A compendium of the desired potion effects for each customer.
Potion Effects Guide
You can use ‘ctrl-f’ and enter the start of the dialogue to find a particular entry. Working out what potions to give your customers can be a lot of fun. For someone as obsessive as me, it can also be very frustrating trying to work out every valid option for every customer request before they storm out of your shop. I made this guide to both help others work out this charming game, and hopefully have others point out the things I’ve missed.
The format used in this guide looks something like this example.
Request Dialogue
- I have a chest, but the key to it is… I lost it. I need to pick the lock somehow.
Valid Effects
- Acid (III)
- Explosion (II)
-20 Rep
Passing over the obvious, the bracketed numerals in Valid Effects are showing the most valuable valid potion for the request. They are only there if there is more than one effect listed. Rarely, the valid effects do not combine nicely, so do take a look before you go potion-making in case you end up with nasty side effects. (Who would make such a silly mistake anyway, cough cough)
Reputation loss is listed if the request gives it. If it is not listed, it can be assumed that it gives +3 Reputation.
All requests seem to give either +2 or +3 Popularity, but these are not listed to avoid further bloating this guide.
Happy potion crafting!
Customer Requests
Request Dialogue
- My firewood at home is all wet. I can’t light it. Have anything to help me get it lit?
Valid Effects
- Fire
Request Dialogue
- I work in a mine, and we can’t use lanterns now because we exposed a gas spring that will explode if it touches flame.
- I need to light my way somehow. Any ideas?
Valid Effects
- Light
Request Dialogue
- My tooth has been hurting for some time. Now the pain is unbearable. Is there anything you can do?
Valid Effects
- Healing
Request Dialogue
- Lumberjacks cut down our woods. The new trees will take years to grow… Do you have anything to speed up their growth?
Valid Effects
- Fast Growth
Request Dialogue
- I want to make a trap that make trespassers stick to it and won’t let them go.
- I’ll make the trap mechanism, but I need a potion to make it sticky.
Valid Effects
- Slow Down
Request Dialogue
- I have some kind of rash on my arm. Do you have any healing ointment?
Valid Effects
- Healing
Request Dialogue
- I want my hammer to have thunderous might! Like a storm laying waste to my enemies! May the gods witness my epic battles!
Valid Effects
- Explosion (III)
- Lightning (II)
Request Dialogue
- Our whole harvest was destroyed in a fire. If we don’t restore our fields, we’ll face a famine…
Valid Effects
- Rich Harvest (III)
- Fast Growth (II)
Request Dialogue
- I have a lava giant to slay. Surely you have something to aid me in battle
Valid Effects
- Berserker (III)
- Frost
Request Dialogue
- Rats have infested my barn. I need to poison them…
Valid Effects
- Poisoning
Request Dialogue
- Our apples trees just won’t bear fruit. Maybe we can water them with something special?
Valid Effects
- Rich Harvest
Request Dialogue
- I’m a battle mage. Various potions come in handy after battle to restore my mana. I need some extras on hand just in case.
Valid Effects
- Mana (III)
- Healing (II)
Request Dialogue
- I just came from a harsh campaign. I want to rest.
Valid Effects
- Hallucinations
Request Dialogue
- I need to get down a mountain swiftly and safely. Surely you can think of something?
Valid Effects
- Levitation
Request Dialogue
- My mana is running low… I need to restore my power
Valid Effects
- Mana
Request Dialogue
- Hello. I’m a creative person, you know, and my most creative thinking happens when I’m asleep. But I can’t just fall asleep whenever I want to! What should I do?
Valid Effects
- Hallucinations (III)
- Sleep (II)
Request Dialogue
- I need a potion that grants magic powers.
Valid Effects
- Mana
Request Dialogue
- I’ve had insomnia and intense anxiety for a week. I can’t relax for a minute.
- Maybe you can help me?
Valid Effects
- Hallucinations (III)
- Sleep (II)
Request Dialogue
- I need to get past a monster… I can’t go around it, only over, but I can’t fly!
- And as soon as I get close, it’ll see me and gobble me up.
Valid Effects
- Levitation (III)
- Invisibility (II)
- Bounce
Request Dialogue
- I was injured recently, and it looks like the wound is starting to fester. What should I do?
Valid Effects
- Healing
Request Dialogue
- I heard there were potions that can make your skin as hard as rock. Is it true? Do you have any?
Valid Effects
- Stone Skin
Request Dialogue
- My wife… We’re doing well, except, um… Let’s just say we’d like to give each other more attention in a certain way.
- I don’t have any problems there, but she’s just never in the mood.
- Can you come up with anything? Some kind of tincture, for instance?
Valid Effects
- Libido
Request Dialogue
- I want to enter the forest at night to gather some herbs.
- I won’t be able to see anything in the dark, but my hands will be full of herbs, so I won’t be able to carry a lantern.
Valid Effects
- Light
Request Dialogue
- We’re looking for someone, and we think he’s using some kind of cloaking magic…
- You must have a potion to help us track him, right?
Valid Effects
- Magical Vision
Request Dialogue
- I want to dip my blade in you strongest poison. My enemies will writhe in agony… yes…
Valid Effects
- Poisoning
-30 Rep
Request Dialogue
- I have a chest, but the key to it is… I lost it. I need to pick the lock somehow.
Valid Effects
- Acid (III)
- Explosion (II)
-20 Rep
Request Dialogue
- I need to get into a cave unnoticed… Do you have a potion for that?
Valid Effects
- Invisibility
Request Dialogue
- We have a raid soon, and I think the slaughter will be fierce. I’m afraid I won’t get out alive. I’d like to increase my chances a bit.
Valid Effects
- Berserker (III)
- Stone Skin (II)
- Healing
Request Dialogue
- Hello, potions merchant! I’ll get right to business – I’m a great lover of women, but work and stress… Anyway, when things get interesting, I have… problems.
- You’re a master of your trade, right? Got anything I can rub on my sword? Catch my drift?
Valid Effects
- Libido
Request Dialogue
- I’ve had a headache for three days. I can’t sleep at night… Can you help me?
Valid Effects
- Sleep (III)
- Healing (II)
Request Dialogue
- There’s a guard who’s making it really hard for me to get where I need to go. I want to put something in his food so he’ll be out of commission for a short while. But I don’t want to kill him.
Valid Effects
- Hallucinations (III)
- Sleep (II)
-20 Rep
Request Dialogue
- I work in a mine, and we came across some really hard rock. We need to blast it away. Got anything explosive?
Valid Effects
- Explosion
Request Dialogue
- I need a vial of acid I can throw.
Valid Effects
- Acid
Request Dialogue
- I need to climb a tall tower, but I have no idea how. Is there a magic potion to help me pull it off?
Valid Effects
- Levitating (III)
- Bounce (II)
Request Dialogue
- I need a fire potion that I can toss into a lair of monsters.
Valid Effects
- Fire
Request Dialogue
- I planted a tree in the garden, but it’s growing so slowly. Is there any way I can speed it up?
Valid Effects
- Fast Growth
Request Dialogue
- I need to cross a deep river. Can you suggest anything?
Valid Effects
- Levitation (III)
- Bounce (II)
- Frost
Request Dialogue
- There’s this girl… I’m in love with her, but she won’t even look at me! I need to make her love me, understand?
Valid Effects
- Charm
-10 Rep
oh, now thanks to you! i genuanly didn’t know that.