Shakes and Fidget – Character Creation Guide with Classes Tierlist

Up to date guide on character creation, with a brief description of class abilities and a class tierlist at the end.

Character Creation and Classes Tierlist


There are eight races available. Each race has a small impact on starting attributes, which is irrelevant in the long run (and, thus, non-important), so choose whichever you prefer.

It’s also worth noting that you will be able to change race and character appearance for just one gold, anytime you would like to (so the choice is not permanent).


Note: Bard and Druid are going to be modified in the near future, so their description may be changed accordingly.

Currently, there are nine classes available. Contrary to races, class cannot be changed.

Unfortunately, classes are not completely balanced at the moment (which is why the next section consists of a class tierlist), but I still suggest to experiment a bit before choosing a definitive class, since the game it’s particularly grindy and it will take years to finish even PVE content (no point in picking the Demon Hunter class if you really dislike it, even if it is S-tier right now).

Since abilities are not explained throughly in the character creation screen, I will describe them briefly.


  • Life: x5
  • Damage: x2
  • Armor: 50%
  • Ability: 25% chance to block an incoming attack


  • Life: x4
  • Damage: x2,5
  • Armor: 25%
  • Ability: 50% chance to evade an incoming attack


  • Life: x2
  • Damage: x4,5
  • Armor: 10%
  • Ability: Attacks ignore armor. Nullifies opponent’s ability (Scouts cannot evade, Warriors cannot block, Demon Hunters cannot revive, … ). Note: Berserker is an exception since it can still use its ability against Mages (but also take x2 damage)


  • Life: x4
  • Damage: Similar to Scout. note: Assassin uses 2 one-handed weapons and attacks twice per turn. Damage is scaled so that it’s similar to Scout damage
  • Armor: 25%
  • Ability: 50% chance to evade an incoming attack

Battle Mage

  • Life: x5
  • Damage: x2
  • Armor: 50%. note: 10% from equip and 40% from class ability (so Battle Mage will always have 40+% armor)
  • Ability: at the start, shoots a fireball that deals up to 33% HP damage to the opponent. It doesn’t work against Mages or Battle Mages


  • Life: x4
  • Damage: x2,5. note: Berserker uses 1 one-handed weapon (like a warrior) but has an hidden multiplier that makes its damage equal to the Scout
  • Armor: 25%. note: Berserker uses Warrior equip but the armor value is cut in half
  • Ability: After an attack has a 50% chance to attack again (can do this indefinitely). note: despite the wording it’s the same as Scout evading ability, except that it also works against Mages, making Berserker really strong for clearing dungeons

Demon Hunter

  • Life: x4
  • Damage: x2,5
  • Armor: 50%
  • Ability: 44% chance to revive with 90% HP. After each revive, chances decrease by 2% and HP by 10% (1st revive, 44% chance with 90% HP, 2nd revive 42% with 80% HP, … ).


Druid has 3 animals form to choose from (can be changed manually). Each form will modify your abilities and attributes. note: tiger and bear form deals half damage against Mages and Bards.


  • Life: x3
  • Damage: x4,5*0,33 (1/3 of Mage damage)
  • Armor: 10%
  • Ability: 50% chance to perform a swoop attack that deals 500% damage. After each swoop, the chance drop by 5%.


  • Life: x5
  • Damage: x4,5*0,4 (similar to Warrior damage) + bonus
  • Armor: 50%
  • Ability: 20% chance to block an incoming attack and a bonus to damage based on the missing HP %.


  • Life: x4
  • Damage: x4,5*0,56 (similar to Scout damage)
  • Armor: 25%
  • Ability: Starts in Hidden mode, with 35% chance to evade incoming attacks. After a successful dodge switch to Rage mode, with no chance of evading attacks but increased crit damage and chances. After a crit, switch back to Hidden mode and so on.


Bard can play 3 different instruments (can change between them manually). Each instrument has different abilities, but attributes are always the following:

  • Life: x2
  • Damage: x4,5
  • Armor: 25%

The different instruments are well explained in the following screenshot:

Whichever instrument you are going to use, in combat the Bard will play a tune every 4 rounds. The length of the tune can go from 1 to 4 rounds depending on its level (25% chance for level 1, 50% chance for level 2 and 25% chance for level 3). Con / Int ratio also has an effect on tune length (if your Con is >= 75% of you Int you will get some bonus rounds for the tunes, so it’s important to keep Con high enough).

Tierlist and Class Comparison

Before jumping on the tierlist, it’s important to make some premises.

The amount of mushrooms bought and the game knowledge have a big impact on the performance of a certain character, so for a tierlist to make sense it has to be based on the same mushroomspaid and knowledge.

There is one main factor to consider to rank classes: volatility.

Simply put, the volatility of a class can be determined by how lucky it can get to beat stronger opponents.

Low volatility is advantageous against opponents with lower stats (and the opposite against opponents with higher stats). This means that classes with high volatility will have a better dungeon performance, thus gaining more levels and stats than low volatility classes (remember: we are considering the same mushrooms paid).

Note: that is why considering only pvp (and same stats) to compare classes is not sufficient; with the same mushrooms a Demon Hunter will progress much faster than a Warrior and will have level and stats advantage.


S-rank: Demon Hunter

  • Unbalanced for fair matchups and really high volatility, currently the best all-rounder.

A-rank: Berserker

  • Very good dungeon performance (basically a better scout because its ability works against mages). Suffers a bit in PVP against Mage (takes double damage, the high volatility makes it a bit inconsistent).

B-rank: Scount – Assassin

  • Good dungeon performance and ok consistency in PVP.

C-rank: Mage

  • Not very good in both dungeons and PVP performance.

D-rank: Warrior – Battle Mage

  • Their low volatility would be good in PVP against opponents with lower stats, but their bad dungeon performance makes it difficult (read: expensive) to gain that advantage.

TBD: Druid – Bard

  • These two classes are under revision, so they will be added to the tierlist later on.
  • Currently, Bard has really good dungeon performance but suffers against Berserkers in PVP.
  • Druid on the other hand has good dungeon performance in early game, suffers later on against high-HP-Mage dungeons.
Egor Opleuha
About Egor Opleuha 2153 Articles
Egor Opleuha, also known as Juzzzie, is the Editor-in-Chief of Gameplay Tips. He is a writer with more than 12 years of experience in writing and editing online content. His favorite game was and still is the third part of the legendary Heroes of Might and Magic saga. He prefers to spend all his free time playing retro games and new indie games.

1 Comment

  1. Very nice guide dude! I just started to play for the fun of old games and this helps a lot. It would be nice if you do a guide for stats to improve for each class. Thanks!

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