Scene Investigators – 100% Achievements Guide + Answers

Guidance for completing the game and obtaining 100% achievements!


Scene Investigators is a complex deduction game featuring five achievements.

Solve all five cases with an A (ace) grade to unlock all achievements. The questions that appear after reaching A grades in the main cases do not require true or valid answers; any input works.

How to Get All Achievements (5/5)

Preliminary Trial

Aced Preliminary Trial

Who was the getaway driver?

  • Frank Carter

Who was involved in stealing Helen Turner’s purse?

  • Frank Carter
  • Anthony Young


Aced Missing

Scenario #1

Where was everyone at 2pm on the 6th of September?

NameHouse/Apt No.StreetCityState
Katherine4572Charter St.Santa ClaritaCA
Thomas4830Sunrise Rd.Las VegasNV
Hazel2839Garners Ferry Rd.Los AngelesCA
Nicholas2839Garners Ferry Rd.Los AngelesCA

Would the Insurance cover the hospital bill?

  • No

Who picked up the kids on September 18th?

  • Hannah Olson

Scenario #2

Who stole Emma’s money?

  • Frank

When was Marley hospitalized? (MM/DD/YYYY)

  • 11/12/2018

Did Janine move to another state?

  • No

How many times did Phillip assault someone in the house between Nov. 7 and Nov. 15?

  • 3

Who has an appointment with the tattoo artist on the 17th?

  • Irene Haynes

Who is the intruder?

  • Thomas Harrington

Scenario #3

Who entered through the window?

  • Thomas Harrington

Who died here?

  • Thomas Harrington

Who is the killer?

  • Phillip Haynes

The 4th Floor

Aced The 4th Floor

The Break-In

Who broke into the apartment?

  • Clyde Kent Peterson

Who was present during the break-in?

  • Brenda Peterson
  • Sarah Peterson
  • Clyde Kent Peterson

Who was killed?

  • Clyde Kent Peterson

Who is the killer?

  • Brenda Peterson

The Dinner Party

How many people live in the apartment?

  • 2

Who is Jessica’s cousin?

  • Victor

Who sat in chair #4?

  • Ronnie Grayson

Who was killed?

  • Jessica Grayson

Who is the killer?

  • Carol

The Celebration

Who died?

  • Brian Olson

Who was the second last to arrive?

  • Lisa Olson

Who is the owner of the blue sports bag?

  • Andrew

Who is the killer?

  • Jack Carter


Aced Bloodbath

What is in the package by the exit?

  • Gift

Was the gun the killer using standard issue?

  • Yes

Who died by the office doorway?

  • Harry Baker

Who was the dirty cop?

  • Michael Mike Snyder

How many people were murdered?

  • 4

Was Harry Baker in a reasonable state of mind, yes or no?

  • Yes

Which prisoner was in interrogation room #1?

  • Carl Tristan

Hughes Manor Feud

Aced Hughes Manor Feud

Among the money to be distributed to the children, how much % was each supposed to receive?

  • Ellis: 22
  • Roger: 26
  • Glenn: 24
  • Roman: 28

How many people were killed in this mansion?

  • 2

Please fill in the set(s) of names of both the victim and the perpetrator in the following fields.

  • Set 1: Glenn Hughes | Ellis Hughes
  • Set 2: Ellis Hughes | Roger Hughes
Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 3755 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.


    • She very likely had an affair with Ronnie, since both were at a fancy expensive restaurant while Jessica visted her mother. And while not drinking alcohol (her glass is still full) might fit with her taking the medicine that ended up as the murder weapon, she is also trying to get off smoking (nicotine patches in her purse). This implies she might be pregnant. The way Ronnie worded his birthday card for Jessica implies he intends to stay with her. So the abortion clinic card could be read as him wanting *Carol* to get an abortion, so he can stay with Jessica.
      Also note how Carol’s wine glass is on the left side of the plate, despite her being right-handed. Moving the glass to the left would put it right next to Jessica’s glass, giving Carol an opportunity to poison Jessica’s glass or poison her own glass and then switch it with Jessica’s glass.

      • damn…thx for the explanation, it makes more senses now, I just finished playing 402 & 403. But I feel like Carol being a killer is a bit far-fetched. I originally thought when I saw “trip to LA”, it means Ronnie and Jessica went to LA tgt.

        In 403, I still can’t figure out why Jack is the murder…

  1. In 401, why was Greta there? I got that she had a camp, but the consent form (which was supposed to be given to the camp before Greta attended it) was still on the table. So I assumed she didn’t get to go at the end

    • The summer camp info flyer on the night stand mentions that registering for the summer camp should be done online. Brenda probably could’ve sent the consent form via fax, or as a photo via e-mail or online upload.

  2. Question (contains spoiler): Can anyone explain the reasoning behind Thomas Harrington being the intruder in “Missing” (Scenario 2)?

    • Thomas was the friend that Irene made in the park. You can see on her phone that she messaged him for help. You don’t find out who the friend was until scenario 3 of missing where you find Thomas’s phone with Irene’s message. That one is designed to exit and come back to it

    • You can also find his keychain next to the dog’s outline in Part 2. It’s the same keychain that his apartment door will be opened with in Part 3.

  3. Meanwhile, the 1st number has the phone owner say “I know you don’t like unpredictability”.

    The criminal backgrounds show that 2 of the suspects have records of “good behavior” or “were not convicted of crimes they were known to have done”, and that they both spent time at the same prison at the same time. The younger one of the 2 must be Lorenzo, so that must mean that the person texting on the 2nd number is the other criminal who hasn’t spent time in prison with Lorenzo. Also, since the 2nd number is saying “it’ll be real quick” and “it’s on the way”, he must be asking the driver to stop “on the way” for the robbery.

  4. Going to be attempting to give some context for each of the answers to each scene, as I understand the logic.

    Preliminary Trial:

    The main points of interest are the phone message and the criminal backgrounds. The 2nd number has the person on the other end bring up the $600 lottery ticket (which means 4 matching numbers according to the newspaper), while they both discuss following orders from “a guy younger than you”, only for the owner of the phone to respond “he’s been stealing since he was 8, so he’s my senior in that respect”.

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