Slice & Dice – Cursed-Hyper Guide

Cursed-Hyper Guide

Note: This guide is better for late runs (level 90+), so if you aren’t aiming for that then this guide might not be as helpful. This guide assumes that you have unlocked all related curses. This guide is also not very applicable for Cursed/Blursed modes as those modes play out slightly differently.

General Guide

Early (1-40):

  • Good to force at least one good item blessing early as it is very much needed for late runs. It is better to restart if you get too many unnecessary blessings.
  • You should pick as many tier 1 curses as possible so that in late game you don’t have to choose random tier 1 curse as much because it is very risky in late to pick random tier 1 curse as there are many run-ending potential curses (cough Slow Spells cough).
  • Don’t try to force good heroes (If they show up then you should still pick them but don’t skip hero upgrades and wait for them), as the game won’t offer you those hero in late game when you need them.

Mid (41-80):

  • You should hunt for Bolt/Treasure-seeker and have at least 2 blessings that give rerolls as at this stage you will be forced to rush enemies, pick more curse items and have combos that require specific sides.

Late (81+):

  • Not suggested to pick random tier 1 or random tier 4 curses at this stage as there is a very high chance of a run ending curse.
  • Should always force a good mana strategy as it is very strong.
  • If the blessing options are mediocre then you should always random (as they likely won’t save you).

Blessings Guide

(Blessings in a category is sorted by usefulness)

Note: Good item blessings are usually better to take over all the normal blessings since they are very rare.

Very High

(Should always take if you encounter them, unless the other offer is a good item blessing)
Shiny4+2 item qualityItem combos are very important to be able to break the game. Recommended to take early
Shrink4All tiny enemies: -2 max hpHelps a lot against tiny enemies especially when you have Small Bonus curses and Add monster (11-20) curses
Bolt Spell4Gain ‘Bolt’ Spell (Cost: 3 mana – 5 damage)Very efficient spell, good for mana strat which is necessary for late runs, and makes it viable to pick Cooldown Burst/Single Burst/No Burst. Recommended to take in level 60+
Fizzing4At the start of the first turn, +2 manaExtra mana is very good, and can help you neutralize Mana Debt curses
Crackling8At the start of the first turn, +4 mana
Boss Smash4During boss levels: All heroes: +1 to all sidesMakes boss levels much easier, which can be quite difficult if you have Boss Armour/Boss Bones/Tower
Leyline4The third spell you cast each fight is free.Really good especially with high mana-cost spells such as Blaze or Infinity
Treasure-seeker4All heroes: +1 item slot (max 3)
+1 item quality
The +1 item slot gives you more oppotunity to take more curse items without it ruining your item synergies. Recommended to take in level 70+

(Good to take, can still help a lot)
Save Spell4Gain ‘Save’ Spell (Cost: 1 mana – Heal and shield 5 cleanse, single-cast)Really help at countering Bottom poison curses, save one hero from taking a lot of damage and can help for Steel and Invigorate sides
Jewelled Chalice4At the start of the first 4 turns, +1 manaGives a bit of extra mana which can be helpful
Preparation4At the start of the first turn, shield 2 to all heroesDecently good defense for turn 1, and can help against Sandstorm curses
+1 reroll4+1 rerollExtra rerolls are very good for hardrolling the side you want. Recommended to have at least one of these early
Lucky Start4The first turn: +2 Rerolls
Greased Dice4The first turn: +1 reroll
During boss levels: +1 reroll
Boss Smash+8During boss levels: All heroes: +3 to all sidesMakes Boss levels pretty much free, which helps a lot if you are at a disadvantaged state (All heroes died last level and revive at 1 hp). Recommended to take in level 80+
Turn 3 Heal4At the start of the third turn, heal and shield 3 to all heroesCan make turn 3 free and makes it much easier to survive from there

(I usually choose random tier 4 blessing over this hoping for a good item blessing)
Survival Specialist4All heroes: +1 to incoming healing
All heroes: +2 empty max hp
Does help better at surviving but not very high priority since offense is better for late game (At least Survival Specialist+ synergize with Preperation)
Survival Specialist+8All heroes: +1 to incoming healing and shields
All heroes: +4 empty max hp
Youth4Tier 1 heroes get +3 max hp
Tier 2 heroes get +1 max hp
Can help you on 101-107 i guess probably not much tho
Middle-shield4All heroes: Add self-shield to the middle sideUsable, can be decently good defense if you roll the middle side
Cache4Start with 3x random tier 1 items
Starrt with 2x random tier 2 items
Can help early but kinda useless late game since there isn’t even item slots to equip when you have a lot of curse items anyway
Golden Cache8Start with 3x random tier 2 items
Start with 1x random tier 5 item
Hero enduring4All heroes: Add enduring to all sidesIt can be useful but too rare
Potential4During the fifth turn, +3 to hero sidesCan be good if you somehow survive to turn 5 i guess
Vitamin E4All heroes: +1 max hp for each ‘e’ in their nameGives about 1 hp
Fumes4The monster with the most hp starts poisoned for 2At least it is 2 damage on one enemy per turn

(These blessings pretty much exists to make you feel bad when you random into them)
Cruel Burst4Add cruel to burstGood early but does nothing once you have No Burst
Cataclysm4At the end of the seventh turn, kill all enemies (except reinforcements)If you somehow reach the 7th turn then this can help you win
Hero terminal4All heroes: Add terminal to all sidesCan be decent but i have never gotten a use out of it
Hero ego4All heroes: Add ego to all sidesNo since you have Selfless Heroes curse anyway
Infinite Chalice8At the start of each turn, +1 mana
At the start of every fourth turn, +2 mana
Does the exact same thing as Jewelled Chalice
(when i mean exact i mean it does something more but not useful)
Hero patient4All heroes: Add patient to all sidesNo (unless you like ace i guess)

Curses Guide

(Curses in a category is not sorted)

It is suggested to pick rarer curses first as they have lower chances of showing up if you skipped them.

Pretty much free, can pick at any time

MortalMortal+Mortal++Revive 3 hp
Revive 2 hpRevive 1 hpHordeNostalgia
Archery TrainingRight Blank-2 Max Mana-3 Max Mana
SandstormSandstorm+Sandstorm++Bottom poison
Frail middleDoomDoom+Selfless Heroes
Monster HPMonster HP+Monster HP++Skulk
Start damagedStart damaged+Monster Left +1Monster Left +2
  • Mortal can hinder high pip synergies, so you should not go for those.
  • -2 and -3 Max Mana can be dangerous with high Mana Debt tier curses, so if you already have Mana Debt and no Fizzing/Crackling then don’t go for those.
  • Picking Revive 1 hp makes it very risky to pick random tier 4 curse later on so be cautious.
  • Selfless Heroes and Archery Training can be kinda annoying.

Pickable once you have a bit of tempo (4+ good blessing, around level 30+)

ArthritisOsteoporosisSmall BonusSmall Bonus+
XYZSpikyBoss ArmourBoss Bones
AFourth single-useBottom poison+Skulk+
Start damaged++Doom++Mana DebtMana Debt+
Monster Left +3Monster Left +4Monster Left +5Tower
i-Afflictioni-Wearinessi-Exhaustioni-Coiled Snake
  • Arthiritis and Osteoporosis makes late game in each loop a bit harder
  • Boss Armour, Boss Bones and Tower can be hard if you don’t have Boss Smash
  • Fourth single-use can hinder cantrip strategies
  • Mana Debt can be sketchy without Fizzing/Crackling
  • You shouldn’t take too many curse items if you don’t have Treasure-seeker yet. It is recommended to have at most 3 curse items without Treasure-seeker and at most 7 with Treasure-seeker.

Pickable once you have decent tempo (8+ good blessing, around level 50+)

Cooldown BurstSingle BurstNo BurstArmour
Armour+Armour++Heavy DiceTower++
Tower+++Start damaged+++Start damaged++++Mana Debt++
Mana Debt+++Mortal+++Doom+++Bottom poison++
Monster HP+++Monster HP++++Monster HP+++++Monster HP++++++
Small Bonus+++Small Bonus++++Non-Boss BonesSmall Bonus++
i-Broken Hearti-Broken Spiriti-Lead Weighti-D4
Sandstorm+++++Sandstorm++++++Add Slimelet (11-20)Add Illusion (11-20)
  • Cooldown Burst/Single Burst/No Burst is not pickable until you have Bolt spell
  • If you pick Armour+, it is recommended to upgrade to Armour++ quickly
  • High tier Mana Debt is dangerous without Fizzing/Crackling

Pickable once you have high tempo (have pretty much all good blessing, reroll blessings and have at least 1 good item blessing, around level 80+)

Worse ItemsShield ResponseFearMortal++++
Add Archer (11-20)Add Spider (11-20)Add Rat (11-20)i-Martyr
AEMonster HP+++++++Monster HP++++++++Sandstorm+++++++
Sandstorm++++++++Slippery DiceHeavy Dice+Slippery Dice+
Heavy Dice++
  • Lots of Add monsters 11-20 curses are quite dangerous, it is recommended to only take 3 of them at most.
  • Should only pick Sandstorm++++++++ once you have Preperation.

Not very pickable, unless you are on level 100+ and have pretty much nothing good left

Curse of vowelsi-HandcuffsFear+Fear++
  • You can pick all 9 curse items at this point of the game.
  • Should always pick Fear/i-Handcuffs first, then Curse of Vowels, then Swarm and lastly Armour (unless you can survive turn 1).
  • High tier Swarm/Curse of Vowels can end run on level 111 if you have a lot of Add monster 11-20 curses.
  • Armour+++ and Armour++++ makes it much harder to kill enemies on turn 1.

Not pickable, unless you are on level 110+ and have pretty much nothing left

Death ShieldDeath Shield+PermadeathBUG
  • Death shield is pretty much a death sentence unless you have no Add Monster 11-20 (which can be a viable strategy).
  • Permadeath is pretty much a death sentence but when the alternative is Slow Spells then it is pickable.
  • If the game somehow offer you BUG then you should pick them.


Note: Tweaks are not necessary to get a high score run, but it makes reaching there much easier and is (probably) required for record runs (unless you have really good item blessings).

Tweak Worth GettingEffect
Power UpAll heroes: +1 to all sides
All monsters: +2 to all sides
-2 hp to ALLAll heroes and monsters: -2 max hp
Tweaked MonstersAll monsters: -2 max hp
All monsters: +1 to all sides
Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 4515 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.

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