One-armed robber – Museum Guide

Guide to Museum


  • (Atleast) Equipped with a suppressed pistol (Loadout > Pistol > Modify > Muzzle > Suppressor).
  • Completed stealth tutorial (and just understands it).
  • Lockpick.

Step 1: Infiltration

Unlocking the Front Door:

Use your lockpick on the front door. Guards are indoors, and their spotting time is generous enough to give you a window to slip by.

Note: Cameras are present, but you can sprint past them like most guards.

Moving Through the Main Hall:

Stick to the left wall for cover and to avoid detection.

Tip: Time your movements based on guard patrols.

Finding the Manager’s Office:

As you move along the left wall, you’ll encounter a door. Lockpick it to access a hallway with a guard. The manager’s office, containing the keycard, is in this hallway.

Tip: there is an answering station nearby.

Getting the Blue Keycard:

The keycard is on the desk.

Tip: Use this keycard on the basement door.

Step 2: Disabling the Alarms

Navigating the Basement:

Stick to the left wall until you find the basement door, go to the other room and wait for the guard to come and then go to the basement.

Avoiding a Camera:

Descend to the basement, dodge a camera, and unlock the door leading to the alarm shutdown.

Tip: Time your actions when the camera looks away.

Step 3: Silencing Alarms and Handling Guards

Dealing with a Camera and Guard:

Return to the spot where you dealt with the guard. Go through the back door, picklock an door on the left side, shoot the camera.

Tip: Guards won’t notice the broken camera.

Camera Operator Room:

The camera operators room is for forward from the entrance

Tip: shoot the camera if you didnt.

Handle the Upper Floor Guard:

Picklock the upstairs door, not one on the left.

Tip: Other guards won’t see this guard when hes downed, so he’s just an obstacle.

Killing the Last Guard:

Jump down, pick another door, wait for a good moment, and take the guard down. The ansver station is in the middle of the mainhall.

Tip: You can just run past every guard cuz they are too dumb to look at you.

Step 4: Grab the Loot and Escape

Using the Pallet on Wheels:

Grab a pallet on wheels and load it up with stolen goods.

Warning: Keep an eye out for guards. They might get curious.

Leaving Through the Back:

Exit through the back door with the pallet and head for your Van. There aren’t any cameras at the back.


This heist will get you 112 k if you stold everything.


Gun’s with sillencers + Gear that you need


Manager room + Keycard

Hallway Guard

Room Near Basement Guard (i hate him)

Egor Opleuha
About Egor Opleuha 2153 Articles
Egor Opleuha, also known as Juzzzie, is the Editor-in-Chief of Gameplay Tips. He is a writer with more than 12 years of experience in writing and editing online content. His favorite game was and still is the third part of the legendary Heroes of Might and Magic saga. He prefers to spend all his free time playing retro games and new indie games.


  1. So we can destroy the camera near the room of the camera guard and they will not be alarmed ? Or should we take down the camera and then go kill the camera guard asap to avoid triggering the alarm?

    • Frogot that the guard upstairs can sometimes see the camera break ( only if you break it while hes there )

      • the camera operator dosent care about the camera breaking, the only guard that gets alerted is the guard upstairs if hes close to the door

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