Sheepy: A Short Adventure – Vinyl Collectables Guide

Vinyl Collectables

Vinyl #0

At the very beginning of the game simply go left.

Vinyl #1

After the fall in Chapter 1 (“I believe I can fly” achievment) go straight to the right.

Vinyl #2

After some descending in Chapter 2 you’ll find location from screenshot. Just doublejump there and go right.

Vinyl #3

Open the door!

These two achievments are pretty much the same. You have to activate 6 levers to access the vinyl. Here it is an in-game scheme of their locations, but I’ll try to explain it more accurate.

1 Lever

In the office on the top of the tower (where you got an “You spin me right ’round” achievment)

2 Lever

Right under the tower in the pit

3 Lever

To the right from the previous one you’ll find a suspicious climbing holds that hide a secret cave with a lever. A flower from “It’s just a flower…” achievment also located there.

4 Lever

If you take the upper path, you will eventually find a room full of huge crystals. You should go to the left and up to climb through a passage.

5 Lever

Go deeper through the level and find a room with the press and the elevator. It will be a secret enterance at the top of the room.

6 Lever

Before the end of this area you’ll see a hole in the ground. Jump there and keep going down and right untill you see a huge elevator. It will take you to the last lever and vinyl.

Vinyl #5

At some point in Chapter 6 you’ll have to cross a huge precipice. There is a secret enterance on the bottom of its right side.

Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 3755 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.


  1. I just got the Sheepy Strong Achievement today, and I can confirm you that pausing and quitting to the main menu before you die locks you out of the achievement. HOWEVER, pausing and pressing Alt + F4 to quit the game doesn’t. You just need to alt f4 before you die.

  2. Couple of things for crystals. There is one just before the no way back sign. There is one actually down a cliff in one section that you either need to die to get or use double to go down and jump back up. Lastly where you get the flower by getting the flower it actually jumps you over one of the crystals in there so check there.

  3. Just wanted to leave a note here regarding “Sheepy Strong”, they patched it so that you can’t exit back to main menus or out of the game to avoid a death anymore, as doing so locks you out of the achievement from that run. To get it you actually have to complete the entire game in one take without dying now.

  4. Nice guide ! there is an error concerning the achievement “Ancient trap” : it’s in chapter 4 ! not 3

  5. Hello there, great guide! A tip for SHEEPY STRONG is to exit out of the game right before falling into the void if you miss any jump, especially during the portal encounter / last boss!

  6. Finally got Sheepy Strong with the help of a bug (some state is not saved when you exit the game). You can get it too by loading the last checkpoint and not dying until you see the credits. It was still difficult for me though =)

  7. Crystal one did my head in. Turned out that there is an issue starting a new game that caused a single platform with a crystal on it, to not spawn, I had to close out of the game completely then start a new game, platform spawned and I got the achievement

  8. Just to add to find the other Sheepy, at the beginning of Level 6, run to the left, double jump and fly 🙂 You can just jump then to the void to respawn back to the initial position.

    • Near the end, just run all the way left in the last chapter and after doing a pretty large jump you will see a person on a tree, once you land on it you get that achievement

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