Skul: The Hero Slayer – Secret Boss Rewards Guide

All Secret Boss Rewards

By Jeron


After defeating the secret boss – commonly referred to as dark skul – you can select from a set of 9 rewards to get into the final fight, which will all be documented in this guide.


Picking up any reward will fully heal you (and of course WON’T restore reassembly if lost).

If you quit after accidentally picking up the wrong reward, you will have to beat the secret boss again to pick another.

The reward isn’t kept after you complete the run, you can only use it for the final fight.

These rewards are only available in the dark mirror.

Scapula of Hatred

Used primarily for skill spam builds, can be difficult to use since it only amplifies your next skill, meaning you gotta keep your highest hitting for the amplified hit to get maximum value.

Humerus of Rage

Basically the thing you pick if you have a lot of HP and you’re probably ghoul.

Resentful Clavicle

Please don’t get this one.

Primarily for slow normal attackers with heavy hits, not a great pickup since there’s always a better option.

Synergises with Guan Yu and Shield skull.

Vertebra of Disbelief

Arguably a better version of scapula since it amplifies ability damage for a set duration instead of only amplifying a singular ability. Useful with skill spam builds.

Sternum of Solitude

Generally not great to pick up either, even if you wish to do oneshot builds. Damage amplification maxes out at 75% after 15 seconds, making it mainly useful for skulls such as warlock to blow up the screen. Main dealbreaker for this reward is the fact 15 seconds is insanely long for such a fast paced game as skul.

Rib of Horror

Good for stun or poison builds to get some extra damage amplification, value is arguably low for any other status effect run. This reward does shine if you’re able to mod your game though since custom items have better ways to apply status effects.

Bleed has good value with sword skull due to its regular attack bleed procs.

Horrendous Pelvis

Increases physical/magical attack by a flat 120% at the max effect, primarily gets value out of builds with high attack speed. The framents that fly out after using a skill get shot in a straight horizontal line in large amounts for a short period of time.

Femur of Despair

A really good reward to pair with crit builds due to its short flat damage increase and its critical damage increase. Primarily try to use it with builds that get in a lot of hits, nicely paired with troll quint for the crits.

Envious Tibia

If you simply want to win, pick this.

Charges stack up to 50 when moving around, after which EVERYTHING will crit, including your item attacks (which can’t crit by default). Very high value with anything that’s capable of performing an item attack, especially invisible knife.

Egor Opleuha
About Egor Opleuha 2159 Articles
Egor Opleuha, also known as Juzzzie, is the Editor-in-Chief of Gameplay Tips. He is a writer with more than 12 years of experience in writing and editing online content. His favorite game was and still is the third part of the legendary Heroes of Might and Magic saga. He prefers to spend all his free time playing retro games and new indie games.

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