Cake Making Guide
By TheMegaQueen (aka MQ)
Welcome to MQ’s Celebration Cake Making Guide! This guide will walk you through tips and tricks to making the Celebration Cake in Palia.
This recipe can be solo’d pretty easily, but it also supports up to 18 players (before overprep) who all receive credit!

- Oven (x3)
- Prep Station (x4)
- Mixing Station (x11)
If you’d like to be super minimal (but slow), you can get away with 2 Prep Stations, 1 Oven, and 1 Mixing Station.
Ingredients (Makes 3 Cakes):
- Blueberry (x1)
- Butter (x4)
- Egg (x3)
- Flour (x3)
- Sweet Leaf (x4)
- Sugar (x3)
- Fruit (x3)*
- Milk (x1)

*The focus, worm bin, and gold value depends on the fruits used per layer. Please see the section Calculations for more info!
Requirement Costs
Celebration Cake Recipe:
3000g, recipe obtainable after Lv9 Cooking from the Cooking Guild Store (Reth). *Only the starter needs this recipe.
Blueberry Bush Seed:
45 Gardening Guild Medals, obtainable after Lv10 Gardening from the Gardening Guild Store (Badruu). Can also be acquired from Badruu’s Lv3 Friendship quest. *Seed your first star harvests (x4 blueberries per 1 seed).
Apple Tree Seed:
280 Gardening Guild Medals, obtainable after Lv10 Gardening from the Gardening Guild Store (Badruu). Can also be acquired from Nai’o’s and Zeki’s Lv3 Friendship quests. *Seed your first star harvests (x10 apples per 1 seed).
Sweet Leaf:
Found scattered around Northern Bahari Bay, mostly around The Outskirts and Flooded Steps. Also obtainable for 3 Foraging Guild Medals each after Lv10 Foraging from the Foraging Guild (Ashura).
Purchase only from Zeki’s General Store:
- Butter: 40g each
- Egg: 24g each
- Flour: 10g each
- Milk: 30g each
- Sugar: 20g each
Total for x3 batter ingredients per round: 222g (74g per batter).
Total for x1 frosting ingredients per round: 70g.
Total for x3 fruit frosting ingredients per round: 60g (20g per fruit frosting).
So for example, if you’re in charge of x1 batter per round, a x30 cake party will require x30 each batter ingredient, costing you 2,220g. All 3 batter spots will cost 6,660g for ingredients.
Baking Walkthrough
- Begin the recipe at the Prep Station. Check the “Use ⭐ Quality Ingredients.” Even with this checked, you can still use regular ingredients. The starter needs 1 blueberry to begin. You may also add ingredients as they are completed.

- At the mixing station, grind 4 sweet leaves. These can start at the same time, as ground sweet leaf is at the top of the list.

- At the mixing station, the frosting can be made. A couple of good cues include watching the ground sweet leaf count to 4 at the bottom of the screen, or Frosting jumps to the top of the crafting list.

- At the mixing station, mix your batters! To be safe, please wait until the regular frosting is made before trying to start a batter. This will help combat confusion in this cooperative task!

- In the ovens, bake the 3 cake layers! Each layer requires 12 seconds to bake. Make sure to take it out of the oven before it burns! Bakers don’t get credit for not taking the cakes out of the oven.

- At the mixing stations, create the fruit frosting. This can be done after batters and during the oven stage. For optimal value, please keep your apples in your pocket, so the game prioritizes them over blueberries.

- At the prep stations, add the fruit frosting onto the cake layers (x3 fruit frosting for x3 cake layers)

- At the prep station where the recipe was started, add the rest of the ingredients into the cake. Everyone who participated gets 3 cakes!

Now, you can sell your cakes and make a nice profit, or if you’re patient you can make more money if you put in a little more work. See the “Tips & Tricks” section for more info!
Recommended Crop Layouts
Layout #1
This layout is a balanced type, for people who would like to participate in cake making but not at an extreme level. I use this layout for passive income through seeding (tomatoes, blueberries, rice) and preserving (potatoes, apples, blueberries).
I split blueberries between selling seeds and jams and using the jams for focus. Rice is helpful if you plan on turning your glow worms from the cakes into sashimi instead of selling immediately. You can also use wheat or corn instead of rice.

Layout #2
This layout has 100% water retain except for replant days. Optimized for seeding (tomatoes, rice), and preserving (potatoes, apples).
For focus food, you can make loaded potato soup with your potatoes. Again, rice is helpful if you want to make sashimi, but you can also plant wheat instead.
I also recommend using the SpeedyGro Fertilizer on at least your trees. Feel free to replace the potato slots with other crops as needed!

Other layouts may be better than mine, but these work for me! You may find more
The value of the celebration cake differs depending on the types of jams used in the 3 layers. You can use any combination of blueberry and apple fruit frostings in Step 6, making Jellied Cake Layers.
In general, cakes made with 3 apple fruit frosting have the highest value in focus and gold through cake sales.
Tips & Tricks
Stuck at a station?
- Press H twice to move in and out of the housing menu.
- Not an editor on the lot? Tell the host you’re stuck. They will have to make you an editor so you can press H twice. Otherwise, enter [/unstuck] in chat. You’ll teleport nearby, so get back to your station quickly!
- Avoid getting stuck by moving around and having a tool out! In my experience, mostly the bakers get stuck.
My menu keeps jumping around at the mixing station!
When something is started or finished crafting, selections in any crafting menu will jump back to the top of the list. Here are the steps to avoid this:
- Grind all 4 sweet leaves first. This will be at the top of the list until the 4th sweet leaf is done mixing.
- After all 4 sweet leaves are ground, frosting can be completed.
- After frosting, the batter gets pushed to the top of the list. You can start now! If you want to be extra safe, you should lock/sell/eat/destroy all milk you own.
- After batters, fruit frosting can begin. If you want to be extra safe, you should lock/sell/eat/destroy all butter you own.
I accidentally made an extra intermediate ingredient! Do I still get credit?
- Yes, you do! This is called overprep. However, make sure to be more careful in the future, as this often causes confusion and wastes other peoples’ ingredients.
Want an even higher profit margin?
- Warning! This method takes more time, especially solo.
- Place your cakes (preferably just your non-starred cakes) into your glow worm farm. You can sell or use the fertilizer you get.
- Use your glow worms and make sashimi with the fish you catch!
- You could also just sell the fish if you’re lazy, but…
- The sashimi recipe is found in the Bahari Bay River with no bait at any time. If a friend has the recipe, ask them to cook with you!
- Sashimi is started at the prep station. It requires 1 spice sprout to start. Cook and stir rice at the stove, and cut one fish.
- Check the “Use ⭐ Quality Ingredients.” Even with this checked, you can still use regular ingredients, but not the other way around. I recommend using starred rice and/or fish, and buying spice sprouts from Zeki’s General Store (30g each) if you need to.
- Have the fish you want to use in your inventory, or else it will select from your storage bins.
- This recipe allows as many people as possible to participate and get credit. All you need is to put down more stoves so everyone can prepare rice. Just make sure everyone starts the rice before one is completed and added to the dish.
- Starred sashimi will get you more money! Sashimi value is based on the value of the fish.
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