A place where you can find the level 1 and level 80 stats of a suit, the particularities of their move-set and how to calculate how much damage they will deal with attacks, along with some tips or tricks on how to use them more effectively.
Guide to Mobile Suit Stats and Action Damage
The Foreword (Followed by Math)
Hey, wanted to thank you for looking at this- And if you see I screwed up or have tips or tricks for a mobile suit I didn’t use enough to figure out, feel free to drop them.
To get started, let me first introduce you to how Damage seems to work in SDGBA:
Your machine has a Melee and Ranged stat, and each attack has a value it is multiplied by when attacking. You subtract the armor value of your enemies, and viola! Damage!
But it’s more complex than that, though it is arguably pretty simple in scope, and that’s fine by me. In essence, each 100 in a stat is a 1x multiplier to the damage of an attack. If you have 355 Melee, you take the value for the melee attack (Lets say 46) and multiply it by 3.55. You should hit for 163 or 164, depending on the games rounding and a bit less after defense, which is percentage based.
Now, the fun part. Know those “[Subweapon] Attack” parts? What about “[Beam] Melee Attack”? The game multiplies these together to get your new total, so stacking them if you can is stronger than it looks. Lets say you have to choose between a part that gives 100 Melee, or 15% bonus damage to your attacks. You have 500 Melee. On a base 46 power attack, you will do 230, or 276 with the extra 100. But that 230 becomes 264.5 with the percentage part. It doesn’t seem worth it, until you factor in these can generate on your Melee/Ranged parts. Say you got both the 100 and 15%- You hit for 317.4. While basic attacks might fade off at this point, Subweapon attacks do not.
Subweapon Attack and your chosen type attack percentage part can stack- A Hyper Bazooka shell that normally does base 90 with 500 ranged would deal 450. You have a 15% and a 20% bonus from parts to it from two separate effects- it now deals 621. Doesn’t seem like much more of an improvement, despite being a 38% effect over a 35% one… But wait, there’s more!
You can stack these parts hard. Say somehow you got 4 parts for a total of 60% Beam and 60% Subweapon. 450 base damage Hyper Bazooka shell would go from dealing 621 to 1152.
A Back Attack adds 30%, and an Aerial adds 20%. Aerial Back Attacks add 50%, and Backstabber adds an additional 20%. Stack that on top of it, which is multiplied against your full total from the previous multiplication. 1958 damage or so. Physical attacks do a little bit less total damage to compensate for no strong I-Field or armor effects that neutralize them completely, I think. Don’t judge Physical Damage Dealing MS harshly for it.
But enough about that, on to the mobile suits and their kits.
If your mobile suit isn’t on here, that’s because this is a work in progress and it takes time to do these. I’ll get to it!
GM (Standard)
- Mobile Suit: GM
- Type: All-Rounder
Stats at Lv1 > 80:
- HP: 320 > 1787
- Boost: 100 > 170
- Melee: 133 > 574
- Ranged: 106 > 455
- Melee Combo: 2 Hits, Beam Melee [30] > Beam Melee [33]
- Heavy Attack: 6x Physical Ranged [4 per hit], Beam Melee [25.5]
- Counter Attack: Beam Melee [150]
- Up Smash: Beam Melee [37.5]
- Down Smash: Beam Melee [48]
- Spin Attack: Beam Melee [36]
- Main Ranged: Beam Spray Gun, Beam Ranged [15]
- Sub Weapon 1: Beam Saber Rush, 3x Beam Melee [10, 10, 42]
- Sub Weapon 2: Beam Spray Gun (Rapid Fire), x3 Beam Ranged [33.5 per hit]
- Special Attack: Hybrid Ranged [678ish]
Special Notes:
Both Sub Weapons raise shield for guarding during their animations.
SPA has some splash radius.
Zaku II Type F
- Mobile Suit: Zaku II Type F
- Type: All-Rounder
Stats at Lv1 > 80:
- HP: 316 > 1769
- Boost: 100 > 170
- Melee: 183 > 568
- Ranged: 114 > 459
- Melee Combo: 2 hits, Physical Melee [29] > Physical Melee [31.25]
- Heavy Attack: Physical Melee [37.5]
- Counter Attack: Physical Melee [135]
- Up Smash: Physical Melee [36.25]
- Down Smash: Physical Melee [46.25]
- Spin Attack: Physical Melee [34.75]
- Main Ranged: Zaku Machine Gun, x10 Physical Ranged [2.5 per hit]
- Sub Weapon 1: Cracker Toss, Physical Ranged [67.66]
- Sub Weapon 2: Zaku Bazooka, Physical Ranged [85.5]
- Special Attack: 3x Physical Melee, 1x Physical Ranged [618ish]
Special Notes:
- Machine Gun allows farming SPA’s quickly, which does a rather high amount of damage.
- SPA has splash damage on final shot.
- Mobile Suit: Guntank
- Type: Sharpshooter
Stats at Lv1 > 80:
- HP: 234 > 1310
- Boost: 100 > 170
- Melee: 110 > 471
- Ranged: 143 > 615
- Melee Combo: 2 Hits, Physical Melee [29] > Physical Melee [31]
- Heavy Attack: Physical Melee [40]
- Counter Attack: Physical Melee [135.5]
- Up Smash: Physical Ranged [34]
- Down Smash: Physical Melee [43.5]
- Spin Attack: x2 Physical Melee [8.75] [26]
- Main Ranged: Quadruple Bop Missile, x8 Physical Ranged [3.75 per hit]
- Sub Weapon 1: 120mm Low-Recoil Cannon (Right), Physical Ranged [63]
- Sub Weapon 2: 120mm Low-Recoil Cannon (Left), Physical Ranged [63]
- Special Attack: Physical Ranged [370]
Special Notes:
- Main Ranged greatly speeds up SPA recharge rate, but SPA is rather weak.
- SPA has large splash radius.
- Counter Attack has a high chance to Back Attack.
- Mobile Suit: Guncannon
- Type: All-Rounder
Stats at Lv1 > 80:
- HP: 353 > 1778
- Boost: 100 > 170
- Melee: 149 > 577
- Ranged: 120 > 466
- Melee Combo: 2 Hits, Physical Melee [28.75] > Physical Melee [31.25]
- Heavy Attack: Physical Melee [39]
- Counter Attack: Physical Melee [134.75]
- Up Smash: Physical Melee [36]
- Down Smash: Physical Melee [46]
- Spin Attack: x2 Physical Melee [8.75] [26]
- Main Ranged: Beam Rifle, Beam Ranged [30]
- Sub Weapon 1: Hand Grenade (Throw), Physical Ranged [67.25]
- Sub Weapon 2: 240mm Cannon, x2 Physical Ranged [56 per hit]
- Special Attack: Physical Ranged [645.25]
Special Notes:
- SPA has decent splash radius, and is easily aimed at alternate targets during animation.
- Spin attack starts small and is rather slow to expand, if stylish.
Gundam RX-78-2
- Mobile Suit: Gundam RX-78-2
- Type: All-Rounder
Stats at Lv1 > 80:
- HP: 408 > 1869
- Boost: 120 > 210
- Melee: 171 > 603
- Ranged: 136 > 478
- Melee Combo: 3 Hits, Beam Melee [30] > Beam Melee [32.5] > Beam Melee [36]
- Heavy Attack: Beam Melee [43.5]
- Counter Attack: Beam Melee [150]
- Up Smash: Beam Melee [37.5]
- Down Smash: Beam Melee [48]
- Spin Attack: Beam Melee [36]
- Main Ranged: Beam Rifle, Beam Ranged [30]
- Sub Weapon 1: Beam Javelin, x6 Beam Melee, Beam Melee [6.5 per hit] [32.5]
- Sub Weapon 2: Hyper Bazooka, Physical Ranged [94.5]
- Special Attack: Physical Ranged [647.5]
Special Notes:
- Heavy Attack can function as a dodge.
- SPA Has some splash radius.
- Mobile Suit: Dom
- Type: Infighter
Stats at Lv1 > 80:
- HP: 450 > 2268
- Boost: 130 > 220
- Melee: 180 > 698
- Ranged: 100 > 388
- Melee Combo: 3 Hits, Physical Melee [28.75] > Physical Melee [31.25] > Physical Melee [34.5]
- Heavy Attack: Physical Melee [43.25]
- Counter Attack: Physical Melee [135]
- Up Smash: Physical Melee [36]
- Down Smash: Physical Melee [46]
- Spin Attack: 2x Physical Melee [17.25 per hit]
- Main Ranged: Giant Bazooka, Physical Ranged [27]
- Sub Weapon 1: Diffuse Beam Cannon, Beam Ranged [80]
- Sub Weapon 2: Double Sledgehammer, Physical Melee [97]
- Special Attack: Physical Melee [371]
Special Notes:
- SPA damage varies based on number of Back Attacks in the attack.
- Diffuse Beam Cannon stuns target.
- Double Sledgehammer knocks target down.
Z’Gok (Char)
- Mobile Suit: Z’Gok (Char)
- Type: Infighter
Stats at Lv1 > 80:
- HP: 466 > 2134
- Boost: 135 > 230
- Melee: 206 > 726
- Ranged: 113 > 395
- Melee Combo: 3 Hits, Physical Melee [29] > Physical Melee [31.25] > Physical Melee [34.75]
- Heavy Attack: x3 Physical Melee [17.5 per hit]
- Counter Attack: Physical Melee [135.5]
- Up Smash: Physical Melee [36.25]
- Down Smash: Physical Melee [46.25]
- Spin Attack: x2 Physical Melee, Physical Melee [4.5 per hit] [26]
- Main Ranged: Mega Particle Cannon, Beam Ranged[30.25]
- Sub Weapon 1: Throw, Physical Melee Grab, Physical Melee [29] [43.5]
- Sub Weapon 2: 240mm Missile, x6 Physical Ranged [23.75 per hit]
- Special Attack: Physical Melee [356.25]
Special Notes:
- Has +1 Repair Kit Stock innately.
- Grab will only perform second hit on broken or grunt targets.
- Spin Attack starts small and gets larger.
- Missiles have slight homing and fast speed.
Gelgoog (Char)
- Mobile Suit: Gelgoog (Char)
- Type: All-Rounder
Stats at Lv1 > 80:
- HP: 351 > 1766
- Boost: 125 > 220
- Melee: 154 > 595
- Ranged: 124 > 478
Melee Combo: 3 Hits, Beam Melee [30] > Beam Melee [32.5] > Beam Melee [36]
Heavy Attack: Beam Melee [27] > Beam Melee [45]
Counter Attack: Beam Melee [150]
Up Smash: Beam Melee [37.5]
Down Smash: Beam Melee [46]
Spin Attack: Beam Melee[36]
Main Ranged: Beam Rifle, Beam Ranged [30]
Sub Weapon 1: Beam Naginata (Throw), x5 Beam Melee [11 per hit]
Sub Weapon 2: Giant Bazooka, Physical Ranged [90]
Special Attack: x42 Beam Ranged [15.75 per hit]
Special Notes:
- Has +1 Repair Kit Stock innately.
- SPA tracks target locked enemies and chooses a new target afterwards.
- SPA lands approximately half its attacks as Back Attacks.
- Heavy Melee has a grab like animation and a very long lag time, but can be jump canceled out of at the beginning of the second swing.
Gundam Ground Type
- Mobile Suit: Gundam Ground Type
- Type: Sharpshooter
Stats at Lv1 > 80:
- HP: 264 > 1330
- Boost: 100 > 185
- Melee: 127 > 490
- Ranged: 162 > 628
- Melee Combo: 2 Hits, Beam Melee [30] > Physical Melee [31.25]
- Heavy Attack: Up to x2 Physical Melee, Physical Melee [17.25 per hit] [40.25]
- Counter Attack: [135]
- Up Smash: Physical Melee [36]
- Down Smash: Physical Melee [46]
- Spin Attack: Beam Melee [36]
- Main Ranged: 100mm Machine Gun, x12 Physical Ranged [4.5 per hit]
- Sub Weapon 1: 6-Tube Missile Launcher, x6 Physical Ranged [11.25 per hit]
- Sub Weapon 2: 180mm Cannon, Physical Ranged [152.25]
- Special Attack: Physical Ranged [367.25]
Special Notes:
- 6-Tube Missile Launcher is a lock on type weapon, and can hit up to 6 different targets.
- SPA creates a large explosion in front of the unit.
- 180mm Cannon has considerable splash radius.
Gundam Ez8
- Mobile Suit: Gundam Ez8
- Type: All-Rounder
Stats at Lv1 > 80:
- HP: 371 > 1869
- Boost: 125 > 220
- Melee: 153 > 594
- Ranged: 122 > 471
- Melee Combo: 3 Hits, Beam Melee [30] > Beam Melee [32.5] > Beam Melee [36]
- Heavy Attack: Physical Melee? [47.5]
- Counter Attack: [135]
- Up Smash: Physical Melee [36]
- Down Smash: Physical Melee [46]
- Spin Attack: Beam Melee[36]
- Main Ranged: 100mm Machine Gun, x8 Physical Ranged [4.5 per hit]
- Sub Weapon 1: Rocket Launcher, Physical Ranged [67.5]
- Sub Weapon 2: 180mm Cannon, Physical Ranged [135]
- Special Attack: Beam Melee [125], x29 Physical Ranged [16.75]
Special Notes:
- 180mm Cannon has considerable splash radius.
- SPA is technically a grab attack. If a Boss is not staggered by the activation or broken they can escape it.
Gouf Custom
- Mobile Suit: Gouf Custom
- Type: Infighter
Stats at Lv1 > 80:
- HP: 439 > 2325
- Boost: 130 > 220
- Melee: 174 > 709
- Ranged: 98 > 398
- Melee Combo: 3 Hits, Physical Melee [28.75] > Physical Melee [31] > Physical Melee [34.5]
- Heavy Attack: x3 Physical Melee [28.75] [30.25] [33]
- Counter Attack: Physical Melee [135]
- Up Smash: Physical Melee [36]
- Down Smash: Physical Melee [46]
- Spin Attack: Physical Melee [34.5]
- Main Ranged: Gatling Shield, x6 Physical Ranged [4.5 per hit]
- Sub Weapon 1: Leaping Slash, x4 Physical Ranged [7.25 per hit], Physical Melee [46]
- Sub Weapon 2: Heat Wire, Physical Melee [76.5]
- Special Attack: Physical Melee [354]
Special Notes:
- Unless cancelled after the second attack via dashing, the Heavy Attack will leave you vulnerable unless prepared.
- 3rd attack on Heavy Attack can hit multiple targets and knocks down.
Gundam Alex
- Mobile Suit: Gundam Alex
- Type: All-Rounder > Infighter
Stats at Lv1 > 80:
- HP: 344 > 1821
- Boost: 125 > 220
- Melee: 143 > 584
- Ranged: 117 > 476
- Melee Combo: 3 Hits, Beam Melee [30] > Beam Melee [32.5] > Beam Melee [36]
- Heavy Attack: Beam Melee [40.5]
- Counter Attack: [150]
- Up Smash: Beam Melee [37.5]
- Down Smash: Beam Melee [48]
- Spin Attack: Beam Melee [36]
- Main Ranged: Beam Rifle, Beam Ranged [30]
- Sub Weapon 1: Arm Gatling Gun, x5 Physical Ranged [12.75 per hit]
- Sub Weapon 2: Hyper Bazooka, Physical Ranged [97]
Moveset: Chobham Armor
- Melee Combo: 3 Hits, Physical Melee [33.50] > Physical Melee [36] > Physical Melee [40]
- Heavy Attack: Physical Melee [92.75]
- Counter Attack: Physical Melee [155]
- Up Smash: Physical Melee [41.5]
- Down Smash: Physical Melee [53]
- Spin Attack: x2 Physical Melee [6.75] [33.25]
- Main Ranged: Head Vulcan, x20 Physical Ranged [6.5 per hit]
- Sub Weapon 1: Body Slam, Physical Melee [121.5]
- Sub Weapon 2: Hyper Bazooka, Physical Ranged [101.5]
Special Notes:
- Arm Gatling Gun can be cancelled into Heavy Attack, and you should always do this.
- Heavy Attack can be cancelled into Hyper Bazooka, which can be cancelled into Arm Gatling Gun.
- Chobham Armor changes Alex into an Infighter- Role Action effects change to No Stagger as well.
- Chobham Armor grants Bonus Hit Points.
- Chobham Armor Counter often scores a Back Attack.
GM Sniper II
- Mobile Suit: GM Sniper II
- Type: Sharpshooter
Stats at Lv1 > 80:
- HP: 250 > 1324
- Boost: 100 > 170
- Melee: 120 > 488
- Ranged: 155 > 631
- Melee Combo: 2 Hits, Beam Melee [30.25] > Beam Melee [32.5]
- Heavy Attack: Physical Melee [36.25]
- Counter Attack: Beam Melee [150]
- Up Smash: Physical Melee [36.25]
- Down Smash: Physical Ranged [43.5]
- Spin Attack: Beam Melee [36.25]
- Main Ranged: Bullpup Machine Gun, x12 Physical Ranged [4.75 per hit]
- Sub Weapon 1: Hyper Bazooka, Physical Ranged [63.25]
- Sub Weapon 2: Sniper Rifle, Physical Ranged [94.75]
- Special Attack: Beam Ranged [411.25]
Special Notes:
- The Down Smash is a ranged attack, and should replace your attacks if you do not use melee parts.
- The SPA laser pierces enemies.
- Mobile Suit: Kampfer
- Type: Sharpshooter
Stats at Lv1 > 80:
- HP: 268 > 1350
- Boost: 110 > 205
- Melee: 129 > 500
- Ranged: 165 > 640
- Melee Combo: 2 Hits, Physical Melee [29] > Beam Melee [32.75]
- Heavy Attack: Physical Melee [40.75]
- Counter Attack: Physical Ranged[141.5]
- Up Smash: Beam Melee [37.75]
- Down Smash: x2 Beam Melee [12.25] [36.25]
- Spin Attack: Beam Melee [36.25]
- Main Ranged: Shotgun, x9 Physical Ranged [3.75 per hit]
- Sub Weapon 1: Sturm Faust, x2 Physical Ranged [31.75 per hit]
- Sub Weapon 2: Giant Bazooka, x2 Physical Ranged [41.25 per hit]
- Special Attack: Physical Ranged [370]
Special Notes:
- Shotgun has a 3 round fire sequence- To maximize SPA gains, melee to continue combo before firing again.
- Features a Ranged Counter.
Psycho Zaku
- Mobile Suit: Psycho Zaku
- Type: Sharpshooter
Stats at Lv1 > 80:
- HP: 240 > 1341
- Boost: 115 > 215
- Melee: 117 > 504
- Ranged: 153 > 660
- Melee Combo: 1 Hit, Physical Melee [29]
- Heavy Attack: Physical Melee Grab [26], Physical Melee [34.75]
- Counter Attack: Physical Melee [135.25]
- Up Smash: Physical Melee [36.25]
- Down Smash: Physical Melee [46.25]
- Spin Attack: Physical Melee [34.75]
- Main Ranged: Zaku Machine Gun, x12 Physical Ranged [4.5 per hit]
- Sub Weapon 1: Beam Bazooka, Beam Ranged [75]
- Sub Weapon 2: Giant Bazooka, x2 Physical Ranged [49.5 per hit]
- Special Attack: Hybrid Ranged [384.75ish]
Special Notes:
- Has +1 Repair Stock inately.
- Melee attacks are rather slow to come out.
- Both Subweapons can be used to glide left or right when firing to dodge attacks.
- Giant Bazooka can be cancelled into Beam Bazooka.
Full Armor Gundam (Thunderbolt)
- Mobile Suit: Full Armor Gundam (Thunderbolt)
- Type: Sharpshooter
Stats at Lv1 > 80:
- HP: 304 > 1613
- Boost: 105 > 195
- Melee: 126 > 510
- Ranged: 164 > 667
- Melee Combo: 2 Hits, Beam Melee [30] > Beam Melee [32.5]
- Heavy Attack: Physical Melee [46]
- Counter Attack: [135]
- Up Smash: Beam Melee [37.5]
- Down Smash: Physical Melee [46]
- Spin Attack: Beam Melee [36]
- Main Ranged: Twin Beam Rifle, Beam Ranged [36]
- Sub Weapon 1: Large Beam Cannon, Beam Ranged [80]
- Sub Weapon 2: 6-Tube Missile Pod, x6 Physical Ranged [15.75 per hit]
- Special Attack: Hybrid Ranged [378.25]
Special Notes:
- Large Beam Cannon has considerable splash radius.
- 6-Tube Missile Pod is a lock on weapon, and can target more than one unit at a time.
- SPA will benefit more from Physical Ranged boosts than Beam Ranged Boosts.
Gundam GP03S Stamen
- Mobile Suit: Gundam GP03S Stamen
- Type: Sharpshooter
Stats at Lv1 > 80:
- HP: 302 > 1383
- Boost: 105 > 195
- Melee: 141 > 494
- Ranged: 186 > 654
- Melee Combo: 2 Hits, Beam Melee [30] > Beam Melee [32.5]
- Heavy Attack: Physical Melee [37.5]
- Counter Attack: Beam Melee [150]
- Up Smash: Beam Melee [37.5]
- Down Smash: Beam Melee [48]
- Spin Attack: Beam Melee [36]
- Main Ranged: Beam Rifle, Beam Ranged [30]
- Sub Weapon 1: Folding Bazooka, x2 Physical Ranged [33.75 per hit]
- Sub Weapon 2: Micro Missile, x14 Physical Ranged [11.25 per hit]
- Special Attack: Beam Ranged [411.25]
Special Notes:
- Micro Missile is not very accurate.
- Folding Bazooka has slightly longer downtime than other bazookas.
Zeta Gundam
- Mobile Suit: Zeta Gundam
- Type: All-Rounder
Stats at Lv1 > 80:
- HP: 384 > 1935
- Boost: 125 > 220
- Melee: 157 > 608
- Ranged: 125 > 485
- Melee Combo: 3 Hits, Physical Melee [29] > Beam Melee [32.5] > Beam Melee [36.25]
- Heavy Attack: Beam Melee [40.75]
- Counter Attack: Beam Melee [150.25]
- Up Smash: Beam Melee [37.75]
- Down Smash: Beam Melee [48.25]
- Spin Attack: [36.25]
- Main Ranged: Beam Rifle, Beam Ranged [30.25]
- Sub Weapon 1: Arm Grenade Launcher, x2 Physical Ranged [31.5 per hit]
- Sub Weapon 2: Hyper Mega Launcher, Beam Ranged [115]
- Special Attack: Physical Melee [576]
Special Notes:
- Arm Grenade Launcher can be cancelled into Heavy Melee and vice versa to speed up attacks.
- SPA often feels like it misses when it hits due to impressive speed.
- Hyper Mega Launcher has considerable splash.
Hyaku Shiki
- Mobile Suit: Hyaku Shiki
- Type: Sharpshooter
Stats at Lv1 > 80:
- HP: 263 > 1390
- Boost: 115 > 205
- Melee: 123 > 499
- Ranged: 161 > 654
- Melee Combo: 3 Hits, Beam Melee [30] > Beam Melee [32.5] > Beam Melee [36]
- Heavy Attack: Physical Melee [42]
- Counter Attack: Beam Ranged [150]
- Up Smash: Physical Melee [36]
- Down Smash: Beam Melee [48]
- Spin Attack: Beam Melee [36]
- Main Ranged: Beam Rifle, Beam Ranged [30]
- Sub Weapon 1: Clay Bazooka (Spread), x15 Physical Ranged [4.25 per hit]
- Sub Weapon 2: Clay Bazooka, Physical Ranged [90]
- Special Attack: Beam Ranged [408]
Special Notes:
- Heavy Attack can be cancelled into Clay Bazooka then cancelled into Spread mode.
- Nothing seems to cancel out of Clay Bazooka (Spread).
- SPA Pierces targets.
- Mobile Suit: Qubeley
- Type: Sharpshooter
Stats at Lv1 > 80:
- HP: 294 > 1482
- Boost: 120 > 215
- Melee: 133 > 514
- Ranged: 177 > 685
- Melee Combo: 3 Hits, Beam Melee [30] > Beam Melee [32.5] > Beam Melee [36.25]
- Heavy Attack: x2 Beam Melee [21.25 per hit]
- Counter Attack: Beam Melee [150]
- Up Smash: Beam Melee [12.25 per hit]
- Down Smash: Beam Melee [48]
- Spin Attack: x3 Beam Melee [36.75]
- Main Ranged: Beam Gun, Beam Ranged [30.25]
- Sub Weapon 1: Funnels (Burst Fire), x10 Beam Ranged [8.25 per hit]
- Sub Weapon 2: Funnels (Launch), x5 Beam Ranged [28.25 per hit]
- Special Attack: x44 Beam Ranged [11.75]
Special Notes:
- Funnels (Burst Fire) Tend to score several Back Attacks.
- Funnels (Launch) Will score more hits the closer you are to the enemy.
- Awakened Adds an additional Melee Attack on basic string: x2 Beam Melee [16.75 per hit]
- Mobile Suit: The-O
- Type: Infighter
Stats at Lv1 > 80:
- HP: 490 > 2470
- Boost: 145 > 240
- Melee: 198 > 769
- Ranged: 106 > 411
- Melee Combo: 4 Hits, Beam Melee [30] > Beam Melee [32.5] > x2 Beam Melee [18 per hit]
- Heavy Attack: Beam Melee [33], x2 Beam Melee [15 per hit], Beam Melee [36]
- Counter Attack: Beam Melee [150]
- Up Smash: Beam Melee [37.5]
- Down Smash: Beam Melee [48]
- Spin Attack: x2 Beam Melee [18 per hit]
- Main Ranged: Beam Rifle, Beam Ranged [30]
- Sub Weapon 1: Beam Sword (Throw), x5 Beam Melee [8.25 per hit]
- Sub Weapon 2: Beam Rifle (2-Shot), x2 Beam Ranged [77.25] [94.5]
Moveset: Awakened
- Melee Combo: 7 Hits, Beam Melee [36] > Beam Melee [39] > x2 Beam Melee [21.75 per hit] > x3 Beam Melee [13.75 per hit]
- Heavy Attack: Beam Melee [39.75], x2 Beam Melee [18 per hit], Beam Melee [43.25]
- Counter Attack: Beam Melee [180]
- Up Smash: Beam Melee [45]
- Down Smash: Beam Melee [57.5]
- Spin Attack: x2 Beam Melee [21.75 per hit]
- Main Ranged: Beam Rifle, Beam Ranged [36]
- Sub Weapon 1: Beam Sword (Throw), x5 Beam Melee [10 per hit]
- Sub Weapon 2: Beam Rifle (2-Shot), x2 Beam Ranged [91.5] [111.75]
Special Notes:
- Beam Rifle (2-Shot) is incredibly hard to land, but both attacks landing do considerably more damage than most other machines sub weapons. The second attack tries for a Back Attack if close enough.
- SPA Stuns all nearby enemies and knocks them over, and lasts approximately 65 seconds.
- Capable of filling the SPA bar before Awakened runs out.
ZZ Gundam
- Mobile Suit: ZZ Gundam
- Type: All-Rounder
Stats at Lv1 > 80:
- HP: 392 > 1973
- Boost: 120 > 210
- Melee: 182 > 634
- Ranged: 129 > 498
- Melee Combo: 3 Hits, Beam Melee [30.25] > Beam Melee [32.5] > Beam Melee [36.25]
- Heavy Attack: Beam Melee [43.75]
- Counter Attack: [150.25]
- Up Smash: Beam Melee [37.75]
- Down Smash: [48.25]
- Spin Attack: Beam Melee [36.25]
- Main Ranged: Double Beam Rifle, Beam Ranged [33]
- Sub Weapon 21-Tube Missile Launcher, x8 Physical Rangeed [9 per hit]
- Sub Weapon 2: High Mega Cannon, x5 Beam Ranged [30 per hit]
- Special Attack: x2 Beam Melee [600]
Special Notes:
- High Mega Cannon pierces enemies and creates a large splash zone on the first target. If first target is killed, the splash zone is moved to the next target.
- 21-Tube Missile Launcher locks on, and can target multiple enemies.
- Heavy Attack drops you from the air.
- Mobile Suit: Sazabi
- Type: All-Rounder
Stats at Lv1 > 80:
- HP: 353 > 1976
- Boost: 130 > 230
- Melee: 148 > 634
- Ranged: 116 > 499
- Melee Combo: 3 Hits, Beam Melee [30] > Physical Melee [31.25] > Physical Melee [34.5]
- Heavy Attack: Physical Melee [37.5]
- Counter Attack: x3 Beam Melee [150]
- Up Smash: Beam Melee [37.5]
- Down Smash: Physical Melee [46]
- Spin Attack: Beam Melee [36]
- Main Ranged: Beam Shot Rifle, Beam Ranged [30.25]
- Sub Weapon 1: Diffuse Mega Particle Cannon, x5 Beam Ranged [15 per hit]
- Sub Weapon 2: Funnels (Launch), x6 Beam Ranged [18.25 per hit]
- Special Attack: Full Hybrid [702.5ish]
Special Notes:
- Funnels (Launch) will result in about half back attacks.
- The SPA is a melee type that varies in damage based on how many funnels land back attacks.
- Counter Attack can hit multiple units and chases the target during the animation.
Nu Gundam
- Mobile Suit: Nu Gundam
- Type: All-Rounder
Stats at Lv1 > 80:
- HP: 357 > 1996
- Boost: 130 > 230
- Melee: 148 > 634
- Ranged: 120 > 515
- Melee Combo: 3 Hits, Beam Melee [30] > Physical Melee [31.25] > Beam Melee [36]
- Heavy Attack: Beam Melee [40.5]
- Counter Attack: Physical Melee [43.25], Physical Ranged [95.75]
- Up Smash: Physical Melee [27], Physical Ranged [12]
- Down Smash: Beam Melee [48]
- Spin Attack: x2 Beam Melee [18 per hit]
- Main Ranged: Beam Rifle, Beam Ranged [30]
- Sub Weapon 1: New Hyper Bazooka, Physical Ranged [63]
- Sub Weapon 2: Fin Funnels, x6 Beam Ranged [20 per hit]
- Special Attack: Full Hybrid [647.75ish]
Special Notes:
- Fin Funnels land half their attacks as Back Attacks on average.
- Standard melee string is rather fast.
- Up Smash starts an Aerial Chain.
- SPA is Physical Melee followed by Beam Ranged.
- Counter fires with splash damage on second attack.
Hi-Nu Gundam
- Mobile Suit: Hi-Nu Gundam
- Type: Sharpshooter
Stats at Lv1 > 80:
- HP: 339 > 1550
- Boost: 140 > 240
- Melee: 154 > 540
- Ranged: 1164 > 1679
- Melee Combo: 4 Hits, Beam Melee [30.25] > Physical Melee [31.25] > Beam Melee [36.25] > Beam Melee [33.75]
- Heavy Attack: Physical Melee [26], x5 Physical Ranged [5.5 per hit], Physical Melee [34.75]
- Counter Attack: Beam Melee [150.25]
- Up Smash: Physical Melee [36.25]
- Down Smash: Physical Melee [48.25]
- Spin Attack: x2 Beam Melee [18.25 per hit]
- Main Ranged: Beam Rifle, Beam Ranged [30.25]
- Sub Weapon 1: New Hyper Bazooka, Physical Ranged [67.5]
- Sub Weapon 2: Fin Funnels, x12-15 Beam Ranged [9.25 per hit]
- Special Attack: Beam Ranged [411.75]
Special Notes:
- Fin Funnels vary in number of shots fired depending on how long they take to get into position. Average of 12-15 shots that hit.
- Spin attack’s second hit is as wide as the first despite looks.
- SPA Pierces through the target.
Unicorn Gundam
- Mobile Suit: Unicorn Gundam
- Type: All-Rounder
Stats at Lv1 > 80:
- HP: 367 > 1944
- Boost: 125 > 220
- Melee: 183 > 651
- Ranged: 121 > 490
- Melee Combo: Beam Melee [30.25] > Beam Melee [32.5] > Beam Melee [36.25]
- Heavy Attack: Beam Melee [42.25]
- Counter Attack: Beam Melee [150.25]
- Up Smash: Beam Melee [37.75]
- Down Smash: Beam Melee [48.25]
- Spin Attack: Beam Melee [36.25]
- Main Ranged: Beam Magnum, Beam Ranged [36]
- Sub Weapon 1: Beam Gatling Gun, x6 Beam Ranged [11.75 per hit]
- Sub Weapon 2: Hyper Bazooka, Physical Ranged [97]
- Special Attack: Beam Melee [600]
Special Notes:
- Heavy Attack also functions as a dodge.
- Hyper Bazooka has longer end lag than other Bazooka, but you can cancel into Heavy Attack.
- Beam Gatling Gun cancels into Up Smash, and it is highly recommended you do this to avoid its atrocious end lag.
- Mobile Suit: Banshee
- Type: Infighter
Stats at Lv1 > 80:
- HP: 475 > 2393
- Boost: 135 > 230
- Melee: 196 > 760
- Ranged: 109 > 420
- Melee Combo: 4 Hits, Physical Melee [29] > Beam Melee [32.5] > Physical Melee [17.5], Beam Melee [18.25]
- Heavy Attack: Physical Melee [39]
- Counter Attack: Physical Melee [135.25]
- Up Smash: Physical Melee [36.25]
- Down Smash: Physical Melee [46.25]
- Spin Attack: Beam Melee [36.25]
- Main Ranged: Armed Armor BS, Beam Ranged [30]
- Sub Weapon 1: Armed Armor BS (Irradiate), x4 Beam Ranged [26.5 per hit]
- Sub Weapon 2: Armed Armor VN, Physical Melee Grab [43.25], Physical Melee [53]
- Special Attack: Physical Melee [355.25]
Special Notes:
- Armed Armor BS (Irradiate) pierces enemies and has very strong stagger, holding enemies in place.
- As with all grabs, if the target is not a grunt or broken, the second part will not activate.
- Main Ranged has very limited shots for no good reason.
- Mobile Suit: Sinanju
- Type: Infighter
Stats at Lv1 > 80:
- HP: 491 > 2470
- Boost: 145 > 240
- Melee: 197 > 761
- Ranged: 110 > 427
- Melee Combo: Beam Melee [30] > Beam Melee [32.5] > Physical Melee [34.5]
- Heavy Attack: Beam Melee [27], Beam Melee [36]
- Counter Attack: Beam Melee [150]
- Up Smash: Beam Melee [37.5]
- Down Smash: Beam Melee [48]
- Spin Attack: Beam Melee [36]
- Main Ranged: Beam Rifle, Beam Ranged [30]
- Sub Weapon 1: Beam Naginata (Charge), x4 Beam Melee [8.25 per hit], Beam Melee [32.5]
- Sub Weapon 2: Rocket Bazooka, Physical Ranged [118.75]
- Special Attack: Full Hybrid [523.5]
Special Notes:
- Heavy Attack when close enough usually phases you behind the target.
- Beam Naginata (Charge) will carry off directly hit targets if they are broken or grunts.
- SPA is oddly powerful for an Infighter, but has no tracking and very log range.
- Full Armor Unicorn Gundam
- Mobile Suit: Full Armor Unicorn Gundam
- Type: Sharpshooter > Infighter
Stats at Lv1 > 80:
- HP: 303 > 1528
- Boost: 110 > 205
- Melee: 134 > 519
- Ranged: 180 > 698
- Melee Combo: 2 Hits, Physical Melee [28.75] > Physical Melee [31]
- Heavy Attack: Physical Melee [41.75]
- Counter Attack: Physical Melee [134.5]
- Up Smash: Physical Melee [36]
- Down Smash: Physical Melee [46]
- Spin Attack: Physical Melee [34.5]
- Main Ranged: Beam Gatling Gun, x24 Beam Ranged [3.25 per hit]
- Sub Weapon 1: Triple Missile Launcher, x6 Physical Ranged [10.75 per hit]
- Sub Weapon 2: Hyper Bazooka, x2 Physical Ranged [46.25 per hit]
- Special Attack: Hybrid Ranged Transformation [397.75]
Moveset: Awakened
- Melee Combo: 5 Hits, Physical Melee [38.25] > x2 Physical Melee [20.75 per hit] > Physical Melee [46] > Physical Melee [43]
- Heavy Attack: Physical Melee [55.5]
- Counter Attack: Physical Melee [179.25]
- Up Smash: Physical Melee [48]
- Down Smash: Physical Melee [61.25]
- Spin Attack: Physical Melee [46]
- Main Ranged: Shield Funnels, x9 Beam Ranged [7.25 per hit]
- Sub Weapon 1: Melee Combo, x2 Physical Melee [41.5 per hit]
- Sub Weapon 2: Psycho-Field, Physical Melee [99.5]
Special Notes:
- Both Subweapons can cancel into one another.
- Charges its own SPA incredibly fast. With Energy Gain and Minds Eye can maintain 100% Awakened uptime as long as enemies are present.
- Awakened form increases HP and becomes an Infighter.
- Psycho Field brings targets to you.
Banshee Norn
- Mobile Suit: Banshee Norn
- Type: Sharpshooter
Stats at Lv1 > 80:
- HP: 300 > 1512
- Boost: 100 > 185
- Melee: 135 > 524
- Ranged: 182 > 705
- Melee Combo: 3 Hits, Beam Melee [30.25] > x2 Beam Melee [16.25 per hit]
- Heavy Attack: Physical Melee [40.5]
- Counter Attack: Beam Melee [150.25]
- Up Smash: Beam Melee [37.75]
- Down Smash: Physical Melee [46.25]
- Spin Attack: Beam Melee [36.25]
- Main Ranged: Beam Magnum, Beam Ranged [40]
- Sub Weapon 1: Revolving Launcher, Physical Ranged [72]
- Sub Weapon 2: Armed Armor DE (Mega Cannon) [107.25]
- Special Attack: Beam Ranged [411.25]
Special Notes:
- SPA Pierces enemies.
- Armed Armor DE has significant splash radius.
- Both Subweapons can cancel into one another.
- Armed Armor DE can cancel into Heavy which can cancel into Revolving Launcher back into Armed Armor DE.
- Mobile Suit: Kshatriya
- Type: Sharpshooter
Stats at Lv1 > 80:
- HP: 326 > 1490
- Boost: 115 > 205
- Melee: 147 > 514
- Ranged: 194 > 681
- Melee Combo: 7 Hits, Beam Melee [30] > x2 Beam Melee [16.25 per hit] > x4 Beam Melee [9 per hit]
- Heavy Attack: Physical Melee [38.75]
- Counter Attack: Beam Ranged [30], Physical Melee [51.25], Physical Melee [56.5]
- Up Smash: Physical Melee [36]
- Down Smash: Physical Melee [46]
- Spin Attack: Beam Ranged [36]
- Main Ranged: Beam Gun, Beam Ranged [30]
- Sub Weapon 1: Mega Particle Cannon, x2 Beam Ranged [35 per hit]
- Sub Weapon 2: Funnels, x9 Beam Ranged [9 per hit]
- Special Attack: Beam Ranged [463.5ish]
Special Notes:
- Is affectionately known as the “Angry Bell Pepper”.
- All Funnels attempt to back attack the target.
- Mega Particle Cannon pierces enemies.
- SPA causes much more damage the closer you are to the attacked target.
Gundam F91
- Mobile Suit: Gundam F91
- Type: Sharpshooter
Stats at Lv1 > 80:
- HP: 257 > 1439
- Boost: 110 > 205
- Melee: 122 > 525
- Ranged: 158 > 680
- Melee Combo: Beam Melee [30.25] > Beam Melee [32.5]
- Heavy Attack: x5 Beam Melee [14.5 per hit]
- Counter Attack: Beam Melee [150.25]
- Up Smash: Beam Melee [37.75]
- Down Smash: Beam Melee [48.25]
- Spin Attack: Beam Melee [36.25]
- Main Ranged: Beam Rifle, Beam Ranged [30.25]
- Sub Weapon 1: Beam Launcher, Beam Ranged [70.5]
- Sub Weapon 2: V.S.B.R., Beam Ranged [110.75]
Moveset: M.E.P.E Mode
- Melee Combo: Beam Melee [33] > Beam Melee [35.75] > x2 Beam Melee [20 per hit]
- Heavy Attack: x5 Beam Melee [16 per hit]
- Counter Attack: Beam Melee [165]
- Up Smash: Beam Melee [41.25]
- Down Smash: Beam Melee [53]
- Spin Attack: Beam Melee [39.75]
- Main Ranged: Beam Rifle, Beam Ranged [32.5]
- Sub Weapon 1: Beam Launcher, Beam Ranged [75.5]
- Sub Weapon 2: Twin V.S.B.R., Beam Ranged [237.5]
Special Notes:
- MEPE Mode sometimes causes attacks to miss you without a perfect dodge/dash.
- Twin VSBR is one of the hardest, if not hardest hitting weapons in the game that reloads.
- The Beam Launcher can be cancelled into a Heavy Attack.
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