Guide to Corrupted Levels
The Rift Corrupted Level
Speed run and skip past the enemies and make it to the first safe zone, to your level, a door will be open, that is where ‘The Rift’ Corrupted Level is and once completed, it will take you to the Fields level.
Scrapyard Corrupted Level
In the ruins level, skip past the enemies if you wish to do that…make it to the orange area located on your minimap and I recommend using the Guardian class for this one. There should be lasers in a sewer type tunnel. Usually you need to deactivate them by finding the buttons located within the area but use your ability (Guardian shield) to go through the lasers, there should then be the Scrapyard Corrupted level to do. If I remember correctly, I may be wrong here but do NOT take the health before you begin, I think it downs your health once claimed, so do not make the same mistake I did lol. This will also take you to the Fields on completion.
The Pit Corrupted Level
In the Quarry level, find the orange area on your minimap, there should be ‘The Pit’ Corrupted Level up high. You can get up there with either specific gadgets or the recon class or whatever the class is where you can dash/teleport forward or wherever you are aiming. There is also an achievement if you detonate the robots once you enter passed the locked door to access the hidden corrupted level. To unlock the orange areas door on your minimap for the Quarry level, in the safe zone on the very first level before you choose either the Oasis, Ruins or Quarry route, at the Quarry routes door, there should be a number there, memorise it or write it down on paper because you need it for the door pin to unlock that door for the orange area. Once done, you can attempt ‘The Pit’ corrupted level.
Doom Gardens Corrupted Level
Now this one may not be entirely accurate but you need to speed run through all the levels and take the route to make it to the Fields level, at the corrupted challenge area within the Fields level should now be a Portal on the wall next to the corrupted challenges door, go through the portal and you should now automatically be in a corrupted level which may or may not be the ‘Doom Gardens’. I also can’t remember but there is also a door in the safe zone in the Fields level where you must give I think it was either wrenches or powercells to access it. If i remember correctly, it led to a corrupted level, forgot which one though. Could either be the Waste Station or the Fusion Core corrupted levels I’m thinking of.
Waste Station/Fusion Core Corrupted Level
Through the Quarry level route, make it to the Aqua Station level, there should be a locked door with a lightning bolt symbol on it in a safe zone with a frozen robot. Can’t remember how to get the key to unlock that door so that is up to you to discover where to get it unfortunately, sorry about that. In the ‘Fusion Core’ corrupted level, somewhere within the level (think it was in a safe zone but it’s always good to look for it on every inch of the map. The jumping puzzle, if you complete it, that is where you find the nose for a quest.
As for why the corrupted levels are important, on completion, they will give you a power crystal. Once all power crystals are claimed, head to Haven City and go directly to the orange area on your minimap, the door will be open and I will not spoil what is inside.
As for having all the power crystals active at basecamp, this will increase the amount of elite enemies you will encounter in every single level you do, they will also drop powercells, so don’t forget to pick them up. Having every power crystal activated at basecamp will also make the final level easier but I will not say anything about what’s in the final level.
And that’s it, I hope this helps!
I might as well explain how to get the Ranger and Elementalist class as a bonus…
How to unlock the Ranger class
In the Oasis level, go behind the waterfall in the orange area on your minimap, the hidden javelin is there.
How to unlock the Elementalist class
In the Energy Center level, before you go through the door to begin your run, look behind you. There should be a locked door with a 6 digit code. The Elementalist class is within that very door and here is how you get there…In the safe zone with the lab, through the glass within that locked door should be 2 numbers on the wall with a bunch of X signs. Restart run after run till you get to the Energy Center’s safe zone and the numbers should change to get the full code, however, numbers are random each run and could be the same ones so you may find you could be doing several runs.
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