Slice & Dice – Hero Tier List

These tier lists are aimed at classic/unfair gameplay, which can also be applied to lower classic difficulties.

Tier 1

The most relevant decision for tier 1 heroes is whether you would like to reroll your starting team/curses or not, since you cannot reroll into the same heroes.

The tiers reflect how we would like to make that decision.

Tier 2


Note on Ninja: Ninja can be worse than gambler when picked blind, but some synergies make her good or even amazing.

The easiest synergy to obtain is with knight’s steel block side. And some items can break the game with ninja.



Note on Statue: Even with synergies, statue can still be bad (e.g. any 1-2 side replacers). Some items make statue quite good, such as jester cap or long sword.


Note on Enchanter: Enchanter has great stats on the sides and her spell IF you can actually use them, otherwise she is very bad.

Obvious synergies include cultist and berserker. And curses that make top/bottom heal worthwhile can also be notable.


Note on Fiend: Fiend is good when the curses demand AOE damage OR with items like pocket phylactery.

Note on Seer: Seer is good when you are able to play fights for 3+ turns OR with right side replacers. If your curses force you to play fast (e.g. any monster boosting curse or sandstorm), seer is not desirable.

Tier 3


Note on Dancer: Infinite with lich tome, can be ok with eye of horus-like items such as twisted bar, and can help with cantrip strategies, otherwise extremely bad. 

Note on Roulette: With left side replacer extremely strong, without still fine but can be weird in boss fights if dies on turn 1.


Note on Bash: Carries top-bottom/left-middle items very nicely, otherwise can still one shot a caw with left side.

Note on Eccentric: Can use random left/middle side items from early game, any items that fill blanks, and t0 pocket mirror.

Note on Wanderer: Need items or synergies that makes other sides good besides the middle side, otherwise is just a large gambler.


Note on Valkyrie: Sides are not good turn one, cannot deal with incoming aoe damage. Obviously broken with items such as angel feather or early grave. Also plays with self inflicted death such as wraith’s spell.

Note on Mimic: Potential high damage sides but cannot block at all. Really depends on your blue/orange and spells. 

Note on Twin: Needs items, otherwise very bad.


Note on fate: Goes infinite with monster charged curse.

Note on Forsaken: Bind is very strong, but sides aren’t great. She gets a lot better if blue can make good mana, and bottom top replacers.

Note on Wraith: Spell can be good if someone is dying anyways, or if you can cheat death with items or valk.


Note on Sorc: Spell is broken so serviceable even without items, not very good at eliminating a medium threat like demon or caw in hallways.

Note on Wizard: Wizard without items has no output at all, you need at least 1 item but can get broken pretty easily if you have them.

Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 7932 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.

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