Star Trek: Infinite – Console Commands (Cheats)

If you would like to participate, type “help” in the console to view the list of commands. To see a command’s description and argument, type “help [command-name]”, then add the relevant information to the list.

How to Enable Console

All we have to do to utilize the Star Trek: Infinite console hacks and commands is to open the console by hitting the Tilde [~] Key.

All Cheats

activate_all_traditionsActivates all Traditions
activate_ascension_perkActivates the specified Ascension Perk, pressing tab reveals all IDs
activate_gatewaysActivates all gateways in the galaxy
activate_relicActivates the triumph effect of [relic id]
activate_traditionActivates the specified Tradition, pressing tab reveals all IDs including tree adoption
add_anomalyAdds [anomaly id] to the selected celestial body
add_intelAdds [amount] of intel towards [target], default 10
add_loyaltyAdds [amount] of loyalty from [target], default 10
add_opinionIncreases the [source] empire’s Opinion of the [target] empire by [amount], default 40
add_popsCreates [amount] of pops from [species id] on the selected celestial body, entering without ID reveals all species IDs
add_relicGrants [relic id], writing all instead of the ID grants all relics. Same relic can be added multiple times.
Note: Cybrex War Forge will not work correctly the first time it’s activated if added this way
add_shipCreates a fleet with one ship of [design name], pressing tab reveals the NPC ship names
Note: Spawned juggernauts will not be able to build, upgrade or repair ships
add_spynetwork_valueAdds [amount] of infiltration progress on [target]
add_timeAdds [amount] of [unit] time, valid units are days, months and years
add_trait_leaderAdds [trait id] to [leader id], entering only the leader ID reveals all trait IDs for that class, opposite traits cannot be added
add_trait_speciesAdds [trait id] to [species id]
advance_council_agendaAdds [amount] of progress to the council agenda, entering without an amount readies the agenda for launch
aiToggles the AI on or off
alloysAdds [amount] of Alloys, default 5000
annexTakes control of all worlds and starbases of target
break_fleet_contractReturns the selected leased fleet to its original owner
build_popsAssembles [amount] of pops to the selected celestial body, requires a currently assembling species
cashAdds [amount] of Energy Credits, defaults 5000
colonizeStarts the colonization process of the selected celestial body using a copy of the pop with the ID given, uncolonizable celestial bodies will not make colonization progress
communicationsEstablishes communications with all empires
contactStarts first contact with all empires
create_megastructureCreates a Megastructure in the current system, pressing tab reveals the IDs
Note: Orbital Rings cannot be correctly spawned
create_navyCreates a fleet using your most recent designs that uses [amount] percentage of Naval Capacity, 1 means 100%
damageAll ships in the selected fleet take [amount] hull damage
debug_nomenToggles AI empires always refusing player proposals
debug_yesmenToggles AI empires always agreeing to player proposals
effect add_building =Adds [building id] to the selected celestial body
effect add_deposit =Adds [deposit id] resource deposit or planetary feature to the selected celestial body
effect remove_deposit =Removes [deposit id] resource deposit or planetary feature to the selected celestial body
effect add_district =Adds [district id] to the selected celestial body
effect add_planet_devastation =Adds [amount] of Devastation to the selected celestial body, negative values lower it
effect country_add_ethic =Adds [ethic id] to the player empire, using more than 3 ethic points will remove lowest attraction ethics
effect country_remove_ethic =Removes [ethic id] from the player empire
effect create_archaeological_site =Adds [archaeological site id] to the selected celestial body, writing random creates a random archeological site
effect force_add_civic =Adds [civic id] to the player empire, incompatible civics will remain inactive
effect force_remove_civic =Removes [civic id] to the player empire
effect remove_megastructure = thisRemoves the selected megastructure
effect remove_modifier =Removes [modifier id] from the selected celestial body, or empire if none is selected
effect set_origin =Replaces the origin of the player empire with
effect shift_ethic =Shifts the player empire’s ethics to [ethic id]
effect destroy_colonyDecolonizes the selected world
electionStarts a ruler election
end_senate_sessionPasses/fails the currently voted resolution
engineeringAdds [amount] of Engineering tech points, default 5000
eventTriggers [event id], worlds can be selected manually but ships require [target id]
federation_add_experienceAdds [amount] of Experience to the Federation, default 1000
federation_add_cohesionAdds [amount] of Cohesion to the Federation, default 200
federation_add_cohesion_speedAdds [amount] of Monthly Cohesion to the Federation, default 10
federation_examine_leaderTriggers a Federation succession
finish_arc_stageFinishes the current chapter of an archaeological site, requires selecting its celestial body and a science ship excavating it
finish_researchFinishes all active research
finish_special_projectsFinishes all special projects
finish_terraformFinishes all terraforming processes
foodAdds [amount] of Food, default 5000
force_integrateIntegrates [target] empire into the player’s empire, will not work if on integration cooldown
force_senate_voteEnds the current senate recess
free_governmentToggles allowing player to change governments without the time limit and ignores civics restrictions
free_policiesToggles allowing player to change policies and species rights without restriction, including policies previously disabled
grow_popsAdds [amount] of pops to selected world, requires a currently growing pop
hire_all_leadersHires all leaders in the leader pool
influenceAdds [amount] of Influence, default 5000
instant_buildToggles instantly finishing constructions and upgrades and resource storage becomes unlimitedWARNING: This also applies to enemy AI so only use while paused
instant_specialization_conversionToggles instantly converting specialized subjects
intelGives sight of the entire galaxy
invinciblePlayer ships will not take damage
max_resourcesFills all resource storages
mineralsAdds [amount] of Minerals, default 5000
observeSwitches to observer mode, use the play command to revert control
Warning: If the game is unpaused in observer mode the AI will take control of the player empire
ownTake ownership and control of the selected fleet, starbase or planet, or if none is selected takes ownership of the planet ID given as an argument. Uncolonizable celestial bodies will be created as colonies but have no capital building
physicsAdds [amount] of Physics tech points, default 5000
planet_ascension_tierChanges the ascension tier of the selected celestial body to [amount], can go above regular values
planet_classChanges the selected celestial body to [celestial body id]
planet_happinessAdds a modifier with [amount] Happiness to the selected planet, default 100
planet_sizeChanges the Size of the selected celestial body, can go above regular sizes but above 78 will move the celestial body backwards
playSwitches player control to empire [empire ID]
random_rulerReplaces the empire ruler with a new random one
remove_trait_leaderRemoves [trait id] from [leader id], entering only the leader ID reveals the name for all current traits.
remove_trait_speciesRemoves [trait id] from [species id]
research_all_technologiesInstantly researches all non-repeatable technologies. Add 1 for space creatures and crisis techs too. Add a second number for [amount] of repeatable technologies.
research_technologyInstantly research [technology id]
resourceAdds [amount] of [resource], default 5000
skillsAdds [amount] of skill levels to every leader under player control, default 1
skip_agreement_cooldownsToggles allowing the change of subject terms of agreement without cooldown
skip_federation_cooldownsToggles allowing the change of federation laws without cooldown
skip_galactic_community_cooldownsToggles allowing the proposition of resolutions from the same group without cooldown
societyAdds [amount] of Society tech points, default 5000
surveySurveys all celestial bodies, requires at least one science ship
techupdateRe-rolls the current available tech choices
unityAdds [amount] of Unity, default 500
unlock_edictsUnlocks all edicts
update_leader_poolRefreshes the leader pool
Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 3757 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.

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