In this guide, I’ll explain how to stop being poor (like how I used to be), and get infinite tickets to buy and upgrade any ability you want.
Infinite Tickets Guide
- Have 2 friends that play Project Playtime.
- Give them this guide or explain to them the process.
- Have hands.

How to Do It?

The first thing you have to do is create a new game and make sure to tick the “Friends Only” box before starting it.
Once you are inside the game invite your 2 friends to start with the bug.

All players have to reunite beside a sewer manhole.

Each person has a different role to take.
- The masochist: They have to stay static on top of the sewer manhole watching how the monster kills them over and over.
- The monster: They have to kill the masochist and put them inside the hole.
- The accomplice: They have to be beside the hole waiting for the monster to throw the masochist inside the hole, and as soon as the hole is opening they have to take them out of it to avoid them from losing a heart.
- If you are the masochist go touch grass, clean, take a shower or just take a nap while the other 2 players are filling their pockets.
- If you are the monster be careful to not throw the corpse of the masochist too quickly, shake them around a bit before throwing them inside the sewer (if you throw them too fast the game might bug and not give you 20 tickets from throwing them inside of it).
- If you are the accomplice you have to rescue the masochist as soon as the hole starts opening, this will make it easier and make the process much faster.
- Masochist: get 0 tickets, that’s why it’s important to switch roles once the round ends.
- Monster: +10 for killing, +20 tickets for depositing.
- Accomplice: +30 for rescuing a player.
Last Step
If you did everything correctly you will be winning more than 3.000 tickets per match
Repeat this bug as if there was no tomorrow and you will be a millionaire.
Note: This will probably be patched to hell and back as soon as possible so make sure to abuse it.
If you don’t have friends then you can’t. BUT you can add some of the people on the comments to farm tickets
so i ran some numbers and to get every perk and sabotage it would require a total of, drumroll please
71,400 toy tickets, enjoy the grind for days
That equals to 21 games.
Each game gives you around 3500 tickets (a bit more even but lets round it to a nice number).
Each game lasts about 15 minutes.
21 games = 73500 tickets in a span of 5.25 hours.
with the 2 survivors make them switch between reviving and dying every deposit so both survivors get equal tickets
it probably wont be patched considering its doing as intended, your just doing it at hyperspeed
You can just go to the configuration of the game and easily get infinite tickets. Then again this guide still useful if you want to do it in a manish way
when you realize you can litterally do this with files for like almost no effort)
I used technical knowhow and changed my save file to 100.000 tickets heheheha
lol i was doing this with my buddies because i found out the best feature in the game, instant saving. (NOT A BUG, A FEATURE)
Technically it is not a bug but the game’s logic as the mini huggies seem to be alerted that you are down in the sewers by the noise you make when you hit the ground so our victim doesn’t alert the mini huggies by hitting the ground before getting dragged up so since the mini huggies didn’t know he was there then a life wont be lost yet everyone except the victim is rewarded