Anode Heart – 100% Tama Dex

Weight Based Evolutions

There are several Tama in the game that can only be acquired by evolving a different Tama while it’s above or below a certain weight requirement.

There are plenty of shops in the game that sell food and Heavy Chips that can be used to increase a Tama’s weight, while you’ll need to purchase Diet Chips in order to decrease a Tama’s weight.

Both chips are usually available at the Kernel Dump store.

End-Game Tama?

Before we begin, let me just say that while this guide will (hopefully) help you complete the Tama Dex, it is not a definitive list of EVERY way to find every Tama, it only reflects my own personal experience on 100%ing the Dex.

There are some Tama I was personally only able to obtain inside Mt. Nexus, an endgame location that becomes inaccessible once you beat the game.

I do not believe the following Tama become completely unobtainable after Mt. Nexus gets blocked off, but I currently do not know how to obtain them otherwise.

  • Armadee
  • Armadile
  • Unary
  • Bunary
  • Taskman
  • .Arch

Starter Tama

Don’t worry about which starter you choose, because they’re all available early in the game, in the Binary Forest to the west of town.

I’ve found that it’s very easy to acquire them by saving right here and restarting the game when one doesn’t pop up- you’ll want to just move to the right, and if you don’t see a creature silhouette east of the teleporter, reset.

In my experience, Talfou will appear at sunset, Kobou appears during the day, and Fifou appears at night. It’s worth mentioning that, at night, a Tama called Tanukee also appears in this area as a silhouette, but they shouldn’t be too much of a nuisance.

The starters aren’t terribly hard to find this way. It took me about three resets to find a Fifou as I wrote this.

Tama 001-020

1. Talfou

See the “Starter Tama” section.

2. Talfir

Get Talfou to Level 10.

3. Skeltyr

It doesn’t appear on Talfou’s evolution page, but Talfou does have another Tama it can evolve into called Skeltyr. This becomes available a bit later in the game- once you unlock the eastern side of Kernel Dump, you can head north from there to access Peripheral Path, which leads to Peripheral Cliffs. Once you reach Dino Plateau from here, you’ll be able to find this man with a Skeltyr of his own.

Show him one of the dinosaur Tama available nearby once you’ve leveled it up a few times, and a boss battle becomes available to you.

Head east from the Dino Plateau to get to The Ravine, where you can climb the eastern side of the mountain to reach a boss called Tsarsaur. This can be a tough fight, so don’t worry if you have to come back for this one later. Once you’re able to beat him, return to the guy with the Skeltyr to receive a SkelBone. If you equip this to your Talfou and evolve it, it will become a Skeltyr.

4. Talisfir

Get Talfir to Level 20.

5. Kobou

See the “Starter Tama” section.

6. Kobalth

Get Kobou to Level 10.

7. Kobolith

Get Kobalth to Level 20 with a Magic stat higher than 50. This may take a few reboots.

8. Kobalith

Get Kobalth to Level 20 with a Magic stat less than 50. This should be easy if you don’t invest your potential points in Magic.

9. Fifou

See the “Starter Tama” section. I strongly recommend grabbing an extra Fifou for later.

10. Zephyr

Get Fifou to Level 10 with a Speed stat higher than 20. It’s a fast Tama, so it will likely only take one reboot to get the necessary points for this.

11. Fowlhoo

Get Fifou to Level 10 with a Speed stat lower than 20. As long as you don’t invest potential points in Speed, it’s easy to get.

12. Zephyris

Get Zephyr to Level 20.

13. Saplee

Saplee is very common, a green Tama that you can find just to the west of Kernel Dump in Binary Forest.

14. Neiree

Get Saplee to Level 10.

15. D. Saplee

Available a bit later in the game. When you reach the Rainlands, in the northeast you will find a lift to take you to a place called the Lower Bits. Here, head far west to reach Memory Meadow, and if you head south from there, you can reach Protocol Forest. You can easily find D. Saplee here; they look very similar to normal Saplee.

16. D. Neiree

Get D. Saplee to level 12.

17. Larvee

Larvee can be found just to the east of where you can acquire the three Starter Tama. They don’t always appear, but I’ve found that around sunset is a good time to get them. This area is also where you unlock a quest to acquire a honey merchant for Kernel Dump- remember, honey is almost a universal like among Tama. Great for catching!

18. Beebee

Get Larvee to Level 10.

19. Piperpillar

This Tama is pretty lategame. It is an evolution of Larvee, but you will need an upgrade item called a Smokepipe equipped to Larvee for it to evolve into Piperpillar.

On your way to acquire the Toy Key during the main quest, you will enter a platformer area called the Flatland World. Once you unlock dashing on the second screen of this area, hop up onto this tree.

Hop up onto those clouds on the left, and you’ll be able to see the Smokepipe sitting on some blocks. Jump over to get it, and remember to press the down button while standing on the item to pick it up! Now you can equip it to your Larvee.

20. Tanukee

Tanukee is all over Binary Forest during the night. It will appear as a silhouette and will be aggressive toward you; their favorite item is Honey, so you can tame them quite easily if you stock up on the stuff like me.

Tama 021-040

21. Averat

During the day, head to the screen just north of where you can reset for Starter Tama in Binary Forest. Just a little to the northwest, you can find Averat.

22. Molun

Head to the west of Averat’s spawn location and you can find Tama disguised as flowers right in front of a cave entrance. These are Molun.

23. Molinee

Get Molun to Level 10 with less than 15 Strength and less than 150 Weight.

24. Molarth

Get Molun to Level 10 with more than 15 Strength and more than 150 Weight.

25. Toxee

During the night, head southeast from the spot in Binary Forest where you can find the Starter Tama. Toxee appears on the path here down to Circuit Shore.

26. Toxica

Get Toxee to Level 10.

27. Salafir

Salafir is an orange lizard-like Tama that can be commonly found in Binary Forest during the day, and on Circuit Shore during the night.

28. Magmafir

Get Salafir to Level 10 with less than 19 Magic and more than 91 Weight.

29. Volcafir

Get Magmafir to Level 20 with more than 250 Weight. You’ll need a lot of food or weight-altering items for this one.

30. Serpehyr

Get Salafir to Level 10 with more than 20 Magic and less than 90 Weight.

31. Crable

These crabs can be found on Circuit Shore, and are very common.

32. Crabacitor

Get Crable to Level 10.

33. Taple

Reboot Geckle.

34. Geckle

During the main story, you’ll fight a miniboss at Memory Lake, to the west of the area in Binary Forest where you can reset for Starter Tama. Once you beat the miniboss, Geckle will begin spawning at Memory Lake.

35. Shogekun

Get Geckle to Level 20 with more than 150 Weight.

36. Culiee

If you head to Memory Lake at Sunset, you can find a mosquito Tama called Culiee that flies around just above where Geckles spawn.

37. Kylfou

When you enter the cave next to where Molun is found, you can find a bat Tama called Kylfou flying around.

38. Zapee

Venture one room deeper into the cave Kylfou is found in, then enter the room to the east. In this room, you’ll see rodent-like Tama called Zapee occasionally sticking their heads out of small holes in the walls. Walk into them and you can start a battle.

39. Armadee

Reboot Armadile.

40. Armadile

I was only able to find this at the end of the game, inside Mt. Nexus. It’ll start spawning on the second floor.

Tama 041-060

41. Anchory

Just south of Kernel Dump, you can find a dock on Circuit Shore where fishing is unlocked. Fish from this dock and you can encounter Anchory.

42. Fylope

You can find Fylope by fishing in Memory Meadow. This is a good spot for it, it’s just south of the giant Elecow pen.

43. Eelee

Eelee can be found by fishing in the Misty Marsh, east of the Lower Bits. There’s a fishing spot right beside the boat and beneath the vending machine.

44. Eeleerie

Get Eelee to Level 10.

45. Slimee

This blue-haired Tama can be found in the Rainlands north of Binary Forest, and is hard to miss.

46. Korori

A tama that holds a large leaf above its head. Just like Slimee, Korori is available in the Rainlands and very hard to miss.

47. Rainee

A yellow-hatted ghost Tama available in the northwestern section of the Rainlands. These only seem to appear at certain times of day.

48. Dropple

Get Rainee to Level 10.

49. Carnee

This one is easy to miss. It’s part of the Greiwolf Mansion questline, an area accessible from a gate in the northwest area of the Rainlands, which I believe is optional. During the Greiwolf Mansion story, you’ll fight a miniboss Carnivory. When it’s all over, head into the room that Carnivory emerged from and you can find Red Seeds. If you plant these in the pots found in the room west of Greiwolf Mansion’s entrance, you will enter a battle with a Carnee.

50. Carnivory

Get Carnee to Level 10.

51. Wispaur

This Tama wanders around Greiwolf Mansion, appearing and disappearing from sight. If you’re having trouble finding it, I recommend standing in the washroom for a few seconds until it appears, as it’s a small enclosed area and makes encountering Wispaur easy.

52. Wisblind

Get Wispaur to Level 10.

53. Wisperaph

Get Wisblind to Level 20.

54. Ecto

In Memory Meadow, there is a boss battle with a Segfaulted Vortex. Once you defeat this boss, Ecto will begin spawning in that spot.

55. Vortex

Get Ecto to Level 20 with more than 30 speed.

56. Dragonee

You’ll be able to find these little yellow Tama flying around the Misty Marsh, east of the Lower Bits.

57. Faeriee

Get Dragonee to Level 10 with less than 30 Speed.

58. Horninja

Get Dragonee to Level 10 with more than 30 speed.

59. Gatou

You can get one by fishing at Misty Marsh, or you can just walk around and one of the ones in the Misty Marsh overworld will start a battle with you upon spotting you.

60. Gatle

Get Gatou to Level 10.

Tama 061-080

61. Gatlinger

Get Gatle to Level 20 with less than 200 Weight.

62. Gatlequin

Get Gatle to Level 20 with over 200 Weight.

63. Cathie

Cathie are available upon entering the Scaffolds of Rain City, they are these purple-haired fellows you see here.

64. Nyarn

Get Cathie to Level 12.

65. Nanake

Head all the way west from the location shown in the image two entries above, and you’ll find the straw-hat wearing Nanake.

66. Lumee

You’ll want to be in the sewers that connect Misty Marsh to Rain City. Get to this spot to the northeast:

Travel through the teleporter in the upper right, where you’ll find a Bugman who requests a banana from you. Give him a banana and receive a lightbulb, then go back through the teleporter and talk to the other Bugman on the other side. He will repair the lightbulb, and then you’ll want to head west to the Bug’s Den. Inside the Bug’s Den, locate this Bugman and talk to him with the lightbulb in your inventory to receive a Lumee.

67. Discant

Head to the Lower Bits and then go north to reach Access Plains. Then, you will be able to reach Auto’s Shop, where Auto can summon you a Discant if you bring him an item called a Mech Core.

68. Cera

Reboot Rapiter.

69. Rapiter

If you remember Skeltyr’s entry, you’ll remember that by heading north from the eastern half of Kernel Dump, you can reach a place called the Peripheral Cliffs. Head all the way to the west and take the lift, then climb the nearby ladder and go north to reach Dino Plateau. Directly northeast from the entrance to Dino Plateau, you can find a green dinosaur Tama called Rapiter.

70. Barraptor

Get Cera to Level 10 with more than 120 Weight.

71. Tsarsaur

Get Rapiter to Level 20.

72. Clawee

Reboot Mechasaur.

73. Mechasaur

Mechasaur can be found directly south of Lizac Village and directly northeast of where Rapiter spawns.

74. Ignee

Reboot Ignafir

75. Ignafir

Head east from Dino Plateau and you’ll reach The Ravine. A fire-dragon Tama called Ignafir commonly flies around here, and will attack you if they spot you.

76. Karlite

Reboot Garnith.

77. Garnith

A stationary Tama called Garnith can be found at the Dino Plateau during the daytime, right next to where Mechasaur spawns, and a few more can be found to the west of this spot.

78. Avi

Reboot Aviura.

79. Aviura

Aviura is a blue dinosaur Tama that can be found just slightly northeast of the entrance to Dino Plateau, and east of where Rapiter spawns.

80. Hexou

Remember when I said you’ll want to grab an extra Fifou earlier? This is what it was for, because I have no clue how to get Hexou outside of breeding. You’ll want to breed Fifou’s evolution with a Tama called Vulhyr (entry number 86!)

Breeding in this game will delete both the parent Tama, so I highly recommend not using your starter for this if you care about keeping it.

Tama 081-100

81. Hexyr

Get Hexou to Level 10 with more than 20 Speed and less than 20 Magic.

82. Brewhyr

Get Hexou to Level 10 with less than 20 Speed and more than 20 Magic.

83. Harpee

Head east of Dino Plateau to reach The Ravine, then scale the left side of the mountain to reach Harpy Peak, where Harpee can be found flying around.

84. Harpica

Get Harpee to Level 10.

85. Vulou

Reboot Vulhyr

86. Vulhyr

You’ve likely noticed these guys flying around above Dino Plateau, to the northeast of Mechasaur’s spawn point, and way out of reach.

You have to use an item called a Red Whistle to get Vulhyr’s attention and start a battle. Red Whistles are sold by several shopkeepers in the game, including at Kernel Dump, and they are very affordable.

87. Rokee

During the night, if you enter the Peripheral Cliffs from Kernel Dump, you will find a golem Tama called Rokee.

88. Goliarth

Get Rokee to Level 10.

89. Vixee

On the Dino Plateau and the Peripheral Cliffs, there are some items called Bones laying around. You’ll want to pick up as many of these as you can, 10 at minimum. Usually only a few will appear at a time, which can make gathering these a hassle, but Rapiters also drop it upon defeat (and they respawn indefinitely). Bones also appear at The Ravine to the east.

Once you have 10 bones, head over to the east of Mechasaur’s spawn point, where you acquire Skeltyr’s evolutionary item. There is a second NPC a few steps southwest of the man and his Skeltyr, who will take the 10 Bones and give you a Vixee.

90. Vixel

Get Vixee to Level 10.

91. Kobura

Head to The Ravine, then head southeast to reach a lift that will bring you to the Scorching Sands. From the lift, head east and then slightly north to reach a settlement. From the top of the settlement, head far east and then slightly south to reach these structures;

Head inside and explore the interior. Run around enough and you can be ambushed by a few different Tama, including Kobura.

92. Spinee

Reboot Spinask

93. Spinask

A green cactus Tama. Spinask spawns all over the Scorching Sands, if you run around a bit, you will find one with ease. If you’re struggling, head directly north of the settlement near the Scorching Sands entrance to find this pyramid;

There should be at least one Spinask hanging around there. If you still can’t find one, head to the northeast to find this spot, then head east from there. Plenty of Spinask all over in that area!

94. Toteman

In the same area I just mentioned in the Spinask entry, northeast from the pyramid, you can find this guy at the top of the Spinask room.

You’ll want to fight him using a Spinask of your own, as it can easily stack up 10 Spikes in battle to make the Toteman happy. If you’re able to defeat him with 10 Spikes on your own Tama, he will give you a few Hollow Pots, which can be equipped to Spinee. When a Spinee equipped with this item evolves, it will evolve into Toteman.

95. Gunarach

Remember the pyramid we just went over in entry number 93? Just a few steps east of that pyramid, you can find a mechanical scorpion Tama called Gunarach.

96. Haul

Haul is one of several Tama that might ambush you randomly as you run around the Scorching Sands. Don’t worry if you’re struggling to find one, as you can just reboot its evolution, Havorc, which is easy to get near the end of the game.

97. Havorc

Havorc are easy to find at the end of the game inside Mt. Nexus. They will begin spawning on the third floor.

98. Miraja

Remember the spot where we got the Toteman evolution item? Head directly west from there, and atop the ledge you’ll run into is the spawn point for Miraja. I did this at around sunset, but I’m not sure if the time matters.

99. Motorant

Remember the pyramid we just went over in entry number 93, then again in entry number 95? While Gunarach is found on the east side of the pyramid, you can find Motorant on the west side, just slightly west of the save machine.

100. Rott

Rott has the exact same encounter method as Kobura (entry number 91!)

Tama 101-120

101. Anurot

Get Rott to Level 20.

102. Fyree

You may remember heading west from the Lower Bits and then south from Memory Meadow to find Tama such as D. Saplee in Protocol Forest. Return there and you will see a few white orbs hovering around in the air; these are Fyree.

103. Fyuree

Get Fyree to Level 12.

104. Loghoul

You’ll have to venture through Protocol Forest a bit for this Tama. Start in the area with the giant TV at nighttime. Head south, then east, then finally north, and you will find an area with some hovering log spirit Tama called Loghoul.

105. Dolu

At nighttime, head to the far west of the main room of Protocol Forest with the giant TV. Dolu should be dancing around over there near some D. Saplee.

106. Shindoll

Get Dolu to Level 12.

107. D. Rokee

Head to the room south of the one with the giant TV in Protocol Forest. There, next to the large construct in the middle of the map, you will find a few D. Rokee walking around.

108. Rokahtl

Get D. Rokee to Level 12.

109. Froxic

If you head east of the room where you can find D. Rokee, then go south, you will arrive at Memory Lake. There is a fishing spot here where you can fish up a Froxic.

110. Sparkrow

When you enter Memory Meadow from the Lower Bits and move west, you should see a few bright-blue avian Tama. These are Sparkrow.

111. Sparking

Get Sparkrow to Level 15.

112. Elecalf

Start right here, at the Elecow pen in Memory Meadow.

Head to the west, and then north, passing the giant wrench on the ground, until you reach this spot full of Elecalf and one Elecow;

You can catch Elecalf and evolve it into Elecow, catch the Elecow and reboot it into Elecalf, or just catch both here.

113. Elecow

See above.

114. Prisman

Start at the spot where you can obtain Elecalf and Elecow. Head directly north, then east, and you should reach an area filled with yellow diamond-shaped Tama called Prisman.

115. Moaee

Once again, start at the spot where you can obtain Elecalf and Elecow. Head directly east and you will find an area filled with large rock face Tama. These are Moaee.

116. Unary

Reboot Bunary.

117. Bunary

I was only able to find this during the end of the game inside Mt. Nexus. They begin spawning on the first floor.

118. Yukii

Head to the shop area in Rain City just north of the area where you can obtain Cathie and Nanake. To the northeast, there’s a lift that will bring you to Kaolong Street. From there, go far to the east to find a tall and creepy ice Tama called Yukii.

119. Enpen

Enpen can be found all the way back at Greiwolf Mansion. Enter the mansion, go up the stairs and then west into the arboretum. Go north into the washroom, then east, then north again, then through the northeast door. Go through the hallway until you reach the arena doors. Enter, then go up the stairs and through the door at the back of the room.

From there, go west until you reach the save machine, then go into the room directly below it. A single Enpen spawns on the east side of this room, hiding behind some boxes.

120. Forster

Get Enpen to Level 10.

Tama 121-140

121. Patcher

Once you reach the Snowlands as part of the main story, you’ll be able to find Patcher, a snow Tama, very commonly around the western edges of the Snowlands map. Its older, yeti-like brother, Patchbear, is more common, and you can reboot it to acquire Patcher if need be, evolve a Patcher into Patchbear by getting it to Level 12, or just catch both here.

122. Patchbear

See above.

123. Pawee

Reboot Pawder.

124. Pawder

This one took HOURS for me to find. You’ll want to go to Northbridge, and head far east, out onto the docks. There should be a Felk girl standing on the docks who will give you a Pawder; I had all the Northbridge quests completed at this time, but I don’t know if it’s necessary to obtain Pawder.

125. Snowee

Reboot Snowdra.

126. Snowdra

Head west from Northbridge, hugging the wall at the top of the map. Skip over the first path that goes up north and keep moving west until you reach a heater, then take the northern path from there to reach the Frozen Pond. You can fish up a Snowdra from this pond.

127. Wolfee

Reboot Shovulf.

128. Shovulf

Much like Patcher and Patchbear, Shovulf is very common in the Snowlands, particularly the west side of it. They often spawn in big groups, so finding one of these silly wolves shouldn’t be too tough.

129. Plowulf

Get Shovulf to Level 20.

130. Sunee

You may notice that a lot of houses in Northbridge keep warm with these Tama called Sunee.

You’ll need an item called a Scorched Rock in order to get Sunee to join you. Scorched Rocks can be found at the Peripheral Cliffs and its adjacent cliff areas. You can also find Scorched Rocks easily in the fourth level of a lategame area called the Toy Castle.

131. Flarle

Get Sunee to Level 16.

132. Taskman

I was only able to find this one at the end of the game, inside Mt. Nexus. They start spawning on the 9th floor.

133. Devibom

This one can be found immediately after you finish the Flatland World level on your way to acquire the Toy Key. Once you emerge in front of the Toy Castle, go just to the east of the save machine out front and talk to this guy.

If you have 400 points leftover from Flatland World, you can give them to him for a Devibom. If you didn’t get enough points, don’t worry, because you can go back for more whenever you’d like.

134. Qash’Div

This Tama becomes available once you obtain the Sand Key during the main story. Head to the first floor of the pyramid in the Scorching Sand, and on the east side you’ll be able to find Sneck hanging out. Talk to him and you can obtain Qash’Div.

135. Jacktrap

Jacktrap is available in the Toy Castle; you’ll see presents sitting around inside the castle. Sometimes, when you walk up to one of the presents, a Jacktrap will emerge and battle you.

136. Cubbot

Cubbot is available in the third level of the Toy Castle, called Dino World. You can’t reach it normally, so you’ll have to use a Red Whistle to get it to fight you.

137. Cyroar

Get Cubbot to Level 15.

138. Turtorix

There is an NPC in the playroom level during the quest to get the Toy Key in Toy Castle, a girl that will trade you a Turtorix if you give her a Cathie. If you don’t make this trade and obtain the Toy Key, this trade will become inaccessible until you fight the secret Toy Castle boss- which is a really tough one, so I recommend you get your Turtorix early.

If you missed out on this trade in the Toy Castle, you can trade with her later- after you beat the secret boss, she and all the other kids will move into the school in the Kernel Dump (assuming you’ve recruited the teacher and students living in the Lower Bits).

139. Octopot

Octopot is available at the second level of the Toy Castle, called Rain World. You can’t reach them normally, so you’ll have to use a Red Whistle to get them into a fight with you.

140. Squaire

Reboot Blocknight.

Tama 141-144

141. Sabersword

Get Squaire to Level 13 with more than 30 Speed

142. Blocknight

Blocknight is available at the end of the game in Mt. Nexus, starting at the 6th floor. Also available at Segment Island after setting Extaeriel free during the postgame.

143. .Xor

.Xor is available at the end of the game in Mt. Nexus, starting at the 7th floor. Also available in Rain City after setting Extaeriel free during the postgame.

144. .Arch

I was only able to find this one in Mt. Nexus at the end of the game. It starts spawning on the 8th floor.

Secret Tama: Gooman

This one isn’t necessary for dex completion or the achievement, but it’s still a cool and interesting Tama to collect.

There’s a green-haired NPC named Shiny with her own questline that involves battling her at various locations across the world as she aims to complete her own Tama Dex. Eventually she’ll come to Kernel Dump, and if you speak to her with a completed Dex, you’ll obtain a Tama known as Gooman – the final Tama I’ll be covering in this guide.

Hope all this was helpful!

Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 3641 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.


  1. Just tried breeding and discovered that breeding two Rapiter will create a Cera. Reboot may be better but there at least one more way.

  2. You can also get a Bunary from a trade in rain city.

    At the absolute top before you do the boss fight, enter the rightmost door and a person will offer you a Bunary if you give them a sparkrow. Given the fact that you can also breed a sparkrow pretty easily, you can reasonably complete this trade even if you are focusing on the main quest.

    Also, speaking of stuff that should have been obvious, once you get to rain city, you should make sure to do all you can before progressing the plot further, such as grabbing all the exclusive tama.

  3. Bonus Tama: Cardee can be found while fishing in Kernal Dump after doing enough card game related stuff that the card shop person mentions it. It doesn’t show up in the tama-dex, but is catchable!

  4. You can find a group of Talfou in Scorching Sands west of the desert settlement at NIGHT.

    You can also find 3 Fifou in Memory Meadows, south of Flatworld at NIGHT.

    I’m assuming you can find Kobou in the same way, but no luck so far. Similarly, I wonder if Armadee/Armadile might be time locked, rather than post game locked? Maybe it’s dawn only? Will experiment.

    On breeding, you can also breed a sparkrow from a zapee and a bird tama, or I guess an elec and bird tama. While it’s a much more common tama, it’s a neat find.

    -Also saplee can be bred with dark element to get d.saplee. Same with D.Rokee Actually poking around with Neiree and D.Neiree is what gave me the clue that lead to Hexou.

  5. Hey ho! First up, thank you for making / posting this guide! Posting as I actually got extra data on two of these creatures!

    1) Unary can be bred from Zapee and sparkrow.

    2) Hexou seems to be breeding Vulhyr with a compatible wind bird. The harpee/evolution you find at the cliffs also work.

    From this I’m assuming Armadee can be gotten in a similar way, but I haven’t had luck figuring it out just yet. I’m assuming something with Zapee but no hits yet and I do need to go to bed.

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