Songs Of The Prairie – Useful Tips and Tricks

Tips and Tricks

  • There are wild baby animals that you can find and pick up – if you place them in the correct pen under construction, you can name them and they’ll stay there.
  • You can use the shovel on the piles of gravel in the mines to get glass, nitrate, clay, and more.
  • Edible items may have the following: Health, PE (Stamina), or Hunger (can be converted to animal feed).
  • Each tier of tool has a skill rank assigned to it. If your skill is not the same rank or higher, using the tool will cost massive amounts of PE. For example, the Gold Hammer is Rank A. If your Mining skill is not Rank A, it will take more PE to use.

Processing most crops in the Brewer does not increase the sell price, only the PE given on consumption. You can cook the same dish using a variety of recipes, but it’s base sell price will remain the same. Be wary of this when using expensive ingredients, as you may be able to make the same exact dish with cheaper alternatives.

Trees on the farm do not regrow if you cut them down, but trees elsewhere will. You can use your shovel on stumps to get seeds.

Carow can teach you hair styles, which changes each day. To save money, make a manual save right before learning the hair style. If you don’t like it, reload the save and try again the next day for a new one. You can save scum in order to get silver and gold quality crops. Till the land, water it, then manual save. Put down the seeds. If the results aren’t desirable, reload the save and try again.

  • The colorful trees around Du’s Orchard and Back Hill Station are fruit trees, and change each season. At the end of the season, chop them down and dig up the stumps with the shovel to get seeds.
  • There are many breakable items in town.

You can send some of the shopkeepers out on assignment to find items for you. At first they’ll only have access to one area, but as you send them out they’ll eventually find maps to new areas which will allow them to find better resources. You can scum save in front of the mailbox before 18:00 to reload items.

  • The backpack is currently limitless, so you can keep all of your belongings on you at all times.
  • When fishing, you can reel the fish in as soon as the fish bites, you don’t have to wait for the tooltip to pull. Energy is not used upon casting, but instead upon catching, so you can re-cast for free to get specific tiers of fish.
  • You would need to make a Silver Kettle for yourself, then another Silver Kettle for your farm hand.
  • Every Monday a new set of requests will be on the Notice Board by the Guild. You can turn in these tasks at the board itself, or turn them in to the requestee for the reward + FP.
  • You can pick up and move an entire chest with the contents still inside.
  • There are two types of save slots, auto save and manual save. Quick Save uses the auto save slot NOT the manual save slot. All games in the game share the Auto Save. Be careful to manually save before moving on to another game or you will lose progress if you only use Quick Save.
  • The controller binding to dismount your animals is R3; press the right joystick in.
  • When it comes to beehives they sell for 300G, if broken you receive nectar which sells for 100G and can be made into food which sells for 25G so, unless necessary, keep beehives intact for optimal profit.

Resources Locations

The crystal trees can spawning randomly from any cut tree and sometimes oak trees can spawn as blue wispy trees. The baby versions of animals can be found where the animals are marked as well.

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Fishing Seasons

Black Bean Fish
Black Fish
Blue Swordfish
Crown Fish
Devil Dolphin
Dragon Eel
Dumbo Octopus
Fairy Fish
Long-billed Finch-eel
Sea Bass
Sea Slug
Silver Salmon
White Shrimp
Yellowhead Catfish
Tear of Goddess
Tiger in the Water
Red Dragon Carp
Sun King

Egor Opleuha
About Egor Opleuha 2154 Articles
Egor Opleuha, also known as Juzzzie, is the Editor-in-Chief of Gameplay Tips. He is a writer with more than 12 years of experience in writing and editing online content. His favorite game was and still is the third part of the legendary Heroes of Might and Magic saga. He prefers to spend all his free time playing retro games and new indie games.

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