas are ammenable to patching space in between with loop or outright road connections), the main thing is the knots for feeding the blade workshops.
Multiply by ~4 to have minimize wastage. (15 Foresters can feed this system 4 times).

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