Potion Craft: Alchemist Simulator – Ultimate Alchemy Guide

This guide contains major spoilers for the game so be warned.

Definitive Guide to Alchemy

Challenge Naming Conventions

In potion craft, recipes can be made following certain restrictions and challenges, and for the most popular among these, the community has come up with names. First of all I will explain the three factors on which optimization is based. These are: gold cost, ingredient amount and ingredient stress.

Gold cost and ingredient amount are self explanatory, but stress might be a confusing term. Stress is a way to measure the impact the recipe has on your resources. It is the square root of the sum of the squares of the ingredients used. You could describe it as the distance traveled in euclidean ingredient-space.

Now that you understand the way that recipes are graded, it is time to understand all the naming conventions for the different restrictions. The bellows are a powerful tool as they allow you to travel greater distances and even teleport. For these actions there are of course names: 

  • Cold -> Whirlpools are in no way allowed
  • Hot -> Whirlpools are in all ways allowed
  • Lukewarm -> Whirlpools are only allowed for travel, but not for teleportation.

The mortar and pestle are also a very important addition to your repertoire. The amount you grind your ingredients has a big impact on recipes. Because of this, there are a lot of restrictions for grinding ingredients:

  • Any grind -> Ingredients can be ground any amount
  • Extreme -> Ingredients are fully ground or unground
  • Full grind -> Ingredients are fully ground only
  • Wasteful -> Ingredients are unground only
  • Cracked -> Ingredients may only be ground by throwing them

As far as your ladle goes, not a lot of things can be left out, but even here there is a restriction:

  • Wasteless -> Path must be fully stirred before using bellows

In this update we got the first look at a second potion base. You could restrict yourself to using a specific base, but this has no separate name. Usage of a base does though:

  • Dry -> Potion base is not allowed
  • Wet -> Potion base is allowed

Now that all the possible actions have been gone over, we can take a look at what you are allowed to add into the potion. First of all, there are a few restrictions based of the ingredients you may add:

  • Mixed -> All ingredients are allowed
  • Organic -> No crystals are allowed
  • Herbal -> Only herbs are allowed 
  • Fungal -> Only mushrooms are allowed
  • Cardinal -> Only the basic 8 ingredients are allowed
  • Crystalline -> Only crystals are allowed

Lastly we shall take a look at the restriction around salt usage:

  • Dull -> No salts are allowed
  • Rich -> All salts are allowed
  • Desolate -> Only void salt is allowed
  • Immortal -> Only life salt is allowed
  • Gyroscopic -> Only sun and moon salt are allowed.
  • Solar -> Only sun salt is allowed
  • Lunar -> Only moon salt is allowed
  • Scholarly -> Only Philosopher’s salt is allowed

Now that we know all restriction we can take a look at the most popular challenge categories:

  • Highlander -> No duplicate ingredients
  • Drylander -> Highlander + Dry
  • Wastelander -> Highlander + Wasteful
  • Alchelander -> Drylander + Extreme
  • Masterlander -> Drylander + Wastelander
  • Lowlander -> Only one unique ingredient is used


There are currently 58 ingredients in the game, ranging in size and cost. Some ingredients can grow in the garden and others can only be bought from merchants.

In order to buy certain ingredients, you first have to increase your friendship with the merchant that sells them. 


  • Description: Use it like a fan to cool off.
  • Price: 19.2 gold
  • Committed length: 6.65 units
  • End Point: -0.00, 5.18
  • SVG Path: C -7.071067E-05,-7.071067E-05 1.849999,2.589999 -8.046627E-07,2.589999  C -1.850001,2.589999 9.919533E-05,5.179999 -8.046627E-07,5.179999

Maps and Effects

The current version of Potion Craft has two different potion bases and thus, two different maps. you start the game with the water base, which is the main map. Water contains all of the effects that are currently in the game. The map is separated into two sections by a wall of bones with few places to go through it without the use of crystals. 

All of the effects within this wall are upright and can be made tier 3 without the use of any salts. The effects outside of the wall are all rotated and can only be made tier 3 with the use of salts. 

Some of the effects outside of the wall can be found on the oil map, rotated upright this time, and the effects inside of the water wall are rotated on the oil map. Only 6 effects are on neither map, rotated upright. These are: Hallucination, Fragrance, Luck, Curse, Fear and Inspiration.

Objects on the maps

The oil map is the only map to contain slow zones currently. These areas eat part of your path and make your potion move slower.

The water map (spoilers)

The oil map (spoilers)

Potion effects

There are a total of 43 potion effects in the current game, some harder to get than others, and all of them combinable. 

Effect prices

  • Effect: Healing – Price: 100 
  • Effect: Poison – Price: 130 
  • Effect: Fire – Price: 245 
  • Effect: Frost – Price: 200
  • Effect: Explosion – Price: 435 
  • Effect: WildGrowth – Price: 330 
  • Effect: Strength – Price: 290 
  • Effect: Dexterity – Price: 460 
  • Effect: Swiftness – Price: 480 
  • Effect: Lightning – Price: 615 
  • Effect: Mana – Price: 365 
  • Effect: StoneSkin – Price: 495 
  • Effect: Sleep – Price: 495 
  • Effect: Light – Price: 545 
  • Effect: Charm – Price: 755 
  • Effect: Slowness – Price: 660  
  • Effect: Rage – Price: 870 
  • Effect: MagicalVision – Price: 920
  • Effect: Acid – Price: 720 
  • Effect: Libido – Price: 1120 
  • Effect: Invisibility – Price: 1150 
  • Effect: Levitation – Price: 1320 
  • Effect: Necromancy – Price: 2370 
  • Effect: PoisonProtection – Price: 515 
  • Effect: LightningProtection – Price: 830 
  • Effect: FireProtection – Price: 790 
  • Effect: FrostProtection – Price: 770 
  • Effect: Gluing – Price: 640 
  • Effect: Slipperiness –  Price: 685 
  • Effect: Stench – Price: 645 
  • Effect: AcidProtection – Price: 760 
  • Effect: AntiMagic – Price: 1540 
  • Effect: Shrinking – Price: 1215 
  • Effect: Enlargement – Price: 1180 
  • Effect: Rejuvenation – Price: 980 
  • Effect: Inspiration – Price: 1400 
  • Effect: Fragrance – Price: 700 
  • Effect: Fear – Price: 1100 
  • Effect: Hallucinations – Price: 1200 
  • Effect: Luck – Price: 1700 
  • Effect: Curse – Price: 900


Haggling is an important part of becoming a master alchemist. A good alchemist knows when to haggle and when not too. For some it might be a difficult skill so haggling at a lower difficulty is always an option. Haggling can influence the price of your potion, either in a good or bad way, but that is not the only thing it influences. 

Haggling effect

If you choose to haggle, whether or not it was successful, you will gain less popularity from the interaction. <add the specific numbers here>

When haggling, you can talk with visitors about different themes. Each person has a unique set of themes – from trivial to sensitive ones. The more important a theme is for the visitor, the harder it is to talk about it, as the arrow will move faster, but the profit you can get is also higher.

<add specific gold rates for each difficulty here>

The total profit that you make from haggling will be displayed on the statistics screen that opens when you press the calendar.

How to haggle

Hitting gold bonuses outweigh the scales for your benefit, while misses tilt them to the opposite side. The longer you haggle, the thinner bonuses become until they completely disappear; that’s why you should not haggle for too long as the visitor may find you obtrusive.

If you cancel the haggle after initiating it, it will upset the visitor and the haggle will end with the worst result.

Hitting a green bonus on the left or on the right side will fix the profit and finish the haggling, The haggling will also finish if you achieve maximum profit.

The goal of the haggling mini-game is to outweigh the scales to the left, thus achieving a better deal. Press the “Haggle!” button or space when the arrow is hovering gold bonuses to outweigh the scales for your benefit, but do not tarry as after first click the scales will begin to tilt to the right side.

Potion Price Modifiers

“x types of ingredients” 

  • 3 type = 1.5x
  • 2 type = 2x 
  • 1 type = 3x 

“dont add this ingredient” 1.5x 

“add this ingredient” 

  • Just 1 = 1.5x 
  • As main = 2x 

“certain strength” 

  • Weak = 3x reg weak price | 1.2x reg strong price 
  • Strong = 1.5x 

“extra effects” 

  • 0 extra= 1x 
  • 1 extra = 1.5x 
  • 2 extra = 2x 
  • 3 extra = 3.5x 
  • 4 extra = 7x 

Potion Tiers 

  • T1 x1 
  • T2 x1.75 
  • T3 x2.5 

Haggling Options 

  • Very easy -20% x 0.2 
  • Easy -30% x 0.3 
  • Medium -40% x 0.4 
  • Hard -45% x 0.45 
  • Very hard -50% x 0.5
Egor Opleuha
About Egor Opleuha 2154 Articles
Egor Opleuha, also known as Juzzzie, is the Editor-in-Chief of Gameplay Tips. He is a writer with more than 12 years of experience in writing and editing online content. His favorite game was and still is the third part of the legendary Heroes of Might and Magic saga. He prefers to spend all his free time playing retro games and new indie games.

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