Guide about Dating
By cozi
People you can currently date:
- Bachelors: Du* , Huan* , Kroc* , Linde* (will only date female characters), Poer, Rhode*
- Bachelorettes: Abby* , Becky, Freya* , Jiyue, Liv, Lori* , Pauline, Sakona*, Wallis.
* – Characters who confess to their best friends if your gender is the opposite. “Best Friend” will change to “Love” if you accept their confession.
Relationship Ranks: Strange, Acquaintance, Friendly, Favor, Friend, Best Friend (or Love).
General Information
- Currently you can date all of the people mentioned above at the same time without any repercussions (there is a mention of jealousy when taking multiple people to the garden location, but that’s it.).
- However, you still have the option of going on dates if you are in a state of love.
- You can have multiple love-ranked relationships.
- While you can ask someone out on a date that is the same gender, currently, there aren’t any same gender confessions yet.
- Once you’ve asked someone out on a date, you can’t ask anyone else until the date is over/cancelled.
Asking Out
- If you ask a person out, they will reply about meeting around 10:00 the next day.
- Come to them at this time if they are not near the statue. Starting at 10:20 they spawn.
- The date will be cancelled if it gets past 1pm.
- You can also miss the date without any consequences (currently).
- After the date, there will be a 3 day cooldown before you can ask them again. If the date gets cancelled or missed you still need to wait 3 days. (You can ask someone else on a date in the meantime).
Note: If you’ve knocked someone out, the date option will still trigger but it will get cancelled due to them being injured.
During Date
- Everyone seems to have a preferred date spot.
- Every date spot has 5 different activities.
- Note: The garden date spot has the activity “diadem” which will put a garden laurel on the person’s head. This usually stays on forever.
- As you gain intimacy points doing activities at the date spots, you will also unlock intimacy actions which give intimacy points. The actions count once per date.
- All actions related to intimacy also give intimacy points, which increase depending on the rank of the relationship.
- i.e handholding may only give 2 points at friendly rank, but goes up to 16 at best friend.
- Keep in mind that whether you do (Carrying/Being Carried) you only gain intimacy points for one of these two actions.
- From my testing, it seems you can only kiss once you reach best friend / love rank due to the amount of intimacy points needed. You should also take them to their favorite place to date.
Ending the Date
- When you are finished, if you’ve done at least 3 of the date activities, you can talk to the person to end the date by eating at the diner.
- If you end the date by eating together, you can order food to eat (it will cost a little bit of gold) and the FP gained varies depending on what dish you pick.
- If you do not want to eat together then you can also just walk out of the area to end the date immediately but you miss out on the FP gained from eating food together. You will still gain FP based on the intimacy tier unlocked.
- After a certain friendship, they might also ask if you want to go with them somewhere instead of eating, which will give FP based on what intimacy actions you have unlocked.
- The FP you receive after the date (from 15 to 120) depend directly on the level of intimate activities you have unlocked. In addition, you get an additional 5-50 points if you visit a diner and depending on the dishes you choose.
Note: Ending the date will give you intimacy points depending on the intimacy tier you have unlocked. Even if you don’t do any activities, or any actions, you will still gain the FP for that tier at the end of the date.
FP gained at the end of date based on intimacy tier unlocked:
- Hand Holding: 15FP
- Hugging: 40FP
- Embracing: 70FP
- Kissing: 120FP
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